Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Endless_Riddles

  1. Keys to protect all your goodies

    I believe it would be a good idea to be able to make customizable keys from sticks in an interface similar to stone knapping so that your chests would not got griefed. If you can put the sticks together with maybe a knife you can whittle out a key (or from a piece of metal). i realize with the maybe possible combinations of whittling you can make many versions of the same key which would require a lot of item ids to be added. Also a lock could be created that can be placed on a chest so only a key with the matching combination can open.
  2. [Offline] Ecu's TFC Server [Slots: 10][No Whitelist]

    Our current system is setting up temporary storage and beds once we hit metal and can use chisels the perm building will be in place before that you can build a house if you want but there is no real reason as all our items go in the community chests anyways
  3. [Offline] Ecu's TFC Server [Slots: 10][No Whitelist]

    server is upgrading to 46e which should fix optifine problem will be up again shortly
  4. [Offline] Nessaja TFCraft Minecraft Server

    Seldron what you haven't noticed is that my arguement over these last posts was never that I would do something wrong so why do you keep listing that as an issue? What I have been explaining is that the lava is not dangerous in itself as it had been properly coverd. Lava can only light air blocks on fire that it has a clear connection to it which was not the case as lava will light air blocks on fire using the same mechanics as fire which you do not know. This can happen at a distance of up to one block downwards, one block sideways (including diagonals), and four blocks upwards of the original fire or lava source. No wood was within these areas of my exposed roof lava so the only danger was from either griefers or creepers. Griefers can not be prevented and creepers are easily prevented through the use of fences which should have been part of original market design (as I suggested) So normally at this point I would tell you to go look at my stall and notice the fact that all of these requirements had been met to ensure proper safety of my stall and others with the exception of market fence but it seems you destroyed my stall as soon as I was banned... So as I was banned for not following safety procedures implemented after I created my stall and not following the demands of an admin who did not properly research facts before creating these false procedures the ban should be immediatly lifted on my and my friend Super_Dave18 whose only fault was sticking up for his friend who was unjustly punished and all items lost through looting after the ban returned with extra to cover destroyed building which took upwards of five hours to create. Sources:
  5. [Offline] Nessaja TFCraft Minecraft Server

    Lets make this a simple question, Seldron do you now see that lava being placed in my stall was not an unnecessary risk to the community (with the exception of griefers who as pointed out earlier could do more damage then my lava ever could) provided safety procautions had been followed including my steps at extra enclosure and a simple fence around the market which should have been done already to remove threat of creepers.
  6. [Offline] Nessaja TFCraft Minecraft Server

    First: Seldron for the 6 hours you were offline I was offline as well and when i logged off the first time I left the lava in place. Upon logging back on later I noticed you replaced my lava with water and glowstone. This was not acceptable as I built that entire stall with the intention of using lava using redish stone and a lava suitable color scheme. At which point I replaced the lava and then understanding that my stall might be a danger took steps to enclose the lava in the corners so people could not accidently kill themselves with the exception of intentionally jumping on the roof. (which I was intending to enclose) Second: What you fail to appreciate is the statement that my stall in itself was no danger by its presence alone if somebody decided to grief as I stated earlier nobody can stop them... By destroying my stall and releasing lava would have in fact done LESS damage then simply using a pickaxe freely around the marker for only 10 seconds. I propose banning pickaxes on the server because they make things easier to grief. Third: What you failed to post was that I did ask neighboring stall owner Yoshari to build with stone instead, even offering to supplying the stone myself. Also the tree was only there temporarily until the stall was sold. Fourth: I did place the lava knowing I would get banned because if you feel a bad decision was made then you have to oppose it or you have no right to complain later. Fifth: So as you stated if I wanted to place lava in my stall I should have started a human discussion about it on the forum? So in total I need community approval as to what i can use to build in my own stall? Have you even thought about this? what you are stating is that I give up my ability as a minecrafter to build things to the sky because what if a griefer comes along and destroyed a key support and my house crashs down on somebody else. I would get blamed for somebody griefing me if it damaged somebody else. Imaging you are stopped at a stop light behind somebody, all of a sudden somebody slams into your rear causing you to hit the car in front. Should you be criminally liable for the damages to the front car?
  7. [Offline] Nessaja TFCraft Minecraft Server

    First: I should be to blame for my stall being cool looking enough for griefers to target? Should I take that as a compliment? Second: Seldron stated that griefing is punishable so he took precautions? Seldron did not even join the town until a few days ago and besides his hut next to the market he has not impacted the town to any extent to protect from griefers or otherwise. Third: Stalls in the market were made largely of stone so the only wood within the area of my lava was planks which only purpose was to differentiate the stalls for Chocmerc's selling convenience. Fourth: Seldron was up for 25 hours with 3 hours of sleep... So because the host was having a bad day I should concede on the issue that was only a problem because he made an issue of it? Also after his long day is his judgement really expected to be the same after sleep depravation where studies show after 21 hours awake people show the same cognative function of a person with .08% blood alcohol which is legaly drunk Fifth: As Ecu pointed out my stall would not convince someone who otherwise wouldn't grief to begin a spree. A simple pickaxe is the most useful tool for all sorts of griefing so should that be banned in use? Bottom Line if somebody decides to grief there is nothing you can do to stop it and the only way to contain it is to ban / kick the griefer so should I get banned for using what is in essence a building block which on its own can not do any harm other then that caused by players?
  8. [Offline] Nessaja TFCraft Minecraft Server

    So I was banned from the server today for using lava in the creation of my market stall... It was deemed unsafe for the market because if somebody decided to destroy my stall and release the enclosed lava it would damage other stalls. After my lava was removed from my stall I was warned that if I placed it again I would be banned. I would not accept that I should be punished for somebody griefing me, so I placed the lava again knowing full well Seldron would ban me as I was warned. I did this to prove the fact that this server punishs people for the actions of others. I was especially saddened to hear that my friend Super_Dave18 logged on to see that not only was the stall that was built by me being destroyed and looted, but was asked to know where I lived so they could loot my stuff. He took it upon himself, as he noticed that everything I had built was being destroyed, to assist in the endeavors by destroying another stall built by me for a Sol_Subzero. This was not allowed as it appeared only the property of Endless_Riddles was being destroyed to thoroughly eliminate the presence of my impact upon the town, he was also banned. In total if you want to join a server that punishs people for the actions of others and for friends sticking up for each other then by all means join this server, but if you do, despite warning, note that as soon as you are not around to protect your items that had been painstakingly created or found then you will be looted and your work destroyed by people whom you once considered to be if not friends then at least comrades in the Terrafirmian crawl towards Red Steel. (beaver and save_92)
  9. [Offline] Nessaja TFCraft Minecraft Server

    boat is faster and sprinting consumed hunger faster Also its nicer when you dont have to slow down to jump over mountains or go around a ravine
  10. Religion

    Early religion has been around since mesopatamia and cave paintings so to say that it wouldnt be realistic is completely false as it is an established part of all communities and races. And as steel has been dated back to 4000 years ago it would fit in nicely with the timeline as a nomadic tribal religion, not an established relion such as christianity. It was used to explain natural events such as the seasons and tides so in a sense that having a shrine to Gaia (Greek God) near a field of wheat would add realism to the game as it brings back the mindset of ancient humans. Now the benefits should not be posted anywhere and they should be kept secret (like exact durabilities) so if a field of wheat grows particularly fast or only seems to the player can drawn their own conclusions. If added in the agriculture overhaul it would add a more tribe like feel to the game Also on an unrelated note there should be more punishments for dying
  11. [Offline] Nessaja TFCraft Minecraft Server

    ive been building canals all over the place to facilitate my boat travel since there was no gold for powered rails (couldnt get nther portals to light)
  12. [Offline] Nessaja TFCraft Minecraft Server

    ya i think they vare being upped to 46b
  13. Chest size fix.

    If the chest is going to be changed so does inventory it does not make sense i can carry two full chests around while still running around
  14. [Offline] Nessaja TFCraft Minecraft Server

    I vote for Chocmerc
  15. Keys to protect all your goodies

    If a code is embedded to exclude locked chest placements within a certain radius around another it would prevent impenetrable buildings, while on a pvp server if the cost of creating a chest is high enough that they don't become over used such as out of steel or iron. Example: kill a player in a pvp server loot key from his body then when / if you find his house his valuables are your and that he is not allowed to move his items away since he no longer has his key. The benefits would be balanced with the risk of losing your key causing players to be more cautious with deaths which emphasis the realism angle.
  16. [Offline] Nessaja TFCraft Minecraft Server

    I would love either a chest locking mod I had my Hematite stolen in an earlier world and although an admin (Dver) was quick to replace it, was still frustrating. If there was a way if TFC to add a lock interface similar to stone knapping would be best. P.S. I haven't seen any of the old admins on recently maybe need some new ones like choc maybe to replace lost items