Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by MDub

  1. TerraFirmaCraft in the technic launcher?

    The issue was that it searched your registry to find where java was installed, so it could use that path in a BAT file. That bat file is the file that executes and does that java -jar "Path to my server" deal, which actually starts the instance, but if it didnt find the registry key, it wouldnt fill in the paths in the bat, so the server couldnt start unless you modifed the bat file manually. This has been fixed though.
  2. TerraFirmaCraft in the technic launcher?

    Its actually a rewrite of an older version me and my friends have used since ~44. I had to rewrite the zip handling code because of jeb's dumb ass using reserved windows file names in the 1.3.1 jar file :/
  3. TerraFirmaCraft in the technic launcher?

    I expected as much. It is pretty rough right now anyway. I know of a few things I need to fix already that might crop up. One of them being with the creation of servers, where if a certain registry key doesnt exist on your machine, the BAT file it builds for the server wont have any paths to the executables in it .
  4. TerraFirmaCraft in the technic launcher?

    Yes this tool doesnt affect your local install at all. Each configuration you make is its own instance of MC, with its own worlds, login info, mods, etc. I only uses your minecraft install to copy the jar file from when it creates a new configuration (client), given that... the version of MC you have in the %APPDATA%.minecraftbin directory is the version of MC which gets used. In addition, it expects your default install to be vanilla. I dont really know what would happen if you try to install mods ontop of a modded jar, it might work out, it might not
  5. TerraFirmaCraft in the technic launcher?

    Sorry bout the wait, I've been very busy lately. UPDATES!! I have a working version of this if you want to try it out. Its a bit rough, but the source code is there, and it works with 1.3.1 . here is the link to the zip containing a build (sorry no documentation ATM, but its easy enough to figure out) One tip - mods are installed in the order they appear in the list from top to bottom. here is a link to the source code its pretty beta atm, but feel free to try it out, and ill get better versions at some point. Also, when you build a client configuration, you have to finish making it, select it, then click launch. The first time you do this, you have to log in, let it DL its stuff from, then close the instance and launch it again. This is how I got around distributing the jar file for MC. You only need to do this ONCE, the very first time you launch the configuration. -Fixed a bug that wouldnt let you select mods one at a time Also wanted to note that I tried this out by modding my client on 1.3.1 with modloader modloader mp, and the minimap, then I used the tool to create a server using the minecraft.jar from with modloaderMP as the mod. Not the most extensive of tests, but it work great. Also tried vanilla on both the client and the server, and a copy of my bukkit server's jar. both worked fine. I turned down the default settings on the server's JVM memory settings. I had set this to 500MB minimum - 4G. If the target machine didnt have this much ram the server wouldnt start. In addition I forgot to include the BAT file in the last upload put a new set of source and build zips out there. Included some tool tips and a bit of other help text. fixed some of the obvious issues and whatnot. I dont really want to use this page as a portal for 'releases' of this tool, so I wont be updating the links anymore. If you have suggestions for stuff to add, wanna tell me about things that are broken or want a copy please message me.
  6. TerraFirmaCraft in the technic launcher?

    No need, but you can surely have a copy
  7. black sky

    Alright it was a problem with the installation of the server. I checked out the map and everything was vanilla blocks everywhere, which explained why the surface was at fuggin 80y... I reinstalled the server components on a fresh jar file and regenerated the map. That fixed the issue. FYI there is a bug out there on the bug tracker with screenshots
  8. black sky

    This is happening to me too on 46d. It is definitely an elevation problem. Below a certain level everything is black with blue patches in the sky. Directly above the player, there is a block of air which you can see the real sky through, and once you reach a certain elevation, the problem goes away...
  9. Unfortunately, I've never had this problem, nor have I seen it on the forum Appart from suggesting that you start with a fresh jar file and reinstall the mod, im sorta at a loss. I'll do some diggin on the forum and see if I can find any others who had this issue and resolved it. In the mean time, I seriously think that you reinstall the mod. Seeing as how you cant load saved games, its not like your going to lose much...
  10. TerraFirmaCraft in the technic launcher?

    I wanted the exact same thing, which is why the verion of the tool im working on now supports building both server and client instances.
  11. Heat bug?

    lol Macholes....
  12. [Offline] Nessaja TFCraft Minecraft Server

    Im sad to see ya go Endless....
  13. TerraFirmaCraft in the technic launcher?

    FYI, I still have the tool that I built mentioned in the other thread, and I made some major changes to it since that post making it more stable. Unfortuantely, per Bioxx's request, I cannot and will not distribute the mod files with the installer. The installer is very similar to MultiMC, and simply builds you a unique instance of Minecraft with the mods you select installed on it, keeping those instances seperate from your actual minecraft install. With the tool, you can create a new configuration each time a version of TFC is released, and play any version you have taken the time to set up at the click of a button. Currently the tool is only supported on windows operating systems with the .NET framework 4.0. I have given the code to another developer here on the forums who is looking into writing a cross platform version.
  14. Beasts of Burden

    So I've been sorta kicking around the idea of introducing some type of machanic which would allow the player to use domesticated cattle as pack animals. I've got some ideas, and am trying to make them a bit less nebulus, and sorta tie the idea into some of the other machanics in the game, but I dont know if this idea has already been discussed. If it has, could someone point me to thread? My starting point is the idea that there could be a craftable item something like backpack meets saddle which one could place on domesticated animals, forcing some sort of following AI on the part of the animal, or perhaps functioning like a saddle and allowing the player to steer while riding it. I think that if it were done in such a way that the animal could no longer fit through 1 block wide 2 block tall openings and need say 3 blocks wide (one block on either side of the animal for the satchels), it could give the player more of an incentive to use the supports and build larger more accomidating mineshafts. Although I could also see that aspect mitigating the usefullness by requiring so much extra effort to get pack animals to the mines. The animals could be brought down into a mineshaft, and stabled in some way, loaded up with goodies, then brough back up to the surface with a boat load of ore and gems on them. It would also be very useful for migrating to a new location in search of better ores. Thoughts?
  15. Beasts of Burden

    I had also thought of many places where code could be stolen, such as the following AI when the player is holding wheat (I imaing it would be pretty similar), the logic to show the saddle on pigs and whatnot, but without knowing anything about the object model, we have to trust dunkle when he says it would be complex and time consuming. I've been in his shoes, and if theres an easier way to do it (with rails or whatver) I fully support the decision. Also, hows the cross platform version of that code I sent ya coming along?
  16. Beasts of Burden

    While I was about to post more content on the idea here this morning, if the developer behind animals says its alot of work, and has reservations about coding it, I wont argue the point. Ill try to contribute to the rails idea a bit more. Seems like a simpler solution to transporting mass quantites of stuff.
  17. Im having the same issue on 46c now. SSP seems to be a little better, but still pretty heavily bugged.
  18. [Offline] Nessaja TFCraft Minecraft Server

    I tried out 46c today... still seems to be pretty broken. SMP wasnt functioning at all. Same problem as before, client gets an expcetion when they login, and server just oblivously hums along.
  19. I'm back and ... What happened ?!?!

    That was painful to watch
  20. I'm back and ... What happened ?!?!

    IMO, the distaster that was 46a&b (not sure about c) probably contributed more to the anarchy than general sense of entitlement, but youre right... Bioxx and the dev team own the IP. TFC is what they want it to be and nothing more.
  21. Heat bug?

    Anyone know if this is fixed in the latest build?
  22. Crash Report Question

    Which bat file are you talking about?
  23. I tried this anyway to see what it was all about, and I too can comfirm that 46b SMP is broken. When the user logs in the console says PlayerManager Successfully removed player [PLAYERNAME] twice, and the client sits at a screen after the Logging In step for a second, a stack trace flashes on the screen for a split second, then all you get is a blackscreen.
  24. Nice, the last time I used python was for an open source web programming course my freshman year . I do however have a similar tool which I made, that is very much like multi mc that a few friends and I use. I could provide you with a build, and the source code if you are interested . I happen to note your directory separator char is unix. I dont remember if that relfects the file system on the disk in python or not. This tool requires the .NET framework, so unless you have a windows box, or through some small miracle it works via wine, you could only view the source code. -edit- derp the /usr/bin should have given it away
  25. 46b can't find surface stone pieces

    This happens to me alot on new maps... or at least it did on 45. The problem was that none spawned within a few hundred blocks of the spawn point. Try hoppin in creative or something and flying way away from the spawn, I bet you will find some.