Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Miner239

  1. Wondering about the challenge of playing TFC...

    I like the notion of brutally realistic survival game like UrW. Yeah, harsher environment should be more than an incentive to progress through the tech tree, besides being frustrated by the speed of your actions. Starving is still easily avoidable as of current version, even with an update to reduce wilderness food amount. <-- Single player perspective, mind you.
  2. Crafting Table 2.0

    Perhaps add a switch to the tool slots so that you could choose what tools are you going to use.
  3. Weighted Uncountable Material

    What, you pulled out whole stack of charcoal and flux into your blast furnace? I'm putting an idea of integrating the stack-splitting and measuring of those materials into a single step of crafting. After all, only raw materials are weighted. Countables are still stacked. Sure, time is a cost. I'll get there soon (the GUI too), like, two weeks later. Finals coming. And just to add to my point here: Would be to quote Bioxx:
  4. Metal Tiers

    Like actually making a metallurgy lab?
  5. Metal Tiers

    Whoa, that is an actual vein. Would be a shame if cave-ins ruin that pretty vein. I think it would not harm to put the limit into difficulty steepness formula instead of a hard stat limit. So a team could only advance through islands with greater care and gear. I think even an impossibly difficult conquest on an island could be considered as a limit.
  6. Metal Tiers

    Would there be Unknown Metal?
  7. Metal Tiers

    That's wonderful! A secret recipe, held only by the greatest armorsmith... Well, that could be a good lore. What about building materials? Will I get harder stone on more difficult islands to protect from the increasingly effective tools and weapons? Nah, make deeper and eastern/western stone harder. That would make an obsidian counterpart from vanilla, for your base protection against more advanced players/factions. The arms race in TFC2 would be tough, I think, with only 7 (max!) islands to share from the start, and the need to conquer more must be fed with the need for better material.
  8. Weighted Uncountable Material

    Nah, 5 clicks and a key press is faster, easier, and more intuitive than fifteenten clicks. It would only be a matter of familiarizing. Breakdown: Weighted: -Put charcoal in matrix (2 clicks) -Put flux in matrix (2 clicks) -Enter ratio multiplier '5' (key press) -Take product from slot (click) Stacked: -Take reactant from inventory (click) -Right-click to put 5 item on the matrix (5 clicks) -Put remaining reactant into inventory (click) -Do the above steps one more time (7 clicks) -Put other reactant into matrix (2 clicks) -Take product from slot (click) Make more 10-sized fuelpack by clicking more. Or shift-click it (if you can implement it). The text box is just for the ratio of the recipe. If you need an exact proportion of an alloy, say, 15s 512p, then you can put that ratio on the text box, and take that exact amount of ore from the ore lump every time you click on the product slot (and not forgetting to put it into the inventory first before taking another). This dividing method would be similar to food dividing, only a text box instead of a knife. A tool slot is optional. Now that Bioxx had posted about metal tiers and procedural alloys, it won't be impossible for an alloy recipe to have unnaturally weird combination of metal/alloy proportion. To help with that, why not making the batch start from the first step, the ore management? Aw, TFC1 does good with it's 3x3 crafting matrix right on the inventory. I do agree that hauling a block only to craft mere raw materials is annoying, because you're not supposed to be able to craft anywhere, anytime. Sure, you can craft simple items like stone axe, spindles on the go, but I don't think you should be able to craft a barrel without any tools in the wilderness just because your pocket is full. I think the point of workbenches is, well, a work station. That does not move. If my speculation about tiered workbenches/forges is true, then the player really doesn't need to be able to craft anywhere. If you can't implement the current method of crafting, then I'd happily set up a kitchen. If it was never there or implemented in a block, then I'd still say that TFC is still trying to be 'survival as it should've been' better than vanilla does. My opinion would still be 'TFC is awesome' even if the 3x3 crafting grid in the inventory was never there. Now, would it hurt to make TFC2 even more awesome than TFC1? EDIT per Darmo's correction.
  9. Volcanoes

    I mean that blue steel will surely not be the pinnacle of metal tier. You planned more than 6 tiers, right? Won't be that fun if only 6 out of infinite is challenging.
  10. Volcanoes

    Nah, dude, blue steel or stuff is not going to be the thing in TFC2. Maybe the next island's mineral and ores, but in limited amount, guarded by next island's mobs (difficulty). Or generate a dark pit
  11. Encumberance Inventory system

    ArbitraryVolumeUnit, because we don't have a measurement for volume. Do you want to use mB? For that case, I would say that barrels and LVs have their own weight. Plus, small, light items still uses up capacity of your containers. If one of the limits is reached (total player weight, container weight limit(based on material used), container capacity, or container slots), you should not be able to add more items, as it is considered to be 'full' or impractical to manage. Here is an excerpt from Stranded III dev blog that I think is how inventory should work.
  12. Weighted Uncountable Material

    You want benefits? I got... - Freedom from 64 stack size limit. - Recipe consists of ratio, item count, and placement instead of only placement and item count. The main point is that I liked how food is handled in TFC1 so much. Ideas popped into my mind-world, and this thread was born. Will cobble up a mock GUI in a few hours.
  13. Encumberance Inventory system

    I would rather implement a check on the barrel whether the barrel+content's weight meets your strength capability or not. I'd still like to lift a barrel half full of ores when the only way I could afford is barrels.
  14. Encumberance Inventory system

    One solution that came to my mind is to assume that blocks in item form are actually smaller and lighter than their block counterpart. Kinda like what some MC fan-fiction does. That way normal stuff have normal weight and you still can carry hundreds of blocks. Eh, why not? One thing to note, though: Barrels and LVs have weight and is limited in capacity. So you can't put 10 vessels(5 ArbitraryVolumeUnit capacity:5.2 AVU size) into a LV(48 AVU capacity:50 AVU). You can only fit 9 vessel(46.8 AVU) into a LV. Thus your effective storage would be 46.2 AVU if you use vessels to organize, preserve, and store more kind of stuff and 48 AVU if you are the bulk-transport kind. So, yeah, you should be able to pick up stuff willy-nilly, but keep in mind that your barrel of vessels is not a bag of holding.
  15. Weighted Uncountable Material

    Well, if it is a massive pain to work around, then don't. I thought I only listed material which only way of processing TFC has provided, no? All refined materials that would be used for other mods should be countable and not weighted. I acknowledged that the weighted system needs its own crafting handler. If that's the case, then why not separate it instead of combining it with the vanilla crafting matrix? Will it lessen the burden or not? And for the recipes, make it a ratio, like how chemical reactions are. For example, let's say that I want to mix charcoal and flux to make blast furnace packed fuel, enough fuel and flux for 2s of iron. The ratio would be 1 charcoal:1 flux:2 packed fuel. If I have 60s of charcoal and 45s flux, I would choose to make 45s*1:1:2 which then would consume 45s charcoal, 45s flux, and produce 90s of packed fuel. Or I could choose to only make 2s of packed fuel, or 512p, or any amount that I wish. Use a text box for the ratio multiplier input.
  16. Encumberance Inventory system

    I think transportation material tier should influence the maximum weight of a cart/wagon/stuff, while also adding slot number/max size variety. So, you can make a tier 5 cart that can lift 1600 stone and has 40 slot/2000 cubic meter capacity, or a tier 5 wagon that lift 1200 stone and has 80 slot/4000 cubic meter capacity, or a tier 5 crate that can lift 2000 stone but only 20 slot/1000 cubic meter capacity. But you can't make a tier 3 crate, or tier 2 wagon, etc. Size should be a constant limit, thus countered with new transport designs(cart, wagon, train, ship etc.) or upgraded designs(handcart,cart, minecart, container, bulk container etc.), but weight limit should be increased along with player progression. Heck, why not add a strength attribute to the player which will increase the max weight, and 'inventory management' skill that increases stack size(up to 64)/size limit(arbitrary!)?
  17. Coding Contest

    Well, I could do some Java and would absolutely want to help, but I still have no idea how to set up Eclipse and not enough data plan to watch a video about it.
  18. Weighted Uncountable Material

    Which one? The handler?
  19. But then it's labeled chests, not named food.
  20. Adding health multipiler config should be in the Suggestion subforum... but I agree with you that that should be configurable. Or at least make external mod items configurable.
  21. Regional Difficulty

    Yeah, if this was an add-on, then I'd wholeheartedly support it with my own means. Someone start it and I might be able to take over.
  22. Regional Difficulty

    I realized that the devs already have plans for TFC2, so I posted this here. Spreadsheet. Basically, the more you go from x=0, the stronger the monsters become. This is realized using a points system. More points can be awarded for mobs that spawn further from x0. For example, a zombie(i'll always use zombies for examples) that spawn on x1000 can somehow have only 45 points, which gives 16 HP, 0.05 m/s speed, 0.4 damage, 0.5% armor, 2.5 regen, and drops 8.6 xp (and 44.5 mana). But it can also have 1834 points, which gives 656 HP, 0.2 m/s, 200 attack, 5.8% armor, 12.6 HP/s, and drops 24.3 xp (and 223.4 mana). Some tries for x500: Health Speed Attack Armor Armor% Regen E. HP Mana Exp Rating 623.92 4.442 72.67 111.07 10.00 5.90 693.2 83.78439 15.4 437.84 488.35 4.626 59.21 161.37 13.89 9.22 567.2 117.2759 18.3 772.76 650.18 4.534 47.55 133.44 11.77 15.17 736.9 116.8746 18.3 768.75 568.80 4.516 75.37 109.21 9.85 10.63 630.9 92.76063 16.3 527.61 604.48 4.465 39.91 140.71 12.34 11.83 689.5 97.69393 16.8 576.94 649.27 4.590 41.21 132.80 11.72 12.52 735.5 114.5798 18.1 745.80 596.80 4.653 42.93 125.40 11.14 16.23 671.6 127.2214 19.1 872.21 526.01 4.487 41.11 112.48 10.11 7.56 585.2 70.9531 14 309.53 And some for x2000: Health Speed Attack Armor Armor% Regen E. HP Mana Exp Rating 1151.32 4.765 361.61 227.32 18.52 17.46 1413.0 365.4345 29.5 3254.35 829.28 4.844 378.23 174.24 14.84 35.05 973.8 416.2044 31 3762.04 539.46 4.565 155.84 148.91 12.96 13.96 619.8 146.4339 20.3 1064.34 886.74 4.721 59.16 238.30 19.24 26.20 1098.1 284.4623 26.7 2444.62 504.12 4.435 57.46 100.94 9.17 5.91 555.0 63.06491 12.9 230.65 697.05 4.703 194.83 183.08 15.48 21.79 824.7 244.5301 25.2 2045.30 1355.69 5.172 161.68 141.57 12.40 15.58 1547.6 403.5027 30.6 3635.03 1276.20 5.026 88.45 171.24 14.62 11.11 1494.7 319.5543 28 2795.54 E(ffective) HP. The chance is equal. Max limit on points is twice times absolute(x).
  23. TFC Myths

    Do gems rise in quality with depth, though?
  24. World generation

    Well, that's good news. But that's not what I'm asking. I'm asking whether there would be a pregenerated finite world to generate.
  25. World generation

    Will there be some sort of 'pregenerated' map generator? The kind that you wait first, lag less later?