Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Lexmechanic

  1. Total Ranged Overhaul

    so its more like "return target thread to it's owners's hand from the graveyard"I caught both of those references immediately... Do I get a cookie?
  2. Log Gathering / Processing

    I do like the idea of stumps being left behind. I suppose removing them would be exactly like quarrying - in that you'd dig out the dirt directly beneath it with a shovel and it would drop as a log. I think it fits well with what is present already. I don't really like the idea of placing logs one at a time to chop them. That would be frustrating to even the most patient and methodical players, I imagine. Swinging your stone axe (I assume that's what we're using at this stage) at the stump should open a crafting inventory perhaps. Then we'd do the usual thing - put the logs and the axe in, pull planks out. The difference is, of course, that the chopping station is the only place to make planks with an axe. Sounds reasonable to me. How do you feel about that?
  3. Minecarts that make sense

    I was just thinking about how minecarts would be used in reality. I think they have potential in TFCraft, but not as they are. In vanilla, they're some hybrid of rollercoaster, steam locomotive, and freight train. It makes little to no sense to me. Getting on with things, when I think of minecarts, I envision a plain cart being used to carry loads of dirt, stone, and ore out of a mine. After all, you can't mine without moving earth. Minecarts make that process more manageable. I don't know if you plan to keep them around, but if you do, here are a few ideas. Ditch the "minecart with chest". What we should be doing is tossing dirt/stone/ore into the normal cart and watch it fill up. Kind of like how we toss ore and fuel into the bloomery and it fills. At this point, right-clicking on the cart might open an inventory interface in the style of a log pile. Additional items (of appropriate types) could be added to the 4 inventory slots. Removing all items and closing the interface would revert the minecart to its empty state. Mine some materials, fill up the cart, push it out of the mine. This way, I feel that rails and minecarts would really add to the atmosphere of the mine. It feels more natural and elegant to do away with the "storage means chests" mentality.
  4. Wiki Update Request Thread

    Expect about a million grammatical edit requests from me. ^.^ I'm glad you made this page, it's just what I was looking for as a compulsive wiki editor, but being unauthorized for this one. Alright, let's get to it... 1) Trees#Exploiting Trees -- In this section of the Trees article, under the second bullet, there's an extra word. Please do note the period added at the end: to 2) Saw -- At the top, there's a link to a non-existant image which should be removed. Then the second sentence runs on a bit too much, so I suggest revamping it: to 3) Saw#Plank -- On the same page, under the Crafting Uses/Plank section, we have all kinds of '8's in the output for milling those logs. Probably only need one 8 for each output. 4) Saw#Support Beams -- The table under this section looks a bit off. The Input » Output bit should probably be stretched across two columns. (colspan="2" iirc) May be more to come, but that's all I have for the moment.
  5. Nerfed chest size

    I only just started playing, but I agree with you entirely. I was very surprised to see that chest size was reduced so drastically, but I took it in stride. Having seen the way logs are placed and stored, I immediately fell in love with open-air storage. Nothing feels as right as a pile of logs sitting in plain sight alongside a smithy. (On a personal note, my family had a wood-burning fireplace when I was young, so I grew up stacking and splitting wood. So nostalgic.) From what I've read, there may be plans to expand upon this? If so, I simply cannot wait.