Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Macrocyte

  1. [WIP] Mod Conversion/Creation Hub

    I did once but it's been quite a few builds back so I could be remembering incorrectly. (I can't look back on the world, I always play on Hardcore) I would make it so that you can use either. Also If the use seems electronic you could always have it use other tier2 metals (such as the bronzes) instead if it's supposed to be more common. I think they mean getting aluminum out of it's bonded ore state by heating it up then using electrolysis to separate out the aluminum. And no the mods I've seen only require smelting aluminum ore usually.I am looking forward to Thaumcraft the most, but it would be interesting to rig up some toys to help mine. Or like make an auto-meal machine. /drool Please make the pipes link up to the food prep counter
  2. Animals!

    I do think the herd behavior should be different from pack behavior. Packs have an Alpha and the pack is all connected to that individual. The individuals copy or contribute to the goals of the alpha. Herds are more of a collection of individuals that through their behaviors conglomerate and move together. (Note: I don't actually know if this is really the case but it's my perception) Also I would prefer if wolves had a territory or home set. They would go hunting for prey when they get hungry, but I think that's the most following they should do.
  3. Animals!

    Hmmm could you have it so that bears fish and it gets thrown behind them. After they have 2 or 3 they turn around and collect/eat them. If a player (or another animal) could run by and steal them while the bear is still fishing that would be cool. You would probably need to run like hell though.
  4. Animals!

    I think it would be neat if either the big horn sheep or the deer could act like a mountain goat (or add a mountain goat). Have it able to jump 2 maybe even 3 blocks and drop an extra 2 or 3 blocks without taking damage. Be neat to see them living on super steep mountain sides. EDIT: Only if they are pastel.
  5. Animals!

    In the algorithm I proposed 11 would be the minimum in which a cow actively looked for more friends within it's scanning range. The maximum would only be set by the amount land available and the minimum distance set between any two cows. I was hoping that any food/hunger mechanics would be the thing that broke herds apart. If you have dry grass and their population may bust faster (no reproduction and starving individuals break off). If your in a tropics and grass regrows faster than they can eat it.... COWS! AS FAR AS THE EYE CAN SEE!
  6. Animals!

    Starving mobs should probably not try to breed, and wander far off looking for food sources. Prey animals should want to back away from anything that is similar in size or bigger and is not of the same species out of instinct (unless it's holding food). Prey should also always run (as if they were attacked when they spot a natural predator. As a corollary Predators should sneak (shift) while hunting. As implicated predators should hunt when hungry. Animals should be able to pick and eat (or directly eat as an act of picking up) loose food items (seeds/grain dropped on the ground, beef or pork dropped from an animal being killed) Should animals have a 1 slot inventory to carry up to a stack of food to their young? Should animals that care for their young have a "home" where the young are tethered to to make the above 1 slot inventory needed? Should I cut my mental ramblings short and get back to work?
  7. Animals!

    I suggested a small minimum range because cows particularly don't seem to care if they are REALLY packed together... especially when moving. Having a medium range of 25 for the herding movement to kick in should reduce stacking, especially when they have whatever normal random wandering when not subject to herding. Also, for protection behavior you could have adults (or adult males) move toward the edges of the herd (increase minimum distance?) Anyway, herding can stand alone in the hierarchy of animal behavior whatever else is added or altered. (such as find good grass, run if another cow within X gets attacked, find mate, etc)
  8. Animals!

    I would look into swarm mechanics for the herding behavior. Basic swarm mechanics are simple: Each animal has a constant velocity, Each animal changes it's direction toward every other animal, and each animal changes it's direction away from any animal closer than a minimum distance. (using cows cause I'm lazy and don't want to type animals) For a herds I would give them a range where they are free to move about as per normal. Keep the minimum range where they want to get away form other cows. 1-2 blocks Give them a medium range where they want to keep a minimum number of cows. wants to have 10+ cows within 25 blocks Give them a maximum scanning range to look for more cows to put in the medium range. If < 10 cows within 25 blocks go toward any cows within 60 blocks Of course remove constant velocity because cows are lazy too. I would posit that this would give you groupings of 11 cows each. I would also have group flight response defer to herding ( ie running away < friends ) and food searching super-cede herding (food > friends). It would be interesting to see if this does what I think it would do or not. EDIT: flipped a < symbol for correc-ityness
  9. TFC Build 44 - How To Get Flux?

    Sorry I got explosion cobble mixed up with the cavein cobble. Aumonaug probably had a cavein caused by a creeper explosion. This produces the cobble inventory object when you pick it up, not the stone inventory object.
  10. Breeding

    So If you have a pregnant animal does it no longer accept wheat? Also, for selective breeding is there going to be an interface for all the cows in a pen? Or will we have to keep track of them by trying to seperate the pairs we want. If it's the latter can we have a leash or lasso to pull individuals around with? Damn cows are unruly. Edit: Oh also how much grass does an animal need to have access to so it can feed itself? Is it only the long grass you can break for seeds or do grass blocks it has access to "feed" it.
  11. TFC Build 44 - How To Get Flux?

    If you mine the cavein cobble you can convert that into the correct rocks. Just place it and then mine it again.