Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by kotoroshinoto

  1. no matter what I do until I get metal tools i get absolutely murdered by spiders & zombies, and because I dont have a bed I randomly respawn far away from the materials I lost. This is making it nearly impossible to get started.

    Also the near total lack of trees means I dont have javelins.

    could just be a bad seed, but it make for a dissapointing experience. It shouldnt be THIS hard to kill mobs without advanced weapons, at least not until after they're moved away from the surface.


  2. I dont know if this is TFC specific for sure or not, but if I run the game maximized it very quickly begins to have visual lag, if I put it back into normal non-maximized mode, this lag dissapears. This doesnt ordinarily happen, so I suspect it has something to do with TFC.


    it also appears to happen in minimized mode, the bug goes away after a reszie for a few minutes but then comes back.

    Currently experiencing the issue in build 59


  3. Are any of you lurker guys C++ or java programmers? If you're willing to donate some time to this, I'd be glad to have the help. Currently trying to figure out why the sessions cannot be refreshed (first login works for a given user, afterwards all fail on that user until program dies.)


    This is intended to be compiled by GNU C++ compiler and it is written to be handled by auto-tools, meaning even if you're going to compile it on windows, you have to be using MINGW within a CYGWIN or MSYS shell. Personally I use MSYS/mingw. It is NOT expected to compile using any other compiler, especially microsoft visual C/C++ compilers.

    If you still want to brute force a compile without using the makefiles, you'll have to compile the library dependencies, refer to the and various makefiles to figure out the build order and dependencies.


  4. and your point is?

    there will never be space bacteria in TFC, at least i would hope not...

    I think it would be pretty interesting to include radioactive deposits like uranium and such, that give you radiation poisoning of increasing strength the longer you stay too close to it (or carry it around for that matter). No real reason to mine it as you can't use it with stone/bronze/iron age tech, but still would add some additional risk to mining, and KNOWING whats around you.

    It could fit with this meteor crater theme, as you could make them dangerous to mine by having them contain these rare elements.


  5. Or instead of a roof you can put some nylon on the log piles. But what I still don't understand is what can you make with wet wood? Can you dry it?

    uhhh......nylon? synthetic fibers without factories?


  6. As i said before, sudamerican dragons are NOT hostile : they are more like mirrors: what you do is what you see. They would be neutral. Also, Quetzacoatl was one of the aztec gods, which happened to be a dragon as well. And, according to the legends, yes, it used to be found flying around, HOWEVER, he had a home, and if he was flying he would be found higher than the clouds.


    Hydra (four/two-legged, multiple heads): Appears in swamp biomes, very hostile with anything close to it -aka, any mob that comes near an hydra would be doomed-. Usually found hunting, it's a very active being, due to have so much heads to feed.

    Scylla* (four fins, multiple heads): Appears in ocean biomes, very hostile as well. Similar behaviour to the Hydra, when killed you can get lots of fish -And when i say lots, they are LOTS-

    *This one is the version AoM made for it, adapted to TFC :

    I imagine hydra brains are fairly small, so I'd think # of heads has less to do with it, it only has one body after all.


  7. TFC aims to be BELIEVABLE, not REALISTIC. Huge difference. I still think Endermen along with any other Minecraft-exclusive mobs should be removed, however. Skeletons and zombies are generic enough to work, but with the direction TFC is/was heading all the unique mobs didn't make much sense. Same with The End, too. The Nether works because it's just a generic hell dimension, but The End is something strictly invented for MC(although a while back dunk made a really good post about what The End could be made into, with grim-reaper-esque mobs instead of Endermen, so I suppose as long as it looks nothing like the original it could work).

    I think endermen should be removed from minecraft itself. The idea smacks of racism to me. huge black men come into your house and steal anything that isnt tied down, are afraid of water (don't bathe), and try to kill you if you look them in the eyes.


  8. ... firstly, when did i mentioned a libertarian?

    secondly, what a fuck is a libertarian?

    and finally, why i would insult a group of people i didn't even knew existed?

    (and yes, i know it was mentioned before in the thread... i usually don't care about politic parties from other countries :)

    libertarian is a political party. Basically the platform is to get government out of telling ppl what to do if activity doesnt infringe on other person's rights.

    so: legalizing drugs etc, but not murder or slavery.


  9. What? My sternum is between two and three times as thick as it should be, I have atshma that would have probably hospitalized me several times by now if not for my controller, and I have lethal allergies to nuts (Which are in far more things than most people realize).

    " I have lethal allergies to nuts (Which are in far more things than most people realize)."

    This isn't AS genetic as you might think, though there ARE clearly some genetic components to it. It has more to do with epigenetics and environmental conditions that lead your immune system to the strange conclusion that nuts are the enemy. Your immune system is like the boy that cried wolf and then subsequently believed himself and dives into the basement down the staircase whenever a car backfires or a door slams.

    Srsly there hasn't really been a definitive genetic profile very strongly associated with the tendency for formation of allergies, if this were a strongly genetic phenomenon it wouldn't be that hard with modern sequencing to at least find a handful of SNPs that associate with the condition. It is at best a severely polygenic trait, with strong susceptibility to environmental influence. (Which are the hardest traits to pin down with population studies.)

    One clue as to why allergies exist: the immune cells that mediate allergies also are the group of white blood cells that usually attack parasites or other multicelluar eukaryotic pathogens. In our clean modernized society, these cells don't get tempered and trained by experience as much as they used to, due to our relative lack of parasitic infections.


  10. Hives created @ world-spawn should periodically emit hive-swarms naturally if left alone long enough and when there are plenty of natural food sources around, this would then fly around a bit and spawn a new hive somewhere nearby but not too close, OR could be captured or otherwise induced to enter an empty player-made hive. (there should be a saturation point for natural hives at which point the swarms never settle down (and just die). Otherwise on long-maintained worlds , you could end up with a ridiculous # of natural beehives.

    It should be much more difficult to say, just destroy a hive, and expect to get a usable queen out of it. (I never really liked the way forestry implemented this, also, bees only existing as items is disappointing.)

    If there is to be a crop benefit to having hives nearby, Natural hives should be beneficial in this manner as well as the cultivated bees.

    If you dont take care of the cultivated bees properly, then the unhappy hive should have a chance of spawning a hive-swarm and leaving you with an empty artificial hive, and then creating a natural hive somewhere.


  11. The switching of 3 hydroxyl groups w/chloride ions sounds fascinating. And yeah, I know. It's glucose bonded to fructose = sucrose. At least, that's what they told us in AP Bio.

    in this case they're not ions anymore as they actually are participating in covalent bonds where the oxygens would be. (the bond IS somewhat weaker than some other bonds normally found in organic compounds, but its not an ion)
