Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Morrigi

  1. Ingame money

    Because coins are shiny.
  2. Archery Overhaul

    Bows definitely need an update, and this sounds like a pretty good way to do it.
  3. Stone Age Building Materials

    +1 to adobe pls.
  4. Tiny Feature: Chisel Sound

    And suddenly, a new way to troll the hell out of people. CLINKCLINKCLINKCLINKCLINKCLINKCLINK
  5. Chiseled Ice Blocks ( Refrigeration? )

    Yeah, that has a potential for lag if somebody decides to build an ice castle, though.
  6. Alchemy/Chemistry- more than just metals.

    As far as I know, TFC is modelled on technology from no later than the 15th and 16th centuries. Modern technology is not going to happen, ever, unless the devs completeley reverse their stance on it. Stuff like herbal medicine, on the other hand, would be a good idea.
  7. Refining Coal into Coke

    Jesus, I still can't find graphite.
  8. Barrels for Conservation and storing stuff

    It's possible to make barrels with wooden hoops instead of steel. Also, if the barrels are the same size as the ones we already have, I think a maximum capacity of 8 food items would be more balanced, but with a much bigger reduction in decay rate than 25%. With the mechanic you suggest, ceramic vessels in a chest would actually still be better for storage than a barrel, since vessels reduce decay by 50%. In reality, preserving food can also last for months without going bad, which, in my opinion, should be reflected in in-game months. Also, generally speaking, brine or vinegar are both commonly used and effective at preserving all types of food, and I don't think that requiring a certain type of preservative for each different food group adds anything but unnecessary complexity. TFC already has plenty of necessary complexity, and throwing more on top without a believable reason doesn't help.
  9. Chiseled Ice Blocks ( Refrigeration? )

    Because making a room in the middle of the desert that's cooled by unmelting ice is just silly, and it isn't believable.
  10. "Chiseled" Logs

    Yes please.
  11. Serenity all day erry day! If you are a relative noob and are part of a group.
  12. Chunks not loading?

    I'm having an issue where the majority of chunks around me take about ten times longer to load than they should or don't load at all, leaving me in an island of world surrounded by void, and most of them only load when I step directly onto them or relog, which gives me an "island" surrounding my current location. Is there anything that can be done about this? Also, oak stairs don't have a texture and break in one hit.
  13. Stupid Ideas

    ...Oh look, it's this thread, that one that shows up on every forum everywhere. Hello again.