Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by kotoroshinoto

  1. there really ought to be a way to get bones besides the magical skeleton creatures, and on top of that, it makes sense to allow bone handles for things like knives and swords hilts if they're carved bones


  2. Oh man, that's quite a long list. Nests are planned. I have a debug method for telling genders apart and I might let that be implemented in the game until the models reflect sexes. Deer are far into the works right now, and I might be convinced to release a picture of the model ;). I am seriously considering increasing the drop rates from wild animals and making a lot of them hostile (think aurochs and wild boars)

    I think that makes sense, and the taming / breeding process will evevntually get you to a normal cow/pig? Same with wolves/dogs I suppose?

    I think the idea of a tool-harvestable corpse entity makes better sense than simply increasing drop rate, although that would be an acceptable short term solution.

    Using knives to skin the animal and then maybe a cleaver + a sharp knife (in case of metal tools) for increased efficiency or just a knife for butchering to get meat? I don't know how detailed you would want to make it but I wouldn't turn down the idea of having different cuts of meat.

    I still stand by having the skeleton left behind, if you don't break it to get the bones, then it should remain for a short period and eventually despawn (to simulate rotting and wearing). Maybe even have it be slightly reddish to indicate leftover meat bits and have it slowly degrade to white and bleach before despawning.


  3. The problem I still have with this approach is that there is no real incentive to make a mill. It's nice that you can get more wheat and all, but by the time you actually have the resources to build a mill, you will probably already have a huge farm up and running. I can see people appreciating the reduction in effort such a mill would provide, but I personally wouldn't bother with it if all it did was multiply my grain a bit.

    So make it take a lot of flour to do anything useful.


  4. I dont know if any of this is repeated, but comment on it if you like, this was posted as a seperate thread before I realized that someone had already posted a similar idea

    Since you have implemented a long pregnancy period and male/female animals there are a few suggestions to go along with this.

    Some sort of nest object to incubate chicken eggs.

    First thing, need to be able to tell WHICH animals are male, this is not just a size issue, male cows dont have udders.

    Chickens should molt feathers at some regular interval, and one should have the ability to harvest some feathers from a chicken (this should visibly change the chicken to indicate that it cannot be done again until the chicken recovers.)


    When an animal dies, it should spawn an immobile corpse entity that you then have to butcher with appropriate tools to obtain useful items.

    In the case of chickens, killing a chicken should give a fair number of feathers, and when you butcher it you get the meat as usual.

    Lamb/Mutton should be added as well as veal now that you have put animal ages in.

    and since we're implementing this butchering thing why not go whole hog and add a either leather type for each animal or at least the ability to collect leather from all appropriate animals. (pretty much all except chicken)

    So before collecting the meat, one has the opportunity to skin the beast and collect the raw skin.

    The skin then must undergo the tanning process, however you will desire to implement this is fine.

    I know it involves stripping the fur and stretching the hide to allow it to dry, beyond that I'm a bit fuzzy.

    Butchering the animal should provide meat items proportional to its SIZE (since you implemented size), and appropriate for the general sizes of each animal type. Getting only a chance of 1-3 steak and 1-3 leather per cow (or however this drop rate stuff works) results in a lot of dead cows and no meat which is just silly with such a long breeding process.

    Butchering the animal and removing the meat should leave a skeleton, which you can break to get some number of bones. (and maybe skull items for decorations)

    idea: (a way to make wall trophies, like animal heads, from the corpses)

    This means:

    Cows and Bears produce a lot of meat

    Sheep, Pigs, Dogs would produce medium amounts of meat

    (deer if you ever add them will have a fair amount of variability in their size so they're likely to waver between a lot and medium amounts, unless you kill a young one, where you'll barely get anything.)

    Chickens will just produce the one chicken, and ether a weaker sort of bone than mammals, or no bone at all, if you prefer that..

    animal types that would be fun to see implemented:



    Mountain Lions & Bobcats

    Other birds.

    Water creatures (frogs/toads/etc)

    More types of fish, that are actually mobs rather than just food items spawning from fishing pole on water.

    We dont want this to turn into mocreatures, but I think you're doing a better job already.


  5. Since you have implemented a long pregnancy period and male/female animals there are a few suggestions to go along with this.

    Some sort of nest object to incubate chicken eggs.

    First thing, need to be able to tell WHICH animals are male, this is not just a size issue, male cows dont have udders.

    Chickens should molt feathers at some regular interval, and one should have the ability to harvest some feathers from a chicken (this should visibly change the chicken to indicate that it cannot be done again until the chicken recovers.)


    When an animal dies, it should spawn an immobile corpse entity that you then have to butcher with appropriate tools to obtain useful items.

    In the case of chickens, killing a chicken should give a fair number of feathers, and when you butcher it you get the meat as usual.

    Lamb/Mutton should be added as well as veal now that you have put animal ages in.

    and since we're implementing this butchering thing why not go whole hog and add a either leather type for each animal or at least the ability to collect leather from all appropriate animals. (pretty much all except chicken)

    So before collecting the meat, one has the opportunity to skin the beast and collect the raw skin.

    The skin then must undergo the tanning process, however you will desire to implement this is fine.

    I know it involves stripping the fur and stretching the hide to allow it to dry, beyond that I'm a bit fuzzy.

    Butchering the animal should provide meat items proportional to its SIZE (since you implemented size), and appropriate for the general sizes of each animal type. Getting only a chance of 1-3 steak and 1-3 leather per cow (or however this drop rate stuff works) results in a lot of dead cows and no meat which is just silly with such a long breeding process.

    Butchering the animal and removing the meat should leave a skeleton, which you can break to get some number of bones. (and maybe skull items for decorations)

    idea: (a way to make wall trophies, like animal heads, from the corpses)

    This means:

    Cows and Bears produce a lot of meat

    Sheep, Pigs, Dogs would produce medium amounts of meat

    (deer if you ever add them will have a fair amount of variability in their size so they're likely to waver between a lot and medium amounts, unless you kill a young one, where you'll barely get anything.)

    Chickens will just produce the one chicken, and ether a weaker sort of bone than mammals, or no bone at all, if you prefer that..

    animal types that would be fun to see implemented:



    Mountain Lions & Bobcats

    Other birds.

    Water creatures (frogs/toads/etc)

    More types of fish, that are actually mobs rather than just food items spawning from fishing pole on water.

    We dont want this to turn into mocreatures, but I think you're doing a better job already.
