Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by kelik

  1. so, after a few mins of running, my hoe or chisel becomes unable to change modes, if i log out and back in, i can change modes again, but the server doesn't recognize it, effectively locking me in "smooth mode" for the chisel. rebooting the whole server fixes this, but i don't want to have to reboot a soon-to-be public server every ten minutes. is there a fix for this issue?


  2. With the greater expense of bricks, what are the chances of making them take longer to dig than cobblestone?

    seems like a reasonable idea. hopefully it is implemented, it should take longer to tear bricks and mortar away than to unpile a stack of rocks. hopefully you still get the block and not a pile of bricks though.

  3. i know mining is best done in second layer, but i just want to know approximately what elevation in the second layer is recommended? im mining in the second layer but getting no ores in my prospects. i might be mining too high in the layer or something but want to know how far down in the second layer i should start my tunnels.

    please don't tell me "just dig down and prospect as you go" with some changes dunk mentioned in the "railway prices are too damn high" thread that probably won't be viable anymore.


  4. i had a similar virus once, if its like mine, it can only activate if your computer has internet access. try booting with your router/modem off and see if you have temporary access, then do a system restore, see if that helps at all.


  5. Take a look at my signature.

    this is what i do. but i still get the issue. when i run the server the gui doesnt pop up and the world folder isnt created.

    using the version of the jar from that download link worked. but i'd still like to know if it was user error or that the server soft was 1.4.7 that screwed me.


  6. so i download the recent minecraft server jar. then add the recommended forge. then player api for minecraft 1.4.6. put the jar in its own folder, create a new folder named "mods" and put tfc in there. now when i try to run the server it creates a few of the default files for a folder, but no gui opens and it doesn't create a world folder. i open task manager and there is a javaw process running.

    so. what did i do wrong?

    to specify. i am using

    minecraft 1.4.6

    forge universal 1.4.6-

    playerapi 1.3 for mc 1.4.6

    tfc build 75

    edit: vanilla server version is 1.4.7 this is probably the issue. where do i get the older server version?


  7. i tend to do something similar to mayaknife, but instead of building a surface road i like to mine out massive tunnels instead. this is purely preference, i like the chance of finding a cave. but ultimately mayaknife's method is better since i often wear down my picks.


  8. You can also enable recipes for the vanilla furnace in the config, which will allow you to do it. I can make a work around though in the next update.

    for now i'm using custom npcs to work around, but it would be nice if you made a cactus and mortar recipe into the mod itself since that makes more sense than cooking the color out of it

  9. New Update to v7!

    Whats new:

    - Poisons (Still need to be improved, current damage is to insignificant, will be fixed in an update in near future)

    - Anitpoison

    - Fully Customizable config!

    To further explain, the new config file will allow you to completely edit the rates of the mod. Not only can you adjust the Id's, you can also change the length of time any tier of bandage will regenerate your health for, alter the regeneration values, and alter the instant heal values. You can also do this with the poisons to adjust how strong and how long you want the tiers of poisons to last. Also, do not change the TFC option to true yet, as it will cause non of the recipes to be created whe you load your game. The increased TFC compatibility by using ID's is still a work in progress, which I hope to have done by the fourth (if possible)!

    The poisons work fine, but without editing their effects int he config file you probably wont get the results you were hoping for. This will be the case until the next update, which will hopefully be soon.

    Recipes and download links in OP.

    Hope you like it :D

    p.s. if you plan on altering the config file for your server, you will need to ensure every player on that server gets the altered config file (essentially upload the altered config file to drop box or mediafire and send your community the link)

    nice work! can't wait till you balance the poisons.

    though i am confused, in tfc how do we get the green dyes? i thought we couldn't "cook" cacti for their dies?


  10. No, what you should have gotten from that is that you will crash with any version after OptiFine_1.4.5_HD_U_D3 when generating new chunks.

    except for one teeny problem.... D3 is not compatible with the newest version of minecraft vanilla. tested and immediate crash when attempting to load the main menu.
