Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by M_So

  1. To know where spawn is I would have had to use the seed, much easier to just ask or you could say where spawn is so everyone would know.
  2. Keys to protect all your goodies

    Congrats you made this a "HOT" Topic.
  3. Is that near spawn and did you see any copper? sweet looking cave, really open with lots of levels.
  4. Fishing

    For easy bait we could also have normal food be crafted into "Bait Scraps" like one porkchop turns into 8-16 scraps and a fish turns into 4-8.
  5. Chain World?

    Maybe you will be next to play?
  6. Ore???

    Ya try one of the seeds and see if ore is spawning, if not try reinstalling and clear your "config" folder, I hear that sometimes can do that but not likely. Took me till my 3ed world before I found any ore. Good ways to find ores is trying diffrent biomes (if the forest has nothing try the desert) and finding caves. (easy way to find caves is dig down to the magma sea and go swiming in creative mode, you should find a opening.)
  7. Inventory Changes

    I'm fine with that, not sure how it moving in water would work but burning in lava should be easy enough.Also about waring if the bag, if it is worn as a chest plate that would aid to teamwork on SMP (one player being the tank fighting off creepers, the other being the miner able to carry all the loot) and for SSP it would add some more work when mining, going into a cave having to wall off ore vains then come back before you can mine it. If he just adds a new "Backpack" slot that will just make it easier for everyone and i'm alright with that.
  8. Ore generation- Is this permanant?

    With dwarf fortress you have hundreds of dwarfs all digging away. on SSP your alone. The only way to commpare the 2 games is to kill off 6 of your starting dwarfs and play with just one.Atleast with SMP you have a lot more people so it offers room for trade and stuff. In short it might work for SMP but it is horribly broken for SSP.
  9. Inventory Changes

    Yep yep, the bag taking damage was just to see if you are for or against the idea, I myself am against it taking damage too. Scattering items adds more risk to the game, if all your important items are tucked safely away in a bag you loes that. The upgrades should be more costly they the bag it's self, since you can't really lower the bag cost, having the upgrades the same but only provide half as much space seems fair. Lastly I'm vary much against having the bag on the hotbar, I'm already short with 9 slots and that would just lose me one more with no real purpose.
  10. Inventory Changes

    I like it, only thing I would want diffrent is items to still scatter and the upgrade costing 8 leather each. (your cerrent backpack in the middle with 8 leather around it) How will the backpack be worn? Just equiped in the chest slot? Will it take damage?
  11. Spike Pit

    I did not know that! thanks for the info.
  12. Spike Pit

    I don't uderstand that, if grass grows on the dirt how will they fall? not really a good pit trap if you can't spring it. Or does grass fall when in a 9x9 sheet and I'm just not aware of it.
  13. EASILY find starter ores: technique

    I agree, also I don't really see this as being a "technique" that only pros know about, rather it's the ONLY way at the moment to play the game. Walking around for hours, praying to find enough tin and copper so you can mine all that iron you are sure to have found by now... you would think the "lesser" metals would be easyier to find and the "Better" ones to be harder, I find it to be totaly opposite. Kind of hits you with a brickwall before you can even start enjoying the game to it's fullest.
  14. EASILY find starter ores: technique

    So far from about 3 hours of looking I found some tin (YAY!) and about one copper nugget,.. It works! but they are still vary rare.
  15. No ore in 42 or 43.

    and here I was thinking I messed my world up by generating it without the Resource file, well it is true to life at least! It is not like you are going to trip over a gold mine, that sort of thing takes... years... So far all i have found is a handful of sulfur after about 6 hours of looking, that sounds about right. (What is sulfur for anyways?)