Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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  1. More uses for sticks

    Wholeheartedly agree. Sometimes I just need fire to butn for a few seconds, to make a few torches (which are basically burning sticks in both Minecraft and TFC, heh), I don't see why wooden items in general couldn't support fire. It's believable, it's not unbalancing, it's useful, it shouldn't be hard to code. Here I disagree. I don't want new facilities to be added simply so sticks will find an use, especially if it'd be somewhat forced - I also dislike whole new facilities being added just to perform single, very limited function. Agreed. In generally I think that many 'regular' items should have, even tiny, combat utility. Sticks, bones, rough stones, chisels - they should deal at least some damage when used to smack a mob. Believable, fun, allows kinds of of emergency, improvised fighting. Sure, why not, makes sense. When planting some vegs, the game could simply require for a stick to be somewhere in the inventory and take one away upon planting. When harvested/popping out because of whatever reason, such plant could yield that one stick back, too, though it's not necessary. People who actually were making them. Javelins are already kinda simplified - you need either long, straight stick of certain weight or a head for the javelin to actually soar and hit your target. If you'd just throw a random stick it wouldn't be overly effective - less of aerodynamic capability and damaging potential than in case of properly weighted one. Well, we can assume that sticks are magically fits-all-sizes-and-uses length and shape but I am still not sure about using simple sticks as thrown weapon. Rocks would do better here. That is correct. Fire hardening was also applied to primitive spears. I wouldn't mind some simplified, crappy damage arrows for hunting small game (one, two shots should still kill a chicken). Should still need fletching, though. Why not, some sort of animal trap, perhaps. I am fine with it in combination with the above. However, those will need additional coding so they will cause additional damage only if fallen on from higher than a few blocks. Stuff like cacti qualities couldn't be reused without making the whole thing silly.Rest of the ideas I am ambivalent toward. I think this is enough. Sticks used in battle and as a fuel are the only things I was really lacking. I don't think we really need to force ourselves to find additional uses for sticks - as new features come in, just let sticks be part of them 'naturally' in them, as applicable.
  2. Spices and seasoning: improving meals

    I like the idea of Atharsea of a slot or two more in the cooking interface where player could put spices (or salt, as it would work here well as well) to improve the overall taste of the meal without changing it's nutrition value, as well as reusing the same UI and mechanics for herbalism and natural medicine potions/tinctures/etc as a new feature (a thing which I believe I suggested myself in the past). Most seasonings should be somewhat rare, though, but able to improve taste of nearly any meal. Given that cooking is right now somewhat messed up, what's with everyone cooking rather inedible slush till they become master cooks - which thing I consider a bad idea - and how it is encouraging players to just grind said random slush for the sake of upgrading the skill (which is very much against what I consider TFC should be about), this suggestion in general I'd consider as very much worth an implementation. However, effect of taste should be balanced then - while it should be much, much easier to make mediocre/bland/tastes-just-ok meal, even without use of salt or other seasonings, benefits from such meals should also be less powerful.
  3. New early game tool: broad axe

    While the idea is realistic, I am ambivalent at best toward coding, adding graphic and basically spending lot of work for a whole new facility designed to be used only in one particular case to make one type of item (even if in different colors). I am not very much against it but I do think that using the saw is - as much as realistically inaccurate - an easy and comfortable simplification, working quite well.
  4. I am not sure how knapping a block a bit would make it more sturdy or densely packed. Other than that, having type of cobblestone as have now, that's 'natural' and one which is player-made is exactly what this suggestin is about. I think I still would prefer of making the latter to be made using current recipe, while loose/cave-in cobblestone (which basically would amount to rubble) would simply turn into bunch of rocks upon being mined out.
  5. Smokehouse Multiblock Structure!

    Well, in all honesty, as much as it may be going too much in-depth I wouldn't mind if there would be several different body parts beside generic meat falling out of creature that can be used for cooking. Firin' some ribs or making chicken breast cutlets/drumsticks for a dinner, anyone? Would also increase sizeably list of potential recipes/meal ingredient combinations. Though I wouldn't give such idea too high of a priority. Or consider just settling for rare-drop novelty item 'bacon cut' which would work exactly like the meat, just looked slightly differently. Though that'd be a bit of a waste of potential.
  6. Fire setting

    I'd be very much not happy with it. Forcing players to go through every tier if they want to, say, make one colored steel bucket would be a horrible drag and a big turn-off. Though possibly having to use iron (or better) pickaxe to mine through the hardest types of stone without suffering additional durability hit and mining slow-down could be interesting, while stil not forcing overly much on a player.
  7. TFC is missing a goal

    I am mostly with AllenWL on this one - I am not overly fond of skill decay in particular, but it would be nice if skills would require, well, actual skill or were not governed by in-game skills as much as player aptitude in general. This way things can be mastered, but not by grinding and racking stats, but by actally employing some wit and know-how in the work by the player. Some things I am unsure should have skills in general, because of how much it may disturb the balance. In connection to that, I remember talking about fighting skills in the relevant thread. Regarding disasters, I wouldn't mind certain, temporary but noticeable effects challenging players but I'd rather not leave it to random whims of the system. As I have suggested somewhere before - make them results of certain actions. While I wouldn't mind somewhat adverse weather (days worth of rainstorm with the overcast making it easier for hostile mobs to spawn/attack and more risky to venture into wilds, or progressive decrease/increase of temperature for a week with some weirdly tinted sky for indicator and to help players prepare) to happen rarely (one such event per year?), hopefully with some forewarning, big stuff that possibly can severely damage if not destroy what players have toiled over for a long time has to be tied to particular decisions. I wouldn't mind some certain, very-well guarded structure (or pocket dimension) with powerful, physics-defying enemies or other obstacles guarding some rare ingredients/block/item to cause a night - again, with some forewarning - of very frequent and strong lightning strikes over most of the world should the above be removed/acquired by the players or spawn some ghast-like creatures to wander the world for a bit, being a danger to weaker structures and players. We already have tectonically active areas and I wouldn't want to drop any city-destroying things on top of it if the player cannot prevent/prepare for them in advance as well. Losing stuff may be adding to the survival feeling but will also discourage players who simply established some safe haven and their interests don't lie in having to rebuild it all the time.
  8. Hey, someone has to advocate careful, detached reason and balance enthusiastic crowds before the whole thing spirals out of control and we get total mess or even worse, sanity-defying hugfest. Be warned, you don't want a hugfest. It disturbs intellectual discussion environment with plethora of threads about love and fuzzy animals and then you just can't get threads about brutal survival environment to work
  9. Don't want to spoil the fun of praising people, good work on the part of the devteam not being questioned - but do we really need another 'Self-proclaimed spokesman for the community thanking the developers in an open letter' thread on a single page of the forum? It's nice that people are thankful and appreciative, but I really believe one active praise thread was working just well.
  10. I am not sure if we really need to code special granary. I'd simply adjust grain/seeds/flour to be nearly completely resistant to decay if stored in a container and in not overly hot temperature, to ensure it's very long shelf life. Or, with all this jute and alternative containers ideas floating around, allow making bags to be filled with the above for the effect described. But yes, it'd be nice if grain would be realistically resistant to the passage of time if stored properly. Right now it's not much different than other edibles when it comes to stocking up on it.
  11. Press

    For the sake of simplicity, I'd rather suggest simply input slot for whatever we want to press and output one for a bucket or a jug. Given that barrels have to be full to be moved without losing their content, I'd rather be able to use single press for different kinds of products without first having to fill one barrel before I can move onto something else. It would probably also require less work to set it up like this - just a crafting block where you put items and then take them out. Though I would like to entertain thought of using leftovers of pressed items - some probably would be still edible or at least could be mixed into some sort of fertilizer but that may be taking this idea a bit too far. Other than that, it is a decent idea. I an not sure if it couldn't be extension of quern though which use of is rather limited. I don't think it'd be overly unbelievable. I do like the ideas regarding potential procuts - oil, honey and juice - for drinking and for fermentation - seems like something that'd be an improvement over current state of relevant features.
  12. More Wildlife, And A More Realistic Hunting Aspect

    Maga raises a decent point, though I suspect original idea for reskins of animals wasn't based on ancient history as much as need to make proper wild counterparts to current animals, as cows and pigs as they are right now seem to be the domesticated variant. Boars instead of pigs were mentioned, we just need some sort of wild cow and aurochs were a potential idea for that. That's not nearly as important as just having more wildlife and making it behave better. Though I'd like to be able to tame a pair of wild boars and then - as unrealistic as it may be - make them breed, creating little, pink, domesticated piglets for my farm. But that's a random, side thought. Regarding deer being jittery - I am really not sure. While the bit about scared ones running seldom ever further than couple of hundred meters (still quite a way for human on foot trying to find such deer through dense forest) may be true, to my experience they do tend to be cautious and move away if noticing an approaching hunter. At least when it comes to those animals in countries with relevant hunting season. Also, simply for making hunting require a bit more skill than 'approach the prey and punch it repeatedly while it runs in circles' I really wouldn't mind animal behavior to be more stereotypical.
  13. How can we promote TFC better?

    I never intended to oppose your ideas, simply given my opinion of what's important in case of promotion for TFC and what I consider of lesser importance at this point, so no problem here. As for TFC slogan, I actually don't mind it to stay the way it is - after all, the fact that it is based and 'merely' develops survival aspect of Minecraft is true. It's not a standalone game and requires Minecraft to work. At the same time it very well states what it's meant to do and may be appealing to target audience - those who aren't overly happy with vanilla survival. To be honest though, slogan isn't something that should matter much. If I go about what may be seen as promoting the game, it's just me talking with those who may be interested and saying what I like and why the mod may be a thing worth consideration. Slogans are mostly to catch attention of otherwise rather ambivalent parties who are not interested in more in-detail description and with those I am not really sure I want to talk about TFC.
  14. How can we promote TFC better?

    Slogans and facebook pages aren't of much benefit for additional promotion till you have a source of new users first. While I like the official "TerraFirmaCraft - Survival mode as it should've been" I don't think we really need many catchphrases. Interest of the users is what the mod would need. I'd rather suggest staying in contact with members of communities where people may simply enjoy what TFC offers over vanilla features. There are several survival-oriented games, a few imageboards etc - starting relevant discussions or mentions where appropriate may take one a long way, especially if it'll be actual discussion or mention strictly in regards to one rather than advertisement or 'oh, can I recommend you X game? Go there and play it!' which may be done with purest of intentions but still will look cheap and warrant consideration of spam-banning if made with a fresh account on some other game's forum.
  15. Unify Agriculture Behavior

    Likewise. While some recent changes were good (namely, making it harder to acquire seeds) I actually liked having to choose between sacrificing edibles for seeds or eating them as well as multi-harvested crops in general. I'd rather have it balanced through growth time etc rather than sacrifice variety and make each crop nearly identical as it's not an aspect of unification of agriculatural behavior that enriches the game - quite the opposite.
  16. New Skill: Mining

    The way OP presents mining, I wouldn't mind it. I especially like the fact that benefits from the skill would be subtle - helpful, but without encouraging grinding for the sake of faster grinding. Skill gains being limited to mining only veins of ores/minerals also would limit said grinding here. In regards to that I must note that I'd be quite disappointed if mining would lead to stuff like better ore gains or faster mining.
  17. Stone Age Building Materials

    Regarding cobblestone, for newcomers who arenot aware we had a discussion about it in the past - non-mortared version would be both believable and realistic, as per dry stone method of construction. I did make a suggestion for a type of cobblestone separate from the 'natural' one resulting from cave-ins.
  18. Discussion regarding Bioxx and Dunk...

    So, is it really a discussion? It seems the thread is just row of posts thanking people. So, sure, thanks to the whole team, developers and community support - now, I'd rather donate (and encourage others to do so) through the links at the top of the page. Heartfelt thanks are nice but beside the whole group hug theme I am not sure if this thread is going anywhere.
  19. Ambient Sounds

    I'd like some, if it'll be not overly intrusive. Gentle sound of some small stream, a bit of rustling among bigger amount of trees. I'd tie it with WIP wildlife, too - once we get more animals, they could make some sound sin the background. Birds in the trees and so on.Thus, I'd agree that all those sounds should have a source, rather than be randomly played.
  20. More Wildlife, And A More Realistic Hunting Aspect

    I'd agree with sentiment for rabbits and squirrels. However, I'd like those creatures to be not smaller than chickens, if only for the ease of aiming and interaction (which shouldn't be a problem, as depending on specie of rabbit/squirrel, those things can be relatively quite big)
  21. TFC is missing a goal

    If you'll pardon butting in, I'd suspect that this matter should be looked at from different angle. We do not expect to make ever-green game that will keep single playthrough infinite and infinitely interesting only through addition of pre-programmed content. However, even a patch extending the gameplay and offering more fun is simply that - fun. Through threads and discussions like this we do not attempt to alleviate problems and limitations of game design - we simply suggest content that we'd like to see and make them game more enjoyable, while taking care of minor problem of certain equipment advancements/tiers serving little purpose over their predecessors, because of insufficient amount of potential situations where such items would be really required, rather than additional character empowerment for the hell of it.It may not be a permanent solution to 'lacking worthwhile things to do late-game' but is still an improvement and I strongly disagree with implication in the second sentence - namely that it's of little benefit by not solving any big design problems. Getting into analysis of human compulsions and how they are relevant to both challenges IRL and in-game doesn't get us anywhere after we simply establish what is required by people and whether it's a decent addition increasing the satisfaction derived from the game.I am very ambivalent toward the idea of grandiose goals. My ideas of late game content also differ from 'towers of strong monsters' (enough that at times it may be considered simply content for the sake of enrichment of game's worl, no matter at which stage of technological advancement player's character is). In the context of the big part of the idea, however, the 'survival simulation' mdtexeira mentions only supports the need for goals/stuff-to-do - after all, survival is a goal, composed of lesser objectives.I wouldn't want game to enforce additional goals, hell, I wouldn't want it to even encourage them too strongly. But they should be viable choices which allow additional paths of development and new experiences - with challenges serving not making the game very challenging in itself, but balancing aforementioned boons and making them actual reward bringing satisfaction one has to work for, rather than some cache of loot.It occurs to me that as the discussion progresses, people start to move away from the basic idea this thread was to be - as far as I can assume - about, forgetting the reasons for it as well and settling on contending minor points, making the whole thing spiral out of control.
  22. Primitive Mobs NOT NPCs

    I wouldn't mind human mobs, though I'd like them to be more than a reskin of skeletons - burning up in the sun or having innate resistances to some types of damage regardless of worn armor (if any) wouldn't be appealing to me.
  23. Mobs above/below ground question

    I.. actually am not sure whether I'd like very small hostile creatures. Realistic? Maybe. Dangerous - yes, they'd be. But going through the night and suddenly getting poisoned without a chance to even notice the opponent would be simply annoying. As would be aiming at those things. Not simply challenging - annoying, bothersome. The idea of there being different dangers both during the day and the night is interesting, though. Certainly it'd make sense, there are animals which are simply dangerous, no matter when met. I don't think that'd add much to the sense of dread though - right now, most of the fear comes from the pressure of 'oh crap, night's coming, need to hide' after one ventures somewhere during the day. It's the inability to see clearly what's around and what may lurk there that's usually the problem. Additionally, for beginning of the game and/or beginning players, there has to be time of relative peace to prepare the most basic of safe places to survive the night. Yes, they may be nervous and scared if they'll go looking for the first edibles or gather first sticks for some tools, firepit and torches knowing that at any moment some nasty thing may have a go at them but if it will and succeed, the fear very quickly may turn into disappointment. Thus, while I am all for some potentially hostile (as in, neutral but provokable or hostile, but not immediately dangerous or very common creatures) during the day, I'd rather have the night to stay the dominant time for most hostile mobs to be active.
  24. Gem-Tipped Tools

    Also, probably quite few others. But yes, use of gems is being discussed often and extensively, from different angles.
  25. TFC is missing a goal

    That's kind of thing I had in mind before, as shown a few posts up: Making it not as much whole altitude/longitude/latitude as simple area in the world, a zone of 'there be dragons'. Places of interests, not just sources of monsters or loot. Like I wrote in a different thread closely (for me) - linked to this one: Something to explore, enjoy, wonder about is what I'd like to see when survival is not a concern. I find it a far better 'goal' for the late-game than hoarding edibles or making higher-tier metal weapons for visiting places we have not much of a point to visit (except to get more of those high-tier resources - pointless, vicious cycle).But yeah, I'd like something like that. Local areas rather than big parts of the whole world that may be special (in both good and bad ways - barren earth where no matter what, nothing will grow, for example) and also aren't in all cases a chance for gain or a danger to the player.