Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Truculent

  1. [b44+] easy = Tin + Copper + Iron !

    Having a hard time finding ores? Tired of digging for hours and finding nothing? Then this is the seed for you: easy Or you can use 3105794 if you prefer numbers. Go to 77,140 -- it's in some water, so start on the shore nearby around 85,165 -- and dig down to y=95. You will find a massive cassiterite deposit containing native copper and hematite inclusions. The location of the hematite deposits are around 77,130 108,165 and 90,120 (all at or near y=95). As an extra bonus you'll also find some cinnabar. Happy mining!
  2. I'm out for a while

    I accept no responsibility if you wreck your machine somehow! You can find the drivers here : http://h10025.www1.h...ery=Envy+15#N29 But you will need to choose the correct laptop (might be best to put in the model / serial number in their search). Alternatively, you can get the driver from AMD's site. Generally it's best to uninstall the existing driver via the Control Panel then reboot and install the new driver. http://support.amd.c...words=&items=20 edit: here is how to uninstall the old driver, but if you have the HP branded version installed then it might be somewhat different...
  3. [b44+] easy = Tin + Copper + Iron !

    I believe it changed in 46d actually, but yeah this seed / coordinate no longer has the ore vein as described. I'd look for another good seed, but not much point until worldgen is relatively stable and stops changing quite so often. I'll suggest in the meantime playing the game as intended and if you're stuck finding ore, submit some constructive feedback on it. Alternatively you can just use the tool as I've described to find ore in your own map.
  4. [b44+] easy = Tin + Copper + Iron !

    Yes, load the patch.txt with the "Load patch file [Load]" button. You can see the ID mapping in the Translations box. Then click start to apply.
  5. Disillusioned with TFCraft

    It's not what I suggested at all.
  6. [b44+] easy = Tin + Copper + Iron !

    it's really not a very complicated tool, but maybe this is of help: -1.) Make sure that Minecraft is not running, else your map can be corrupted. Even if it's just on the title screen. 0.)Also make sure your game save is in Creative mode (or you'll fall and die). 1.) Download and extract mIDas Gold into a folder. 2.) Copy the text from the first link into an IDNames.txt file in the mIDas folder. 3.) Copy the text from the second link into a patch.txt file in the mIDas folder. (though you can name it whatever you like) 4.) You made a backup of your save game, yes? 5.) Run mIDas. There should be on the main window two things of importance: a dropdown to choose a save file, and a button to load a patch. 6.) Choose the map save file you want to use.... you did back it up, right? 7.) Click the patch button and choose your patch.txt file. 8.) Now apply the patch. It should take a few seconds, if your map is really big it may take a few minutes. 9.) Close mIDas and load Minecraft, and load your map. Unsupported major.minor version 51.0 You need Java 7.
  7. Disillusioned with TFCraft

    Latest released version is 45, did you typo the version# by chance? In the last few versions, ore doesn't spawn above ~135 now so if you're just roaming about the surface keep an eye on your Y axis. Large swaths of the surface will be totally out of range of propicking any ore. If you're on version 45 then the propick will hit +- 12 blocks, you should easily find some starter ores on the surface, but you won't find anything if you're above 147 or 148 in y axis. In previous versions you won't propick anything if you're above 141 or 142 in y axis, which will be most of the above-ground area on the map to be honest. The best way IMO to find ore now is to drill straight down. Just take 3-4 stone pick and stone propick and mine below your feet, checking every 2nd or 3rd block with the propick. You might fall into a cave and die, so don't carry anything valuable (some food/torches and an axe is a good idea for caving). If you find a cave and survive then explore around some and maybe you'll get lucky. You can stop at about y=20 or so and either pillar back up with cobble or just put some cobble above your head and suicide. If you didn't find ore then move some distance away and try again. The propick scans 24x24 so go at least 25 blocks away and repeat. Also keep an eye on what types of rock you get at what y-value per biome. If you're looking for a specific ore it will help you narrow down the search.
  8. [b44+] easy = Tin + Copper + Iron !

    No idea, I don't use xray mod.
  9. [b44+] easy = Tin + Copper + Iron !

    I used a map editor (mIDas Gold) to delete all the non-ore blocks. You can find this application here: I documented it in bug #400, but I'll put it here as well. The following files will be of use: IDNames.txt (config file) : patch file to replace all non-ores with air : Make a backup copy of your map. Download the program, place the IDNames.txt and patch.txt in the same directory. Make sure you made a backup copy of your map as this isn't a reversible operation! Now load mIDas, select your map (you did make a backup, right?) and then apply the patch.
  10. [b44+] easy = Tin + Copper + Iron !

    For the SSP/SMP ore differences, there's a thread on that :
  11. Ore generation- Is this permanant?

    I guess I misunderstood you then, but I was only talking about the lack of nearly any ores within a short distance of the surface. I realize the mod has both realism and scarcity as goals, and these are difficult things to balance. However I feel the removal of most ore near the surface removes a degree of realism, while the addition of giant blobs of ore at depth is a step back from scarcity.
  12. Ore generation- Is this permanant?

    No, y=47 is nothing at all like a surface deposit. By surface deposit I mean something like this : "A tiny (15 m wide) black magnetite dune in the lee of Dune 30 of the Pampa de Jaguay group. A representative sample from this dune measured 46.3% magnetic weight recovery in the Davis Tube. The author attributes the increased heavy mineral content to the winnowing action of turbulent airflow coming from the crest of Dune 30."
  13. Ore generation- Is this permanant?

    Historically, surface or near-surface deposits were common sources of metal. Alluvial or placer deposits were commonly mined for tin (cassiterite), iron (magnetite), gold, and silver. Limonite and other precipitated ores such as goethite are formed in bogs and other groundwater-bearing areas. In the same vein (hah!), laterite soils are also near-surface sources of iron and nickel.
  14. Support Beams, Prospecting Pick and Digging Up

    Digging down can be bad, as there might be a cave below you that you'd break through into or cause a collapse into. I've dug into caves more than a few times, but never triggered a collapse from it. Keep in mind with the recent terrain generation, the fall itself can easily be fatal. So don't stand on the block you're mining and you're almost always safe, that's Minecraft 101 knowledge though... Digging up seems less risky as long as you have the ceiling supported. The immediate ceiling can't collapse, so the blocks above it won't collapse. Only the stone above the 1x hole you are digging could have a collapse. It could trigger nearby unsupported areas to collapse, but as long as you have full support coverage in the important areas, it shouldn't cause you trouble.
  15. Differing Generation Between SSP and SMP

    That's true, I didn't even consider it. So it's just an SMP quirk then apparently.
  16. Support Beams, Prospecting Pick and Digging Up

    I've never had a cave-in from digging a 1 block wide vertical shaft up, so long as the rest of the blocks around it were supported by beams. I simply dig up 3-4 blocks then 1 block over for a vertical + horizontal beam and start carving out from the top down.
  17. Differing Generation Between SSP and SMP

    It may be possible to use the same level name / world name in SMP and SSP and get the same ore generation, I didn't try it though.
  18. Differing Generation Between SSP and SMP

    Yes, changing the level-name parameter in the file seems to change where ore is found in the world.
  19. Differing Generation Between SSP and SMP

    I ran into this as well, it seems to be related to the level-name. You can generate the same seed in SMP with 2 different level-name and the ores will be in different places. I ran into this some versions ago, I needed to migrate the OS on my server and used a test machine to validate it. The SMP map we were on at the time had a large cassiterite deposit in a cliff not far from spawn and so it was immediately noticeable that something had changed when it was no longer there on a map regen. Seems like a bug to me, though I suppose it could be something done intentionally, I can't imagine why though.