Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Two

  1. You can basically ignore the max health debuff as it doesn't really matter unless you plan to get hurt a lot. If you don't like the food system you can change some values in the config and it will be basically gone. - Set the FoodDecayMultiplier to 0 to remove food decay. This way your food will never get rotten. - Set HealthGainCap to 1000 and HealthGainRate to 1000 as well. This way you will be at max health as soon as you are level 1 or higher.
  2. Torch Discussion

    I have been playing only SP and haven't been into caves yet, but already I dislike the new torch system. And I imagine it is not going to be better when I start exploring caves. The main problem for me is not that torches burn out, after all the constantly lit and burning gardens are a bit strange to watch, the main problem for me is that there is no alternative. Running around my house re-lighting the torches is not fun and does not add to the game, it is just a nuisance, so eventually I used pumpkins to stop that. But now my house looks strange with those jack-o-laterns grinning at me, but that's about the only way to keep your house lit, which is meant to be a form of decoration. So with the torch change you as well removed a form of decoration and did not give us an alternative. The secondary effect, that monsters now spawn in huts that you build somewhere remote to have a small base of operation for some resources that is around there is another issue. And every time you go there, you need to clear off the monster army first, just because you happen to not live there. So how do all those monsters get into a perfectly secured area with no entrance other than the locked door? This is where the new system actually reduces realism, because no matter how we build our bases, there will always be mobs inside. As a solution: add a lantern type block that provides light but that requires metal to build. The main purpose would be decoration, and the cost should be high enough that people don't just spam it, but low enough that you can afford to put them in your house. This would solve both the decoration and the "there are mobs in my base... again" issue. As an idea the lantern could be build using the gems we find all around, which would very much limit the availability but wouldn't increase the cost, as those are not used for anything else. ▒ ◊●◊ -> Lantern ▒ ▒ - Metal sheet◊ - Any type of gem● - Coal/torch/something else
  3. [79.3] Support beams are utterly useless

    I am looking forward to give that a try, but the sluice is still broken so no copper. ;)I've been playing with a much higher cave-in chance with the previous version already and never had any issues. But even if there are, then I still can build the ceiling while I am carving out the room, so in worst case I get a 1-block cave-in.
  4. After some further testing: yes the sluice in case 2 restarts working if you feed it again, my bad. Still wondering why this bug is in since like forever. Sometimes I really wish TFC would be open source so I can have a look.
  5. World Generation not spawning Clay

    I can confirm the world does have clay, however as Kittychanley said: you can get unlucky and spawn in an area that has no clay at all. But as everything now depends on clay, if you can't find any, you can immediately proceed to a new world, because you won't be able to advance without. Unless you of course like the extra challenge.
  6. [79.3] Support beams are utterly useless

    What I usually do is to dig out one block in the ceiling, smooth the 4 adjacent onces, then place a smoothed stone in the hole. This way you have a good looking ceiling and no cave-ins. Also no support beams are ever required.
  7. In case 1 the interface is not frozen as the arrow indicator is still working. It shows 50/50 as amount and the sluice is not accepting any more gravel. However as I wrote even after 10 minutes it was still in the same state.
  8. [79.3] Support beams are utterly useless

    Well I never used them for anything else. I am not sure if smoothed stone still prevents cave-ins, but if it does, then the use of a support beam would be very limited.
  9. [79.3] Support beams are utterly useless

    If I cannot place dirt blocks on a pillar, then how would I use them to build a cave in the earth? I cannot put them somewhere before as they won't prevent the cave-in and I cannot place them afterwards, as they will break immediately.
  10. [Solved][79.2] Creepers still crashing

    That's fast. Thanks! =)
  11. Just tried to punch a Creeper right into the face. Game didn't like that. =( java.lang.NullPointerException: Unexpected error at com.bioxx.tfc.Entities.Mobs.EntityCreeperTFC.func_70097_a( at net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer.func_71059_n( at net.minecraft.client.multiplayer.PlayerControllerMP.func_78764_a( at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_147116_af( at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_71407_l( at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_71411_J( at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_99999_d( at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:148) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.launch( at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.main( Version: 79.2 Forge: Running single player.
  12. If you have an object that is too heavy to move in your inventory you can still jump forward. A double-tap to run forward will be recognized, so you can move at normal speed with any amount of objects in your inventory. Btw: I have not yet found the mysterious back slot to put that item into, that's why I had to come up with an alternative.
  13. This seems to be a bug that is in TFC since forever. As it is really annoying especially at the beginning, it would be great if it could be fixed. When holding down the right mouse button (or clicking very fast) while looking at a valid drink water tile that is in range to refill, the water jug has a good chance of just vanishing once drinking is complete.
  14. No, it just vanishes. And since the jug in question had just been created like a minute before, it shouldn't be able to break at all.
  15. [Solved][79.2] Creepers still crashing

    Sorry, type when I wrote the Forge version. I corrected it to 1219
  16. [Solved] Build 79 Crash

    It is unlikely that this crash is related to Java as for once it is always fully downward compatible, and for second: I am running with Java 1.8 without any errors.
  17. Version #: 78.11 Suggested Name: Riding a boat desyncs your position Suggested Category: Annoying Description: When riding a boat your position on the client and your position on the server differs more and more the longer you ride the boat. Even if you stop and wait for some time, the position is not synced again. Relogging re-sycs the position, but that usually puts you far back where you have been some time ago. The desync makes you unable to re-enter the boat, as you are too far away but according to the client you are right next to the boat. You will ram islands (or other) because you are driving on a different path than what you see from the client. I am not sure if this is TFC related or a vanilla bug, but I never experienced this in vanilla, but then I rarely use a boat.
  18. Cubic Chunks In TFC

    It is more a question of who they are hiring. I know people who could rewrite Minecraft in 3 month and turn it into a top-of-the-notch (pun) piece of software. But then would those guys at Mojang still understand what is going on inside? If I judge from the Minecraft code: probably not. Because everyone with enough experience in SW development would as a first task rewrite most parts of that code.
  19. [Won't Fix] Ocean biomes are too big

    In addition to the fact that oceans are rather useless as of how TFC works, boats are bugged too, which makes it difficult to navigate the ocean as well.
  20. [Won't Fix] Ocean biomes are too big

    If Dunk makes the oceans any bigger, there won't be any land left to play on... Oo
  21. Extreme lag with latest update

    Thanks, that fixed the rain lag. But still since 78.11 me and my players sometimes have the issue that Java is not properly shutting down. Hard to pinpoint and happens rarely, but if you do not notice it you wonder why the game is so slow.
  22. Version #: 78.11 (updated from 78.9 Suggested Name: Minecraft not properly shutting down after update Suggested Category: Minor Outdated, see edit. Description: After updating to the most recent version of TFC from 78.9 to 78.11 I now experience heavy lag in all areas. Before I was playing smoothly at 100+ FPS, now with the update it never gets over 80 when standing still, but as soon as I move or look around, the FPS immediately drop below 30. When running around the average FPS is down to 15 rendering the game unplayable. Things I have tried that did not help: - Re-Installed TFC with fresh config. - I disabled all other mods. - I created a new world. The lag I experience is not an FPS problem but the result of many micro-lags. Basically I have 200ms of 120 FPS, then 300ms of 5 FPS, then another 200ms of 120 FPS and another 300ms of 5 fps so on. This makes all tasks extremely difficult, as the char warps around all the time. Have you deleted your config files and are still able to reproduce this bug?: Yes Edit: it turned out that Minecraft wasn't properly shut down (had to restart a few times during my boat ride) and the additional instances of Java caused the lag. This has never happened before, so I guess there is a relation to the update. I will keep an eye on it and post further updates. The cause seems to be related to the huge amount of chunks that have been generated while traveling > 10k blocks. Somewhere Minecraft got lost in an infinite loop and was never properly shut down.
  23. Options are good game design. Currently we do have a few:[*]We can just work fine with copper, because it is highly available and easy to forge. Downside is only the lower durability/protection value. [*]We can upgrade to bronze, which is only slightly more difficult to make as you need tin (or other bronze combinations), but twice the durability, increased damage and protection is absolutely worth it if you do have the resouces. [*]We can go for wrought iron, for again even higher durability and slightly higher damage/protection. But the creation process is slow and drains a lot of coal. In addition I first need to pile up a huge amount of bronze to get there. [*]We can go for steel, which again gives higher durability, damage and protection and is much easier to smelt than wrought iron and in larger quantities. The only drawback is the almost insane amount of resources required to get there. [*]We can go for blue/red steel, which gives crazy amounts of durability, very high damage/protection, but gathering all the different resources is very difficult, and mixing them properly lots of work and requires planning. If you go through that list, you see that copper, bronze, wrought iron and red/blue steel offer options. A decision between easy to make/gather vs strength and durability and features (lava/water buckets). Steel does not offer any options. It is far superior to everything before, pretty easy to make and only requires iron. The only downside is the tedious amount of work you need to put into creating the blast furnace. If you think about it, this is basically the only reason to actually have a tech tree, because if you could smelt iron to steel in a bloomery, you wouldn't need wrought iron anymore. Or if you could smelt iron to wrought iron in a crucible, you wouldn't need copper/bronze anymore. Both are only balanced by the huge amount of resources you need to pile up to be able to create them, which is what I currently - from a pure game design perspective - consider the flaw in the system. In comparison red/blue steel requires you to have basically every resource availabe in the game, you need to have solid knowledge about the alloy and smithing system and you need to come up with a system to produce it efficiently. All this is kind of a meta-game that entertains the player. Steel is smashing a hammer on the anvil for countless hours, offering no challenge, no risk and no skill-checks beyond the initial few tries to figure out the correct sequence of buttons on the anvil. This shows very well what happens if you try to balance something just through an amount of resources required: it feels boring, it is not believable, it creates problems in the system, because you need to balance all income, and it is especially not fun. Maybe if that is fixed, and there is no longer a need for an enforced tech-tree, then suddenly the possibilities that arise from that might end up in an even better game.
  24. Version #: 78.11 Suggested Name: Wolves and Bears do not attack Suggested Category: Minor Description: When attacking a wolf or bear they do not attack back. They change state into their attack state (red eyes on wolves), pursuite you, but once they get to you, nothing happens.