Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by kelik

  1. texturepack outdated?

    because i cannot see the textures for the new small ores... anyone else having this issue? if so, what mods are you using other than tfc so i can see if its a mod issue. i re downloaded the texturepack to be sure. edit: nvm, needed to update my resource folder
  2. Wiki Discussion and Proposed Changes Thread

    ah i see, i hadn't found you on the "if you want to edit the wiki" thread so i wasn't sure. thanks for your help so far!
  3. damn bioxx is updating fast... hard for us to keep up lol.
  4. Wiki Discussion and Proposed Changes Thread

    edited front page, esteban, are you the Flamestrider guy on the wiki?
  5. Stone Pickaxes? How Do I make em?

    one of my current projects is updating the stone anvil page properly, im thinking about redirecting it to the stones page and editing that, since the stone anvil block will soon be properly removed and replaced completely by raw stone.
  6. Alright I give up

    yeah, sorry about the inadequacy of the wiki, info on the sluice and gold pan are my current projects so it should be updated within the next few days with a draft at least, hopefully the image files have been added to the database, since im not good at ripping images.
  7. Wiki Discussion and Proposed Changes Thread

    we would need someone that actually knows those other languages to assist in that though, i'll propose a wiki project for that, but won't add it to the list, since i cannot work on it myself. ill update the OP once i can verify that, after work. thanks for the tip!
  8. Thoughts on B47 ?

    in fairness, animals DO respawn currently, just very, VERY infrequently and in small amounts. i mean, maybe finding 1 new family of cows in a minecraft month.
  9. Updated the Wiki

    this thread needs revival. I am revamping all of the metals pages to include all of their temperatures and to consolidate the info better. also if someone could re-upload some of the damaged/missing grid pictures it would make my life easier as i am unsure how to effectively rip images out of the game, or pm me a quick tutorial so i can do it myself, i've been editing existing images on the wiki in an attempt to get usable grid images where possible, but it is slow work. also, i finished the new tin page, access it from the "blocks" box at the bottom of main page to see an example of the format i'm using for the metals pages. alloys will include the recipe required to make them. feedback appreciated either here or via pm.
  10. Can't figure out how to make a pickaxe.

    also, bug fixed. you can now re-heat worked ingots in the firepit.
  11. sorry i havent been online much, been testing in singleplayer for the wiki... i'll try to spend some time online later today now that the server's updated.
  12. so, are we updating to c anytime soon?
  13. texturepack outdated?

    see my edit, it was my resource file that was outdated, the texture pack works fine.
  14. world reset should always be done if worldgen changes, imo.
  15. If you want to edit the wiki.

    thanks for the help links, those'll be handy.
  16. im in. i'll join as soon as i can. btw how busted is optifine right now? i noticed there was a bug involving it... also i kinda like roleplaying, since my skin is a drow (dark elf) and they aren't liked by most races, feel free to attack me on sight. i tend to set up a hidden camp near the town.
  17. About construction changes possibility

    yeah i wasn't clear with that. i meant to say that the knife doesn't require a crafting bench, and the javelin is a wonderful weapon, considering your tech level required is only a crafting bench. it far outstrips other weapons that require similar materials.
  18. If you want to edit the wiki.

    hi, i notice that a few articles are in sore need of updating. i like testing numbers in-game (though i wont contribute numbers to the wiki, as requested, just use them internally to draw my conclusions) and also a lot of the articles need to be merged and standardized. (i hate that some of the links for metals lead to the ingot page and others to the unshaped metal page. i want to merge these so that each metal has a page describing what ores drop it/how to make it and what it is used for) however, i am inexperienced in writing wikis and would like someone to teach me how to format tables and text properly as well as how to format and rip images from the game for contribution. or send me a link to a decent tutorial. edit: also my wiki username is kelik
  19. About construction changes possibility

    i like this idea, it will help encourage cooperation in servers, and with the knife now working as a weapon, as well as javelins, you already have decent methods of defending yourself, even without a crafting bench, something vanilla never had. now if only there would be a metal ranged weapon... metal javelins (with a minor nerf to the current "stone" version) or throwable shards of some kind anyone? it would be nice for you to need to get some kind of metal for nails or something before you can make a wooden structure, it could even go so far as to determine the resistance to explosions! imagine the satisfaction of using hardwood and high tier metal nails, knowing that only a tiny hole will be punched in the wall when a creeper decides to hug the house. also as far as storage issues go, i have been a huge fan of open-air storage since i saw log piles, they could use this for soo many other things, including pallets of nails, boards, and other assorted non-blocks. it would also make actual organization much easier, as you can easily see what is in each pile instead of rummaging through each chest trying to find the one you dropped your stack of nails into. (i know some people carefully categorize each chest, but i find that more tedious than counting blades of grass) plus, it would make a construction site look like an actual construction site, with various tools and materials lying around!
  20. re: lava....Y U NO TEXTURE?

    order of install should be: modloader (if needed), forge, other mods, optifine. 9 times out of 10 this fixes any incompatibilities optifine has.
  21. [Offline] Nessaja TFCraft Minecraft Server

    so far based on my perceptions, both sides are a little at fault here, there were better ways to handle this situation from both major parties. also endless, your friend deserved what he got. he made bad decisions in the height of emotion. there is no call to destroy another player's property, regardless of who built it. it was sub's property that was built for him by you. that said, what truly disgusts me is the reaction of the community to this. as soon as a player gets banned, his or her items and creations are considered fair game for looting? so we are basically equivalent to cannibal spiders that eat their sick and injured without waiting to see if they will recover? what reasonable justification is there for this behavior? i know someone will claim that if he is banned then he no longer needs it, to which i reiterate "without waiting to see if they will recover" and in response to seldron's request for software, ecu claims to be attempting to develop some logging soft. but i doubt that he will make it available to this server once it is finished due to this episode.
  22. [Offline] Nessaja TFCraft Minecraft Server

    this is not the correct way to deal with the greifing problem on this server. based on this logic, i want to have a lava pitfall in my house to protect my treasures. if my house happens to be uphill of someone's tree farm, would i, too, be told to disassemble the trap in case of the event that a greifer punches a hole in my trap? my stance for awhile was that the correct way to deal with greifing in this server is to get a basic logging mod implemented that kept track of who moved what blocks and opened which chests. someone here was even working to develop that. ecu. guess who has been alienated by this episode? ecu, among others. poor judgement has caused this server to lose a good chance at improving. congrats.
  23. Complete Noob Questions

    Clay IS very abundant. Please note that grass can grow atop clay, and with the bettergrass on the sides of the block, you may need to actually dig out some grass before you see the clay. Also, clay seems more likely to spawn near water, so whenever you see a little lake or something, dig out some of the nearby grass and there almost always will be clay within a few blocks of the water. I've also observed clay nowhere near water and on the bottom of the ocean and rivers, though that would be harder to get at. Making an air bubble with bricks would be recommended.
  24. Bushes?

    "pricked to death" commonly occurs when you get killed by the initial impact of cobble or dirt landing on your head (not the ensuing suffocation, which displays "suffocated inside a wall")
  25. [Offline] Nessaja TFCraft Minecraft Server

    do not update to 46b! the metallurgy system is broken currently. if you try to work with an unshaped metal it will heat instantly to liquid state, then when it cools enough to be workable it immediately jumps to cold, making it unworkable. it is a bug that has been reported and acknowledged and hopefully another hotfix will go out to correct it.