Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Jed1314

  1. Yeah, and not forgetting the prerequisite need of a shield on the hotbar, and not wasting your block/stamina bar, those need to be remembered.

    Obviously :) .. I feel dead bad now :L .. Like the thread has been hijacked from the OP :L sorry noodles :( You can haz input nao :P :P


  2. Shit, I need to stop re-editting

    Ah it's fine, re-editing is better than flooding posts with "Oh I forgot" and "Oh yeah and .. " :P

    Anyways, if the whole proximity thing doesn't work, then honestly, to the void fog catacombs, as long as that little trade-off between sneaking, and blocking happens with blocking mapped onto sneaking, it should be just as fine.

    Sounds like a solution to me :)


  3. I just want to start by saying you really do live in a beautiful place ! (it reminds me of my home country, albeit the mountians here are much smaller :P)

    I love this idea ! I really think that adding things such as glaciers etc. would really create a great range of diverse looking, exciting to explore landscapes :)

    Would you add crevasses to the glaciers ? This would add an element of danger and exploration as you could explore them (and no doubt they would be dark and ethereal and filled with monsters :P It sounds magical :D *swoon*


  4. The simple thing would be to map the block key to something commonly used, how about the sneak button?

    To prevent unwanted shielding while picking, or building? move the shield away from the items you don't want to block with, say 2 or 3 slots away from the shield.

    Seem a bit more lenient?

    What matters is where the selector is, and if the shield is in the hotbar.

    Presuming your solution is easy to code, I think that makes sense as a less harsh solution :) I definitely do think the blocking should be key mapped because it adds an element of skill, the chance for human error and a definite blocking action :)


  5. I'm being a pedantic ass here, but clothes really need to go under armour. Surcoats and the like can go over it, as can cloaks, but if you wore metal armour on the skin or with a thin shirt, you'd more than likely freeze to death, it acts as a giant heat sink, carrying away all of your body heat into the metal. I have voted for over armour (just because it's close :P)

    Edit- The shield issue is currently being discussed in another thread :)


  6. i like the chance to stun on hit and make it better with the material of sheild used

    i was kind of suggesting this by having the wooden and reinforced wood sheilds be lighter and smaller so they would kind of act and look like the buckler you mentioned and the heavy metal sheilds would look like hike or tower sheilds depending on what bioxx wants

    I understand where you are coming from, from the perspective of game progression it makes sense, but from the perspective of a medieval re-enactor, this is slightly backwards. Bucklers are commonly made of metal such as metal on account of their small size. On the other hand, large kite shields and tower shields are never really made of anything heavier than hardwood (and often made of softer, flexible wood to help with impact dampening such as the use of lindenwood in the construction of traditional viking era shields) the only metal really on large shields was metal banding around the outer edge to protect from splitting and a shield boss to provide a strong central point :). I do understand though, that this would impact on the material progression and balance of the game, hence why I suggested two types of shield :)

    I really hope for a response.

    Anyways, there is are a few other types of shields, the targe, which is a larger version of the buckler, it is a foot or so in radius, and the body shield, a massive metal construct, that does more than any normal tower shield.

    Other than that, I really want to add a bit of skill to blocking, other than how well you can craft it, which can increase mitigation, durability, and chance to stun, pretty robotically.

    Sorry I never saw your previous comment :S Addressing that first, I can definitely see where you're coming from, perhaps we could meet in the middle ? If the shield is in the hotbar, right clicking could activate it ? That way, the shield will always interfere with a hotbar slot when you want to use it, as well as turning you into a combat orientated character, because you couldn't build with it equipped (due to the remapping of the right click) that way, people can't always run around being ready to block ? :)

    Addressing your second post, I did mention the targe in my above post, but any shield larger than a tower as it would be somewhat difficult to use in moving combat for anyone other than a hulking behemoth of a man. I have a hard enough time using a regular shield for prolonged periods (and I'm not a small guy)


  7. I think dunkle is definitely right, why not consolidate this thread and the underground lakes thread ?

    I would, but I feel I already post entirely too much PLUS nothing about these idea's had anything to do with me :P

    Just go and ask the other guys permission then merge them into one "Modified water" thread :)


  8. thing is, how would the game or you be able to find out when you block an attack?

    its not exactly like minecraft has a large swing animation for you to judge when an attack is gonna hit especially in multiplayer with that lag

    Maybe if the shield takes damage from a non entity source (aka not an arrow) this triggers the stun ? I'm not great at advising for this part because I know sweet F.A. about programming :S

    The other option is to make it a chance to stun maybe ? So it's hard to stun lock people :P

    I had another idea as well, what if there was two types of shield ? A buckler (or perhaps targe as it is slightly bigger) which is small and blocks less damage (less effective as a shield, especially against arrows) BUT does damage on shield bash (bucklers can be used as an offensive weapon during duel, trust me, they hurt) and has a chance to stun. The second kind would be a kite or tower shield which would be more effective for soaking up ranged attacks and would have a better damage dampener, but the shield bash would only cause knockback (no damage or stun chance). That way you can choose between a highly mobile, duelling combat style from the later 16th centuries (in the style of the spanish rodelero) or a heavier, defensive style (as per the knights of medieval europe)

    Edit- Blocking with the buckler would not slow down the character, blocking with the larger shield would.


  9. Just curious, Ive been trying all day to get Smart moving and Opti fine to work with this mod and cant seem to get it right. is there a proper order I need to follow to get them to work right? All required mods should be up to date, I re-downloaded them all today.

    I actually use this awesome program which means I don't have to load mods into the .bin at all :D It's amazingly effective :o

    Here's the link, I highly recommend it:


  10. true but if you do get hit without blocking you would take a massive hit to your health

    making the first nights even more challenging, because i remember when i used to actually be afraid of the night and the mobs that came with it.

    when i think of it i think of night falling on a town and everyone baring their doors and shuttering their windows and cowering indoors while a few brave warriors try to fight of the impending invasion

    all in all i want to make the mobs/ nighttime a real threat to players even if they have armor and good weapons

    as for multiplayer, sheild bashing should be able to stop an incoming attack and maybe stun for like half a second or less, more of a daze than a stun but really drain your sheild stamina bar

    Ok you've got me sold, the image of the town was just great :) A half second stun would make sense, but is there some way of limiting it to when you interrupt an attack or something ? (as per skyrim ?) because if not, I can already envision seas of shield equipped assholes running around keeping people stun locked :P That plus it would be heavy imba for ambushes etc. :L


  11. well seeing as mobs dont really block your attacks, maybe sheild blocking could stun them?

    It was more said with an eye to multiplayer. You'd have to try to get stuck in a defensive position with vanilla MC mobs :P

    If shield blocking stunned it would be a bit op, especially as you can block over time, making you a bit too powerful perhaps ?


  12. I've always felt dual wielding was a bit excessive in this game, think of the balance implications in multi player. In real life using two weapons does not really give you much of an advantage over a weapon and shield combo. But in minecraft it would make you a spammy death ball of doom. There would need to be a downside to it other than ranged vulnerability. As for Shields, as long as the mobs become more powerful I'm all for it ! +1 to your well thought out and balanced solution. Might I suggest you add the possibility of shield bashing while blocking to break out of defensive positions ?


  13. That could be another aspect of hallucinations. You could hear sounds of mobs like creepers hissing randomly, even if there are no monsters :P

    Also, added bsb's ingenious solution to HUD overcrowding, as well as a mock up of the UI (appologies for the poor quality, I'm not an artist :L)


  14. Don't know what to do with minecarts, but how about -as vanilla Steve just stand on nothing and moves on instead of swimming- make it so you're unable to swim, so you can go in one block deep water, but you're likely to drown in 2 blocks or 3 blocks deep pool. Then, traveling across any ocean would be a complete suicide if you don't use boats. Maybe in the normal survival mode, you can learn how to sleep, but in hardcore it's impossible? -don't ask me how would you learn to swim, i don't really know xDU-

    EDIT: something i just realised, if the boat crashes in a surface-swimming squid or thse aquatic plants in swamps, you're simply screwed... So, how about, if made of a hard -and heavy- wood, the boat is harder to break -so it can resist 3 crashes with something, for example- but slower, and if it's made out of soft but light wood, is as weak as a vanilla boat -or even worse-, but prety much faster?

    It would be a shame to stop people swimming, as I feel the oceans are a wasted potential area of great beauty and excitement ! (and how would you kill squid ? :P) I think maybe limiting the time you can swim for somehow ? Just had a thought actually ! The cold temperature of the sea may well have fixed this for us to a degree ! If the sea is cold (which it usually is) the player will get cold and die if they swim for too long :P

    I don't understand your post about the minecarts mate :S Sorry :(


  15. I am a big fan ! I started to read that post and thought you were going to deride the status bars for being too sims like. As it consipres you may have solved one of the biggest issues in my suggestion ! Permission to incorporate this into my thread ?


  16. If we're being pedantic it would make equal sense to use a chisel on wood as it would on stone actually :P

    Followed up with a plane, and maybe some sanding (That was NOT a serious suggestion to clarify :P)


  17. Nice. :)

    Just one thing: A lot of info on my thread talk about the "thermometer". People that don't had read my thread will be confuse on what you are talking about. That is the meter that I created, so if you like, just throw it away the mentions of it, since is just one idea for GUI. You can just delete it, or think on a better way, maybe putting all into Calendar? I don't know. Do it as you wish, seriosly. xD

    I really liked your thermometer concept, my only possible suggestion is to move the thermo into the inventory/character screen :) I will edit and fix this :)

    Oh I assure you, I am 100% behind the idea of adding negative effects (especially hallucinations) to not sleeping for long periods. I'm fairly luke warm to downright displeased with the rest of the suggestions, but that hallucination one is pure native gold. Wantwantwantwantwant

    Glad you like some of it, regarding the stuff you don't like, personal feelings of dislike toward the concept or can you think of a way to improve it to your liking ? tell me which bits you don't like. My aim is to make this everyone's idea so to speak :)

    Cleaned up OP, added details on indicator bars for stat levels and added sleep deprivation debuff specifics


  18. ALL OF MY NO

    oh gods... have herobrine randomly show up at the edge of the draw distance...

    Fucking hell staying up too long would turn MC into silent fucking hill

    I understand regarding the creeper swarms, on reflection that would be a walking, hissing mass griefing atrocity

    I can't tell if that is pro hallucination or not ? :P .. I don't want to add anything the community at large isn't behind (P.S. It doesn't have to be as severe as that, although it would be an excellent 0 energy "you shouldn't have done this")

    I have added Horenpa's temperature suggestion to the OP and also a couple of the mob difficulty enhancments, for your critical pleasure :)


  19. I'm going to take a neutral stance and say the realistically speaking, it is difficult to comment on the rockiness of plains in the real world, given the wide away of complex geographical factors that contribute to the rockiness of any given area. I suspect the omission of rocks on plains was accidental :P


  20. Passive: more life and speed.

    -Cows: I love the idea of semi aggressive cows ! In a similar vein do you think it would be a good idea to implement wild boar instead of pigs ?

    Wolf&Zombiepigmen: I agree with the wolves being aggressive, but would shy away from increasing damage and health maybe because it just ends in really long, semi dull slugfests :P

    Hostile: See above

    -Creeper: I like this, I also think maybe taking from the idea in that mod I saw ages ago we could have creeper swarms ?

    -Skeleton: I was thinking maybe adding a melee attack for skeletons, so that they are more versatile ? Your idea makes sense though :)

    -Zombie: Armored zombie swarms ? I like :D I am definitely feeling roaming hoards of zombies in mismatched armor

    -Spider: This all makes sense

    -Cave spider: As does this

    -Endermen: I like this, but would this not be really difficult to implement ?

    -Slimes: Love this !

    -Magma cube: Maybe heal in lava ?

    -Ghasts: I'm pro this

    As an aside, how does everyone feel about the following debuffs for sleep deprivation:

    High - Random screen black outs occasionally

    Really High - Hallucinations a.k.a. Seeing monsters in the edge of vision etc.

    Maximum - Frequent black outs, vivid hallucinations, chance to fall asleep, leaving you vulnerable to attack by mobs


  21. Late game stuff in vanilla takes sub 1 hour to get if you're good and about 15 mins at most if you're using a transparency skin. TFC would take significantly more effort because making tools etc. is actually quite time consuming. I don't doubt it would happen, but I would question how this "multi server" set up would make it more likely.


  22. wasnt this all suggested for regular game modes?

    this is all fine and dandy but i think that it shouldn't be just in hardcore

    I only suggested it as a different game mode because I was under the impression there was wide spread resistance to some/all of these. I'll edit the OP to explain this :)
