Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Miner239

  1. New Leveling System.

    This will fit very well with my original proposal of Regional Difficulty. Do away with exp level. Let's just use these arbitrary points that correlates with the enemies' difficulty and use it to upgrade ourselves.
  2. Cubic chunks

    Mm, cubic chunks. Pretty. I don't really think TFC2 will benefit a lot from cubic chunks, because the model of the terrain neither make mountains that tall, or make digging deep worth enough. Still want the lagless aspect, tho.
  3. Strategic Mode

    Nah, man, something like Rise of Nations or Black & White. But that would work, too, if the factions are expanded. I'm also thinking about ArmA 3's Zeus mode. How about Zeus-like(or just traditional overseer-style like WoW) players competing for ores, forest and water of the firm land?
  4. Strategic Mode

    Who wants to see a Minecraft RTS? I do.
  5. Regional Difficulty

    Hmm, a debate.What I infer from your debate is that we don't want any tunneling, but in the same time be able to build offensively. I'll say please take a look at Ace of Spades classic. We can build to defend ourselves, but then the enemy can also destroy it, which is great for the enemy. That, I believe, is what you're all after. You can use natural objects that are already there as cover, too, right? But, the mobs shouldn't be able to destroy the natural objects, and you too, until you conquered the island. Kitty, put a roof on it. Or a barbed fence or something. Do mobs even guard the tower? Make them shoot the player from far enough.
  6. Regional Difficulty

    Is the experience gain not enough of an incentive? I personally want that exact scenario to play, Kitty. If you can't survive, then go migrate to safer grounds. The feel of accomplishment that you get from building a stronghold in the middle of dangerous nowhere is what I'm after. Besides, even a copper mace is enough for me to feel safer from mobs. Smack some skellies, and you get a bow. Now snipe those mobs. No more challenge. With this addition, I think there will be always better mobs( that I haven't thought about how to better them) that will need a different tactic than go-fight-win.
  7. World generation

    Can you kindly post the TFC2 repo link? I want to see because I haven't and am currently wondering. Meanwhile, I imagined that it would be something like this: World Machine file
  8. Regional Difficulty

    I thought 3 block tall tower builders can be thwarted just by adding a ranged attack? Knock them off and they're done. I really hope we could magically spawn minions that help us conquer islands.
  9. Regional Difficulty

    I think one way to counter that is to add block-destroyer mobs, like what MITE has. Or maybe just add an explosive arrow that can destroy lower tier blocks.
  10. Regional Difficulty

    Inter-island transportation would use portals, which is acquired from defeated dungeons. Boating for a kilometer is boring. Anyway, what's you guys' opinion on my idea of regional difficulty? It kinda fits with TFC1 progression. Not really sure about TFC2, though.
  11. Regional Difficulty

    I thought about sieges on player-protected area. So mobs would spawn and keep some chunks loaded, and then they would move to the player's bases. I'd really like that. Settling in hostile environment should be dangerous even when you're passive, and especially when you're actively fighting the natives.
  12. Regional Difficulty

    Both. You level up in addition to everything I previously said, but the mobs level up too. That's what I mean. Bioxx, will that mean tier 6 mobs will have 64x the stats of tier 0(t0 zombie:450, t6: 28800) and tier 6 tools have 64x stats too(Stone axe:61, color Steel: 3904, TFC1:)? Won't that be extremely OP when you come back to your base? Also, any plans for y-dependent difficulty? The deeper you are, the easier mob spawning is and the harder the mobs are. I think it's conquered as in 'You now have the materials needed to easily defeat mobs here'.
  13. Regional Difficulty

    New tiers of tools, weapons, and buildings will surely help on conquering islands. Never fear. You also level up, don't you?
  14. Regional Difficulty

    Oh, it is? Sorry, then. EDIT: At least, can we discuss the implementation of the system here? Because the roadmap of TFC2 isn't really laid out anywhere here.
  15. Magic!

    Completed Gemcraft-based v1.20. Next, working on Manual Magic.
  16. Why did you change your name?

    1. TonyLiberatto


      After some deliberation I decided that it was ok for people to know my name. I talk to so many people that it gets confusing trying to keep online identities. This way people can call me Tony and it will be cool.

    2. Miner239


      So, you're Tony Liberatto IRL? Good to know, thanks.

  17. Light Pollution

    What in the world is that bright red off the (other )coast just south of New Orleans?
  18. Magic!

    Forgot to add that regenerating mana takes nutrition. Be patient, will ya? It's not complete. I still have another whole system of magic... that fits right with your idea, and Djakuta's idea, and my (other )idea. It's inspired by Eragon. EDIT: Those who wonder, here is the old general idea. I have been thinking about it again since that.
  19. Magic!

    I... don't really know, either. I thought about that since the time when I happiliy blow up the land with kegs on Creative. I kinda noticed that the deeper I go, the better the gems I got. Or, at least I didn't get a flawless gem on y140. But, hey, that's TFC1. It's going to be different. Hmm, I'll add another type of staff, then. Towers and traps are used only for defense, thus combat-centric. I'll add another column(Amplifier & Workstaff) with the v1.20 update, but right now I'm in school. Malachite and obsidian are listed on the jewellery list on wikipedia as gems, so I consider cut malachite or obsidian as gem. I don't really care whether it has a crystalline formation or just stone. EDIT: If you want, elaborate more on your own post/PM that I can simply co-pas to OP. Easier that way, wouldn't that be?
  20. You can already pour liquid metal into molds. Anything wrong with that?
  21. Magic!

    Update v1.20 on Gemcraft. Added Darmo's magic system on crystals and ley lines with a hint of dark magic. Answer: Also added v1.15 awhile ago. Help me fill out the '??'! Aren't gems found on shallower depth always have worst quality? The deeper you are, the better the chance to get a great gem. If you haven't found the gem yet, work harder. That's why I tied the max grades of conjured gem with the quality of the natural gem. It is tied with your progression on the tech tree & mine depth. Darmo, great idea with the durability. I'll add it in v1.20 . Darmo has it here. The mana regen is slow, yes. But why? v1.15 update states that mobs gives mana. That's why. Gaining mana from regen alone will take days to get a gem.
  22. Volcanoes

    Duuuude, set up a sulphur mine. It's not going to be interesting without sulphur.
  23. Nutrition based on food variety

    I'm kinda into taste and food variety. Think of garlic. It's not tasty to most of us, and for those who are it's still not that tasty. When you eat it, you can't stand chewing it for too long, so less nutrition is able to be absorbed from the food. Compare that to a great meal that satisfies everyone's favorites. It will be fully enjoyed by everyone, and thus give more nutrition. Eating time must also be changed, however.
  24. More Accurate Tastes to TFC2 Foods

    I thought about an affinity system. Basically, a player has likes and dislikes. Now, even if you craft 2 different meals that have the same taste profile, it would still have different ingredients, and thus different favoritism bonus.
  25. Domestication through Mendelian Inheritance Revisited

    Woah, mate, spoiler that thing. If volume of production is in, will that also mean weighted wool, milk-in bucket, and so on? I'd like that.