Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by kotoroshinoto

  1. look @ the top of the site and find the download button. If you can't figure it out from there, this probably isn't the mod for you.

    --edit: how did you find the link to the forums, create an account and know how to create a topic and post, and NOT know how to find the link in the same link bar as the forum link?


  2. I fully support this in fact i've been trying to convince bioxx to talk to djoslin and see if he could make some use of the finite fluids code, shouldn't be too hard to add some of those functionalities to TFC. Unfortunately I have no power and i'm not a TFC Dev, but here's hoping they do something like this.


  3. No its not it is hard to chew on and really a bad food source but i wonder why the fancy people and restorants "fancy" it so much?

    its not a bad food source at all, a lot of creatures spend time and energy hunting squid, including some whales.


  4. if you spend your life hunting and gathering even the worst thrower will have a much better aim and heft than our sad sack softie life grants us. Speedballs thrown barehanded aren't the name of the game accuracy with a sling would be a better idea for hunting. I.E. thrown rocks will hurt but slings should be there and add damage.


  5. I also would like to have implemented the idea of the carcass remaining when the animal is slaughtered, and you having to go with a knife and harvest the resources (bear grylls style)

    I and many others have suggested this multiple times. If they're ever going to do it, its up to them.


  6. Wooly mammoth could drop ivory, meat, leather depending on how you process it. All three at once would seem excessive unless they were a complete pain to kill. LOL

    not really, mammoths & elephants wouldnt exactly be an abundant and quickly reproducing animal. They OUGHT to drop a lot of meat and leather as well as ivory, but have a really really slow reproductive rate.


  7. This depends on if malachite can be used as dye irl. What is a good idea is to make all the different rocks to come in a range of colours. Not all the colours but just a variation like for example chert should have redder layers and orangeries layers and the color sub division should be biome specific. So that you only collect different sub divisions but not the 20 different sub layers. This would mean you could have different vibrant quartzite colours and that would give you colourful sand for colourful glass si that you can sell glass elf statues to the elven caravans that then declare a war because you sold them a wooden bin on accident.

    malachite dyes arent actually made with malachite ore. malachite green does not contain copper


  8. Astronauts drink distilled water, so obviously it still has some value. I assume its got something to do with the polar nature of the water molecule, and while it might not taste good, and wont contain minerals, that doesnt make it useless to living creatures. Also as a side note, dont ever try to boil distilled water, it wont boil, and if you do something like add salt (an impurity) to the water after its become super heated (> 212f) it will flash boil, and eject boiling water all over hell....

    I truly doubt its completely distilled, completely distilled water isn't that healthy to drink.


  9. welll, thechnically, there is blood in small woodland creaturs, there is at least some ammount of sugar in blood, and thus, by fermenting that sugar, we can essentialy make small woodland creatures(or humans) into alcohol

    naturally occurring bacteria yeast can convert most of that other stuff into fuel, and at that point would be able to produce alcohol from pretty much any organic material you can provide that they can digest.

  10. Look many people on here contribute directly to the wiki but many of us don't have time to do it, its obvious that he has a little spare time and sees corrections to be made therefore he should fix it. Just because we have been here longer means very little, at all in fact. If we wants something fixed he needs to do it himself, they aren't there to take orders.

    You wanna now how he is a troll look at the damn title and lets be honest here I'm pretty sure neither him or I are from Swaziland. He is trolling and you guys are biting hard, take another look through his comments and please don't encourage him to be a troll. If we would like to contribute thats fine but insults and being an idiot are doing nothing but waste my, and other forum members time. In fact I just wasted a bunch of time right now, great.

    dunno if you noticed but BIOXX reponded and was not apparently angry with his wording and did not threaten him or act aggressively. the rest of you should be ashamed.

  11. the point i've made many times comes into play here, most early stone tools did not have wood handles. those that did have some kind of rod component, did not HAVE holes, they had attachment points to lash the stone onto the stick. (like arrowheads/stone-tipped-spears/javelins)

    stone knives really ought not need sticks, because they wouldnt have needed sticks, just grab the stone and cut.

    But for those tools that WOULD need it, (axes) strips would make sense, but probably just annoy people.


  12. hmm, thats not the bone itself being turned into food, its the essence of meat left on the bone being soaked up :P technicality, i guess you could create broth from bones, but they should be fresh

    well yeah, but its NOT just the meat, its actually contributed to from the contents of marrow as well.

  13. If he had information to add, that is exactly what a wiki is for... I don't use it, so I really don't care, but how is that in any way not helpful advice?

    telling HIM to add it when hes only been around for a short period of time is a bit strange, would be far smarter to suggest it to one of the people already authorized to edit the wiki. Thats why he was commented on this the way he did, however pissy he was about it.

  14. TFC Gold, iron, diamonds and cobble convert to vanilla equivalents in a crafting table if you enable them in the config file. TFC cobble only seems to drop from explosions, or maybe caveins.

    he's well aware of this if you'd read his post you'd know that'

    People at least read the OP fully before commenting please.


  15. player to player if I kill you you can come back and kill me. Player to greifer if I kill you you get locked in a jail cell until someone gets you out. Im a greifer and so are my buddies and guess what... we are camping at the prison and you cant get broken out because anyone that tries dies and looses their awesome diamond level gear.

    all I see in this idea is the ultimate greifer tool.

    if the griefer infestation ever gets THAT bad, where there are more of them than the regular players, then you're going to need moderators to ban them all anyway.

  16. And once again, you can no all you want. Thus bringing us back to the point of the poll. Thank you. :)

    even if the poll went 100% in your direction, the dev's aren't adding npcs, end of story. If you'd paid attention to existing posts you'd know that


  17. You didn't happen to see the tsunami video of Crysyn's? It was from some early tests with finite water and a similar mechanic. If there is a water source somewhere high up, your entire world fills with water.

    then it clearly wasn't finite :P


  18. DUnk, since the mold idea has been shot down (casting not being used much if at all successfully until nearly the 20th century), what does bioxx think about a more involved process of forge welding the double ingots together (maybe into an anvil base (essentially a 4x-ingot), and then this anvil base having a UI similar to an anvil that is used to construct the fully formed anvil by inputting double ingots and forge welding them in and shaping the resulting metal? (or maybe having plans & pieces that must be constructed separately like the anvil's horn, legs, and central block and then forge welding these to the base UI??

    or if you dont like the idea of placing the base, maybe a multi step process similar to how armor is made and crafted components like legs base and horn go into it


  19. Also, am I the only one who finds it... intriguing that a small pebbel on the ground turns into a 1m*1m block of cobblestone if I pick it up?

    Maybe cobblestone should act similar to a logpile, storing multiple small stones?

    This is a temporary holdover until bioxx gets around to making a replacement for it. He has previously stated that he has no intention of having rocks produce cobble in the way they currently are, on a permanent basis.


  20. Steve, rubbing his sweaty body all over the walls so the rock itself will emanate the scent of strong male human living here.

    bad mental images are being formed as a result of this post, I hope that you are satisfied. :angry:


  21. A cast anvil is far inferior compared to a forged and welded anvil. They can warp, dent (picture forging hardened steel on a copper anvil) and even shatter, as they are very soft compared to forged anvils, and generally speaking cast metals are much more brittle. They are much harder to work on as most of the force is absorbed and dissipated compared to 'bouncing back' which basically means you have to work twice as hard for the same results. Picture throwing a bouncy ball at concrete, and then at a sandbox (you'll need a LOT more force to get the ball to bounce off sand, because the sand absorbs it). The bounce back is what forms the other side of the tool, if you've taken rudimentary physics, you may have heard of the 'normal force' which is basically the force the surface offers back. When the surface doesn't offer force back it either dents or just absorbs the force. Of course, we don't really model how hard it is to forge in TFC, you just click the buttons and wham stuff happens, but it is safe to assume that cast anvils = not useful.

    However, a cast anvil with a hardened face *CAN* still work as an anvil (if you were in a pinch), but again it's generally not accepted for any real metalworking.

    Please tell me if I've made any mistakes!

    well then fine, a system where we forge and weld the ingots is fine and dandy too, but the crafting bench method is derptastic

    in any case, we need a system where we actually build it, rather than 7 ingots magically combine to form... captain planet.. oh i mean an anvil


  22. Yes, that post is my personal's Dunk meme :3 copyrighted already.

    WHATEVER, on the topic... Well, Bioxx said no to making things out of molds instead of smithing, so... Not sure he's gonna like this one :

    he was referring to tools, the anvil is currently made on the crafting bench out of 7 double ingots, which is horrendously silly.
