Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Implement the different Sticks

9 posts in this topic

I noticed that there were unused Sticks in the game, based off all the different trees. I think they should actually be used in the game. You could use any Stick as a handle for a tool and it would give a certain multiplier to the durability of the tool, which would be like Inficraft but on a smaller scale.

Firestarters made from the different Sticks would have different durability and a different chance to start a fire. The different Sticks would take different amounts of time to light and become Torches. There would also be different Fences and Fence Gates.


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Bioxx took them out because they add a serious inventory problem. Think about it, in real life you could hold 10 different sticks in your hand but in minecraft they could fill up most of your inventory when you only have 12 sticks.


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Wonder if you could craft sticks into a bundle item that acts like a portable stick inventory and keeps track of its own contents. Then you could add them back in.


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Cool. Kind of like the backpack that has a thread but only for sticks?


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Wonder if you could craft sticks into a bundle item that acts like a portable stick inventory and keeps track of its own contents. Then you could add them back in.

When the game doesn't has the answer, craft it :P

I like this, but maybe the blunde should only be able to carry 64 sticks -you know, like the stack size of actual sticks...-. That way, this is a solution when you have a little of several kinds of stick, but it's essentialy occupies the same space those sticks would if they were equal.

Maybe it could be crafted by placing four sticks in the 2x2 crafting grid, and it starts with those 4 sticks in it.

Maybe i should stop saying maybe :P


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and we could use the actual meaning of the word faggot, cuz thats what the term really means, unless you're afraid of offending people with the proper use of a word, then we could just call it stick bundle, but wheres the appropriate word usage of missapropriated slang terms in that?


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From what I have heard Bioxx plans to remove chests entirely in favor of 'spspecific stockpiling' (eg: woodpile, ect.) so seeing something like a placeable 'stick bundle' is likely to be.


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From what I have heard Bioxx plans to remove chests entirely in favor of 'spspecific stockpiling' (eg: woodpile, ect.) so seeing something like a placeable 'stick bundle' is likely to be.

You sure? we are talking -or at least i am- about an item you carry in the inventory, not a block that's placed in the world.

Also, they should limit to let them as nerfed as they already are and make them late game :


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I noticed that there were unused Sticks in the game, based off all the different trees. I think they should actually be used in the game. You could use any Stick as a handle for a tool and it would give a certain multiplier to the durability of the tool, which would be like Inficraft but on a smaller scale.

Firestarters made from the different Sticks would have different durability and a different chance to start a fire. The different Sticks would take different amounts of time to light and become Torches. There would also be different Fences and Fence Gates.


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