Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by nwaters

  1. Whats planed for minecarts and such?

    i did try rail craft for a while but couldn't remember it particularly, probably where i got the idea from
  2. That's not a knife...THIS is a knife!

    why do people complain about reposts anyway when the original posts are usually old or hard to find ( and i don't give a fuck if they are easy to find ) why can people not repost it shows more support for the idea and more chance of people actually reading it
  3. Nerfed chest size

    i am not saying this mod is the same as real life by any means i am merely stating that this is much more realistic then normal mine craft or any other major mod that i can think of. any mod that made mine craft completely realistic would be stupid as it would take an exceedingly long time to do anything i would just go out and do it myself rather then doing it in a game. realism and believability are along the same lines the closer to realism (not completely realistic just closer to it but still playable) you are the more believable it is. for example if you added an alien to this game that was 100 times the size of u and could carry 100 times more then u that would be believable but not realistic so how about you think before you type shit
  4. HUGE CAVE WITH TIN! [Beta v2 Build 45 Codename: :emanedoC]

    i have seen a few areas like this i should post the area i found it had copper tin bismuth and iron was amazing and great for my first world
  5. Whats planed for minecarts and such?

    I would hope that he will add something along the lines of hand pump carts and the normal carts are just for ores and stone it would also be really nice to have a way of linking these carts so that they move all together just a lil thought on that.
  6. EASILY find starter ores: technique

    on the surface deposits debate there was once surface deposits they were not massive or substacial and they are now all gone as we used them all simple as and there was a lot just under the surface many of which were under these small surface deposits
  7. DayZ

    mind if me and my friends would join this server as we also hate the pvp stuff and just enjoy the zombie surivial and looting
  8. Chain World?

    would be interesting to try or something similar like a rotation so maybe a group of people on a server would split in to groups each group could play for maybe a week at a time and rotate would be interesting to see what happened and would love to get some footage of this would make a great series on youtube.
  9. Nerfed chest size

    I love the idea of open air storage and I think that this is planned ( dont quote me on this, its just a feeling as the way things are going) however it doesnt work for everything as you say food cant be left lying around its just silly but the idea of an ice box or salting ur meat and leaving it in chests is feesable ( no idea how to spell that) as it has been done in history and i think would be a great way of forcing you to have some sort of interaction with the food rather then killing the animal i came from then storing it for what may be in game years before eating its just not realistic. I have seen some people post in other topics that things shouldnt be changed cause they are complicated or they are gettting in the way but this is a realistic mod and life is complicated i would never be able to run a mine fishing village farm and build everything myself so why should i be able to easily do this in a mod. this mod should be hard as it makes it much more fun to play multiplayer cause you can actually have separate jobs for each person which i have been looking for in a mod for a very long time but no one has been able to do it properly. To sum up as i rambled a bit and slighty went off topic i love the open air storage and chests being nerfed so i hope this gets much more attention as it has quite a large knock on affect on many other areas of the mod.