Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by 1SDAN

  1. My New SSP World

    Planks DID get nerfed, but saws make more than axes.
  2. Animals!

    And wolf packs would follow sheep packs. Sheep, pig, cow etc. packs would follow grassier areas and run from wolves. When you hit a passive mob it And it's pack runs away from you. I HATE how you punch the cows and the others are like: Cow 1: "Did you see that?" Cow 2: "Yea, Thomas just got killed." Cow 1: "Should we run?" Cow 1: "Nah, I wanna eat more grass." Cow 2: "Okay." Human kills cow 2." Cow 1: "Did you see that?" Cow 3: "Yea, Barney just got killed."
  3. Unofficial SMP Trades Thread

    I like it, maybe bigger fish need stronger lines and rods, like iron. And the preparation idea's very good, I'd really like to see that on all animals. Drop a carcass, prepare. Maybe certain fish can only be found at certain places (like saltwater, freshwater, cold water or hot water) And some fish would be deeper underwater so that you need a longer line. @JAG Pure genious.
  4. Official Death Penalty Discussion

    Really, I'm anti-debuff, no matter how weak it is, it's still deadly under the right circumstances. But, I did see some ideas that caught my eye: First: The Corpse Idea (ECC) It's very original and fun. Believable too, but the lag it'll cause for servers if it happens to every death would be horrific. But if it only happens to a select few, it wouldn't be fair. Thus, I say maybe something else. Not a no, just not a certain yes. Second: The Injury Idea (Multiple) No this is not a debuff after death. It's that when you get hurt, you gain some debuffs while you're not dead. While it's not really an idea for death penalty, it's still very good. Third: Collected Health Pool (Me and Legendary) Now, yes it's my own so it obviously caught my eye, but it may be usable. Your health bar normally is at ten. (As usual), but when you die, your total potential hearts (TPH) goes down by 1) For every 30 minutes you're active without dying, you regain 1 TPH. Now, I'm thinking you can't have less than 5 hearts lost, for balance reasons. This would be fairly simple to code and would allow you to play without a real debuff. It's more of a penalty. Plus, if you had good armor, you'd be fine. Maybe you'd even respawn with your armor so you won't have as bad of a chance. Also, it's really only a debuff for players who die often. Because if you die once every 40 minutes, you'd never have less than 9 hearts. Fourth: Experience (Legendary) Now, this is actually more of a buff than a debuff. When you die you lose your experience, as usual. But what if experience was for more than enchanting? In real life, the more we are hurt, the tougher our skin gets. The more we hold our breath underwater, the longer we can hold it. And so, I think it's believable that a magical power is the source of this gain. And when you die, you're a whole new person. So you don't have that gain. So all in all, Experience Points = Buff
  5. If you have 10 sluices set up u would get a bunch of ore...
  6. Official Death Penalty Discussion

    So far, I like ECC's Idea best. p.s. ECC, what I'm getting from your post is after x amount of time without looting, the loot-able body becomes a zombie? Seems legit.
  7. SMP specific Gamemechanic ideas (Not the Kingdoms/Nations stuff)

    I kinda have been here and on the unofficial trades thread
  8. While developing this....Addon

    Can't wait my gemstones are hogging up my chests and i need a use for em.
  9. Official Death Penalty Discussion

    Maybe people lost 1 total heart of life after they die (ie. they can't regain it) But every increment of 30 minutes they stay alive while they are not afk/offline they gain 1 total heart of life (no regaining more than the max amount of hearts (i think it's something like 10...))
  10. Natural disasters

    Referral denied EDIT: That's what happens when I open the image link
  11. Gem Cutting

    I think we may be possibly off the track of this thread...
  12. SMP specific Gamemechanic ideas (Not the Kingdoms/Nations stuff)

    Yes, but just about everyone can do these, I want a hard difficulty for SMP where trades are hard to master, thus forcing the formation of communities and true trading of goods and services.
  13. bee hives (for food and crop polination)

    Well, what happens is 1 swarm stays home, the other pollinates. The more honey they make, the more swarms are produced. Also, having it take a while forces the player to choose between safety and honey. Remember, this is just how they spawn. In areas where bees are left alone, they can have many many hives each with 5 swarms out in the field. (Lol bee/army pun)
  14. Redstone (And How It Should Work)

    Actually, I like this. But maybe instead of copper parts they can be iron parts...
  15. bee hives (for food and crop polination)

    Ok. Well, the bee hive already has a "Swarm" so to speak. In my idea there's a fictional swarm keeping the hive prepared (the particles around the hive) while there's another swarm pollinating and collecting honey making stuff. So, starts with 1 functional and keeps gaining after every x amount of honey produced. When there's 7 collector bees, two move away and form their own hive over a period of months.
  16. Unofficial SMP Trades Thread

    Well I mean like trades that few can master and perfect. Trades that will make it so not everyone can do everything on their own. It will force a society to emerge, cut down on griefing and killing so that people can gain for the common good.
  17. Unofficial SMP Trades Thread

    Ideas for trades. (as in blacksmithing, sculpting, farming, ect)
  18. Natural disasters

    That wasn't a useless/unnecessary post. I was giving an idea that was kind of helpful
  19. SMP specific Gamemechanic ideas (Not the Kingdoms/Nations stuff)

    I mean like blacksmiths and sculptors.
  20. SMP specific Gamemechanic ideas (Not the Kingdoms/Nations stuff)

    Actual trades 'nough said.
  21. Natural disasters

    .??? (o.o)
  22. Natural disasters

    I think this is a very good idea, maybe some ores come from meteorites, forest fires could enrich soil and even there could be aliens in the meteorites (hey, it's believable)
  23. bee hives (for food and crop polination)

    Thanks, I'm just not sure if particles can act as a mob. Can they?
  24. Prepared food? (and easier crop renewal)

    Just a tip: We are going for believability, not realism. Here, the R word is as bad as a swear