Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Scintille

  1. Ok, maybe both planks and tools? So if you die - you lose planks, but not tools.

    And a toolbelt is good to, but you need leather for that - so you cant make it nececery to get 3x3 grid


  2. Ok, first of all - im not wery good at english, especialy when writing large text.  So please, forgive me.


    So, TFC is trying to make minecraft more believable, right? So, how do you see that - to craft in 3x3 grid you need to eat 4 planks. And thats all. For me it is a bit wierd.

    I want to add i few more "slots" in your  inventory - for saw, for hammer, and maybe for a knife. If you equip all this items you got 3x3 grind. Every time you craft something - all items lose durability.


    Also - if you have right tools equiped you can do some recepies without a tool (like smashing rocks with hammer to get flux)

    But this idea can be a bit hard to implement..


  3. So, im running a server for me and my friends and i have a little problem - our base is about 3-4 thousand blocks away from original spawn.

    And as i know - spawn chunks are always loaded. We dont need that. So - can i move original spawn point?


  4. Well, i generated world in .78.17 version. Naturaly spawned acacia trees were much smaller, then grown.

    From 3 grown trees i got about 70 stacks of wood, from about 5 naturaly spawned - much less (dont remember how many)


    Note - i generated a world for a server. Maybe this the problem?

    I can take a screenshot of a naturaly spawned acacia tree, if you want. Also, i can get a sapling from it


  5. So, I made a new world for a server. I fond jungle, chopped some acaia trees. In a proces i got 3 saplings.


    After i grew them, I used scythe to get more saplings.

    I destroyed all leaves on 3 trees and i got 0 saplings.

    Bug or feature? Is it even possible to get saplings from not-natural spawned acacia trees?


    Mods installed - TFC, minimap, Optifine.

    No changes in config files


  6. I thought I'd help you out and point out what IGN means. He doesn't mean the gaming network on the Internet (Wait, does IGN stand for Internet Gaming Network? Just realized that.) In this context, IGN stands for In-Game Name. Meaning what you type to log in. Your username.


    AAh, i got it, thanks. I thougt you need an account for that.


    Edited my post


  7. Um.. I dont know ow it is in your country, but.. what about exams and other things?

    In my country this is very hard time - students has exams, older people has a lot to do at work before summer. So, i think it is bad time for 2 weeks of TFC


    Also - anyone know why pakratt and others cant do it? last seasones were awesome..


  8. I think it would be easier to pick up nest boxes with eggs. So nests would save all eggs inside (like a barrel with water)

    But cages would require metal.. probably iron. So cages would be more difficult and funny


  9. You can take all logs from the pile with shift clicking on one of them.

    I think, that storing only the same logs in a pile would be bad, because filling charcoal pits will be much more difficult
