Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by nwaters

  1. just a quick question what is the mumble server as i have looked and tried the ones suggested and dont seem to be able to connect that is if its even up atm
  2. hey any news on when the server will go up cause i havent been on the vent server while anyone is talking
  3. haha as i went to sleep it went up i understand if its not up atm but i cant join :/
  4. will probably be me playing on the server that is starting up soon and i may start my own at some point which would be nice but nothinng till my new computer
  5. Me and a few friends are interested in this mod and i am interested in live streaming my computer can handle it reasonabley easily i can post my specs if people really care about that, but this is really just a post to ask if enough people would want to see a live stream we by no means know how to do everything on this mod but i can do a lot of the aspecs of the mod and would really like to live stream if enough people are interested in it
  6. well just installed vent looking forward to this server going up, especially as i have 2 days off work
  7. i will be livestreaming when i get my new pc i havent started yet as i started playing league of legends again and kinda stopped playing this sorry when i get my new pc i will post the link and times that i will be livestreaming
  8. hey i would love to join you on this server as i feel that tfc is built to be used by a tight community as it takes a very long time on your own to get going and would be more then happy to help with any of the server side things you needed as i have run a couple of servers over the last year and admined on a couple aswell, i have good knowledge of the mod but havent played for a month however i am looking at getting back into it and this would be a great way to do it. i am 19 nearly 20 as everyone else is posting their age. sorry for the bad grammar and spelling i couldnt be bothered to fix is edit: my name is nathan_rocks92 (terrible i know but im not imaginative with names)
  9. Religion

    this was posted as i was writing my last post and i agree with this completely
  10. Religion

    why does it seem that nearly every post i read eternal undeath goes out of his way to put new ideas that add an interesting mechanic to the game to death. this idea is interesting an he doesn't say that every time u pray u get free stuff and if u don't like the idea of invincibility for a day, which does seem a lil imbalanced, then just disagree with that bit. having some sort of god or higher being to worship has been a round for thousands of years its what society is made from it didn't give u free stuff however for many many years people believe it gave pretty much everything on this planet and most holidays people in the western world enjoy are because of these religions why cant TFC have some gods? they sound like nice gods
  11. a year

    How would changing something by 57% not be significant it over halving something that seems pretty big to me
  12. Ore generation- Is this permanant?

    i feel like ore generation is absolutely terrible and horrid especially when it comes to smp compared to ssp
  13. [Offline][B47f] RDMC | 20 slot | Whitelisted

    VP i love ur castle place you built on this server got a nice feel to it and i think a town or small communal area may be nice to see as everyone is very far apart on their own lil bases including my very small one i havent found any usable ore yet either (completely unrelated note to be fair but still) edit: does anyone who plays on this server feel like making some sort of small town perhaps near one of the mines or just as a community area i need some sort of goal to get me into this server
  14. Mineshafts and mining

    well i feel im rather late to this discussion and unerstand if it is dead already but i feel there is a lot of chance to look at different tiers of minecart systems ranging from the first wooden ones to the later iron ones and just as a quick note would a pulley system not be viable aswell ( i have no idea if these were around during this time or not) but you can load up ur minecart go to the end of ur pulley system and pull the cart to you
  15. New way to chisel down stone

    its a nice idea but the chiselling i feel is quite good atm and requires quite a lot of skill to do quickly
  16. Ore generation- Is this permanant?

    y dont u play normal minecraft that is less like dwarf fortress then this mod i am sure u will be happy then
  17. [b44+] easy = Tin + Copper + Iron !

    surely xray mod would work on this or not because of the modded ores and stone?
  18. [Offline][B47f] RDMC | 20 slot | Whitelisted

    i am whitelisted and on the server as i type this
  19. Whats planed for minecarts and such?

    why only iron to make minecarts if you want to shorten the progression the faster collection of resources would help this thus make the minecart and track out of something lower then iron
  20. [Offline][B47f] RDMC | 20 slot | Whitelisted

    IGN: nathan_rocks92 Age: 19 Have a mic?: yes a damned expensive one Any other info: looking for a good server with a good community as im tired of building by myself and just want a group of people so i can concentrate on one aspect of the mod rather then needing to do everything to do anything
  21. EASILY find starter ores: technique

    depends how rich a vein we are talking about and in what time period as we studied this during chemistry ( why i don't know but we did it anyway one of those weird teachers that makes u learn pointless crap) I'm am not trying to imply u could make anything particularly big out of these surface rocks (not like a massive vein of ore) but these rocks are how people found out about ores and smeltable materials
  22. Driftwood & River rock

    could be interesting and maybe leading to other rare spawns on beaches for example washed up items? perhaps parts of sunken boats?
  23. DayZ

    doesn't have to have pvp disabled just a group of people who agree not to kill each other ( and not the people who claim to be friendly and kill u the second they see you )
  24. i know how to do it on a vanilla server also is tfc compatible with craftbukkit as i may have to put it on my craftbukkit server if it is
  25. Inventory Changes

    seeing as i presume this would be used for mining or logging why not some sort of wheel barrow ( don't know if this would be easy i presume not too easy but doable) as this is realistic and later would be over taken by the mine cart systems for mining and still used for logging.