Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by kotoroshinoto

  1. Different crafting table, crafted with stone tools and plank

    Have you even played TFC? you don't start with tools, if it consumes the tools you'll be in exactly the same place you started in. and the tool-making process during the stone age uses knapping, not a 3x3 crafting table.
  2. Different crafting table, crafted with stone tools and plank

    You don't need an axe to make sticks, you break branches. Since when do you need a hammer to attach tool heads to their sticks? If you run out of rocks, there should still be rock pieces around that you haven't collected, though it seems extraordinarily unlikely that you'll actually run out of rocks after digging even a slight amount into a rockface.
  3. Implement the different Sticks

    Wonder if you could craft sticks into a bundle item that acts like a portable stick inventory and keeps track of its own contents. Then you could add them back in.
  4. Different crafting table, crafted with stone tools and plank

    no idea what you're talking about here.
  5. Different crafting table, crafted with stone tools and plank

    Just realized that it couldn't be more than 1x3tools in steve's handheld crafting grid. I would think it should be the "use the tools" paradigm, Just have it consume some uses of each tool, such that it would require a fresh stone tool's number of uses and instantly break them. having the crafting window consume them introduces the following problem: metal tools will be lost However, the problem is that you start out with a 2x2 crafting window, so it needs an intermediate item. 2x2 grid of wood-> incomplete crafting table tools+incomplete table = crafting table. Not a big deal really, but one would think that you'd use tools that you have on hand to build it, you wouldn't want to completely use up red steel tools making such a simple project unless you plan on making the crafting table have limited # of uses based on the input tools.
  6. Black Screen when trying to join server

    Do you actually need the resources stuff on the server? I always thought that was client-side rendering and texture stuff.
  7. 46b can't find surface stone pieces

    I use a fresh minecraft jar and mod from scratch every time, so whatever issue I was having was due to magic launcher derping. I am on linux, so it might be doing something that doesn't work quite right on linux.
  8. 46b can't find surface stone pieces

    have they been removed, is this a bug or did I possibly do something incorrectly during installation?
  9. Bones

    I would hope that in the future bones would be put to more use as hilts/handles. I would think that bones break pretty easily though, compared to strong wood. IRL, It does depend on the bone used, I think the older a bone gets, the more likely it would be to splinter than wood. Wood is comprised primarily of cellulose of plant cell walls, so its basically a honeycomb structure at the lowest level organized into sheets of growth rings (cells of differing size and density affected by seasonal differences in sunlight and water availability affecting tree growth rates) that form the "grain" that you hear people talk about so much in woodworking. (its actually slightly more complex than that, due to the water and sugar transport tissues that plants form in their stems, but still, its a fibrous material, that gives it both strength and some amount of flexibility.) Bones actually have a sort of growth pattern themselves, but they're mineralized and as such are much harder than wood is, so if they take a strong shock at the wrong angle, they'd probably shatter and crack when would would bend a bit to take the impact. It also depends whether you're dealing with a rib vs a long-bone like a femur or ulna, where in this game all bones are the same. Also the organism it was taken from, human bones are quite brittle, but some animal bones are VERY resistant to breaking. I think it would be nice if we could get mobs that would give us ivory or some other material that we could use for stronger or more decorative handles. (could maybe carve the handle to fit a gem, and give some use to the gems.)
  10. Disillusioned with TFCraft

    ^ THIS its called SMP. I highly recommend you dont play alone.
  11. Disillusioned with TFCraft

    I feel that this is kind of the point of the mod, it doesn't really feel like it was designed for a one-person does everything approach.
  12. Different crafting table, crafted with stone tools and plank

    should probably keep the 2x2 wood square and make the tools location "unshaped" (if this is possible, I dont know the base code as I haven't done modding, possibly would have to add all the permutation recipes that fulfill this)
  13. Chest size fix.

    true, though if you REALLY want to, you can still go to the trouble of making a fuckton of chests anyway, so I fail to see a big problem. AFAIK, the mod is still compatible with ironchests mod, if it bothers you that much, go make an upgraded chest.
  14. Weapons / Tools: Benefits & Drawbacks of each type

    Usually if I'm out foraging for resources on the surface i'll carry an axe as my primary tree cutting tool until i've got enough metal ore collected to warrant using (and potentially losing, if creepers show up) the material for a saw/scythe combo. A stone axe doesnt take all that long to cut a tree down and only takes 1 inventory space, where the saw/scythe take 2. Doesn't seem like much, but it can make the difference between # of trips, and response time. When you're carrying saw/scythe you're also going to be carrying a weapon, which takes another space, and possibly also a shovel, depending on what you plan to do. Sometimes its best to just bring the stuff in for processing and use the saw at home. Also, at what point do you start making carrying a sword? I haven't really bothered yet, as the axe seems to be enough for me. I don't believe I've ever had a reason to make armor, they use SO many ingots, and I rarely need it.
  15. Weapons / Tools: Benefits & Drawbacks of each type

    People don't always manage their resources correctly. It may not be the wisest course to just make one of everything the second you've got the ingots and it makes sense to make only what you need. I've seen people say things like "just make a saw and you'll never need an axe again", which isn't necessarily the best choice in some situations. And yes, its listing the functions, thank you captain obvious
  16. Weapons / Tools: Benefits & Drawbacks of each type

    Having the most optimal tool may not always be the wisest course. For instance, early on when metal is scarce, why not just make and use a saw when cutting trees down? Having an axe around may help defend yourself without requiring you to use metal on a sword, maybe save uses of the saw for converting the logs to planks if you've got a building project going. Having the axe already equipped means you can just turn and attack (not that switching is hard, but its less of a reaction required, which might save you)
  17. Multi mc will crash when i try to make a world or join a server

    new cross platform version of multimc (from the respository) crashes all the time when you run MC, its not the mods fault, its multimc on linux at least, when multimc crashes, it doesnt kill minecraft when it goes down. I've also noticed the new-beta-version likes to try to rebuild the jar at every opportunity and does not seem to remember your install-ordering between sessions
  18. re: lava....Y U NO TEXTURE?

    dug down to lava in creative mode, .... its a .....and featureless
  19. Recycling Anvils

    Not really, think about it, you'd end up with a GIANT ASS anvil with all those layers of metal.
  20. re: lava....Y U NO TEXTURE?

    my installs are always done from fresh jar, I keep a copy for that purpose
  21. Another thing they could have dealt with more readily outside of java: if the system has plenty of RAM you don't need to change the calling parameters to feed a vm more if it was in C. It could just take advantage of it, allowing you to keep more of the world loaded at a time. (also, please don't assume C#, C++ is a better choice for cross platform, where C# is mainly intended for windows.)
  22. Go to hell

    (that just put the BG music song from wizard of oz monkeys in my mind) Does it have to be monkeys?
  23. Crash Report Question

    you can't use that bat file if you launch from multimc, multiMC issues a command that would replace the way the bat file works you'll have to examine the terminal from MC and find the command it is using to launch minecraft and push that into the bat file. actually as long as you have multiMC set to show you the console output, thats the log of the error that he wants, I dont see his bat file doing anything special that you wouldn't also be getting from the console log window. Also, Bioxx, that bat file probably wouldn't work for a mac user, unless they've worked some magic in the mac OS to make it properly reroute %appdata% calls and reworked BASH to interpret the DOS batch language. (Linux users are probably smart enough to figure out how to get you the log, but it might be a good idea to tell them anyway.)
  24. Compatibility list

    it works fine with the HD skins mod
  25. re: lava....Y U NO TEXTURE?