Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by crafter15

  1. still can't find chickens :(

    I found a couple of chickens in a swamp biome, so maybe it's a bit random. At least they were white birds, like vanilla chickens.
  2. Very nice. Are you planning a way to reduce the number of ore in the vessel intrface? Right-clicking removes an entire stack, which is not always desirable. Maybe a left click could decrease the stack by one unit.
  3. Armor

    I get what you're trying to do, but I think that your way of handling this isn't a good idea. Instead of this information blackout, you should be focusing on proper usage of spoiler tags and wiki sections.
  4. Game-breaking lag in heavily forested areas

    I think I last saw it here.
  5. Game-breaking lag in heavily forested areas

    Have you allocated enough memory to it? Some guides say that 512MB works better than more, but for me it was the opposite.
  6. Can't stack meals

    I can't stack some meals for some reason, but not others. Some meals are somehow split into different categories, but still somewhat stackable (assuming same ingredients). Now I found a non-terrible recipe and try to use it, but every single meal I make insists on occupying a separate inventory slot. What's wrong?
  7. Can't stack meals

    When used as storage, the vessel is more like a tool for expediting carpal tunnel syndrome. Juggling vessels is way too much hassle. A single 20oz meal will be gone within a few minutes of playing. It's more sensible to carry just one 160oz stack of cabbage and forget the saturation. At least that way I won't accidentally starve to death, and will have some space for other items. A decent exploration kit is something like a full hotbar of tools, plus a few things in the inventory. The rest gets filled almost immediately as well.
  8. Can't stack meals

    I guess I'll just not make them then. Not going to travel around the world with a full inventory of 20oz meals. I sure don't need to have full saturation healtn when I'm at home, do I? Not many monsters attacking me there. Considering that's what a lot of other players will conclude, that feature kinda looks like a waste of coding time.
  9. Bugged Chisel + other issues.

    The chisel gets stuck in creative when the time is frozen. To change the chisel modes you need to use the command "/gamerule doDaylightCycle true". You can set it back to false after changing the chisel mode if you prefer.
  10. Question about food preservation and beyond

    They don't really lower it that much, at least nowhere near the seasonal temperature change where the decay slowdown is actually noticeable. There's really no practical point in putting food in dark holes.
  11. Armor

    Quite the opposite, that's a perfectly valid point to put it on a wiki page.
  12. Question about food preservation and beyond

    That's pretty good news, although it'll be mostly useful for storing large stacks of cooked food, not raw ingredients.
  13. How do you get more Crop Seeds?

    I think that's not entirely true. I just planted some Gooseberry and Strawberry bushes this winter, and they all gave fruit this spring.Maybe you just need to plant the bushes before their fruit season.
  14. Spelunking vs. Tunneling for ores and minerals

    Try to find a mountain instead, because there should be an entire layer of the stone that can contain Graphite. Do some prospecting on the surface around those areas.
  15. Case of the Vanishing Hammer (bug)

    Maybe the hammer issue also happens when the last points of durability are consumed then.
  16. Case of the Vanishing Hammer (bug)

    I had the same problem. There might be another bug similar to this, only with food items. When making meals, sometimes one of the remaining ingredients becomes bugged. It randomly becomes invisible in the inventory, while not listing any decay value or weight in the tooltip.
  17. Spelunking vs. Tunneling for ores and minerals

    According to the wiki, chert can contain Kaolinite. You'll need a Gneiss, Marble, Schist or Quartzite mountains for Graphite.
  18. Spelunking vs. Tunneling for ores and minerals

    I found my kaolinite and graphite by prospecting mountain bases on the surface. If you live on a layer that can contain them, there's probably a good chance to find traces of them somewhere.
  19. Banished Game + Mod

    If you unassign all villagers and then assign them again, they take the closest jobs. Normally the game does that itself, but you can do it yourself once in a while.
  20. Underwhelming cave-ins

    I dug this big vein pretty much upwards from the bottom, and that's the best cave-in it could do? Only one layer dropped, only once. Clearly something is wrong. How does one make a decent cave-in?
  21. Underwhelming cave-ins

    Because they're fun. Also, you can put a mob under it and drop it on its head. The possibilities! I've been trying to bring down this baby:
  22. [0.79.?] Metal tools - priority and materials

    Hmm, ok.
  23. Staying with 1.6.4 discussion

    Seeing an outdated version number can be off-putting for new players. Personally, I always prefer to have the latest version for possible bug fixes.
  24. [0.79.?] Metal tools - priority and materials

    Fair enough. Meanwhile, I just found out that different bronze actually has different stats. Added a note to the guide. I hope it's correct, since Black Bronze Picaxe shows 97 attack damage, while a Bronze Pickaxe 102 for some reason.
  25. [0.79.?] Metal tools - priority and materials

    My first attempt at TFC put me on an island biome. Several small islands, barely connected, with no bigger landmass in sight. I didn't know about the gold pan at the time (or at the time of writing this guide btw). After getting sick of swimming, with a couple of sphalerite nuggets and no other metal nugget on the entire land, I almost quit the mod. Second attempt, still no idea that I could make metal out of thin air, I was stuck in stone age for a long time. I think until autumn at least... The game day is very short, it makes exploration rather boring and unrewarding. Mobs aside, it's impossible to even see anything worthwhile. I'd say nerf the gold pan to hell, but keep it as an option for cases like my first. Increase the length of day, to compensate.