Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by lordbufu

  1. Ridiculous Suggestions

    *shivers again*
  2. Ridiculous Suggestions

    Gretech recipe and blastfurnace compatibility, aka iron and steel etc can only be obtained true TFC ways *shivers*
  3. Anvil Working with metals problem...

    Anvil Tiers are quite key into making things yes, cant make bronze toolsarmor on a Copper anvil The trick to metal working is knowing how the buttons work, the rest is all a matter of practice makes perfect. The first set of armor i made took me ages to get worked out, same goes for most tools although that was a bit easier after i made the armor. I could not get used to the "rotation" of require hits so speak, i kept messing up the order of it. A few things to keep in mind is that the "Green" buttons move your arrow to the right, and the "Red" once move em to the left. The art of blacksmithing is to get the arrows to allign before the metal coolsdown (as you might have noticed with the sheets), basic things like Sheets or BloomIngots (when you get to iron age) are really easy going, but for armor and tools you might want to free up some extra time and patcience. There isnt really a fool proof trick to it, just a matter of allinging arrows while making pictures match each other on the top row so to speak, much like with the sheets you made just other actions/hits
  4. Blue/red steel insanely hard and time-taking to get?

    +1, although come to think about it it might unballance SMP ? havnt played on servers yet so cant really tell. Maybe a good solution would be to make some config options for stone layers in the worldgen for SMP players, it seems to be the same kind of problem people have with things like rocksalt. Some seeds you just need to travel miles to find any, my best world im getting around 7k blocks by boat and 3/4k by land by now and still no graphite nor rocksalt ... i dont mind being kept busy though, ill find it eventually atleast the travels got me some redstone pieces to drewl at
  5. Costum Year lenght.

    For tropical areas its should be quite normal for the nights to be around the same as the days i guess, maybe even indeed a tag bit cooler at dawn. I dunno much about climates, let alone how they should work with seasons and locations in TFC, hench why i thought asking here would be better before screaming bug or glitch For now just to be sure my crops aint affected to much ill swap back to default, Steve is getting sick of these peaches after that long winter Edit: Tested a bit more on another world, all seems fine (both default and costum) when im passed the season transition. Maybe it was just a glitch from the winter to spring ? The reason it might have looked normal under default setting could have been cause the transition period between seasons is shorter then my own edit on year lenght. Thus when i set the default it was directly in Early Spring rather then the transition from winter to early ? Stil a bit wierd to see sudge a huge temp diff between day and night and mainly it being a lot warmer at night then during the day ....
  6. Costum Year lenght.

    Lol kept a close eye on it now, was going perfect until the 4th hour of the night, then suddenly from8 degrees wham bam 15 degrees on March 11th. and it does seem to shift ever so slowly. That must have been the reason why other worlds dint have cause they might have still been on the correct time shift.
  7. Snow

    Smart thinking, ill have to try that someday i like the idea behind it
  8. Sky access for bloomery and forge

    I really need to stop assuming things ... *trashes super chimney idea* lol J/K for my own realistic idea i did place and connect the 2 together, incase my world survives updates and the system changes at somepoint, Sealed it of with trap doors since im underground. Gives quite the comfi feeling having it all so close to eachother
  9. Etho does TerraFirmaCraft

    I dunno, for some reason i think there will be one hell of a funny episode following on those actions, id be a shame to prevent that kind of fun from happening
  10. Help Me join please :(

    Hmm a demo version with forge installed, now that is something i never heard about before, intresting i gues technically speaking its a normal game version, but dint the demo have certain restrictions in gameplay aswell (its been so long since i looked into that) ? As for the account, unless you have specific laws that prevent certain account puchases or types of game content there should be no issues. In fact if im not mistaken you should even be able to rent a Official Mojang Realm server in the Philippines for €10 a month, if you have the game account etc. Cant remember the philippines banning any game types, i know some MMORPG's are banned somewhere in the world, but minecraft is of sudge a friendly nature that i hardly think any goverment would care about the game content.
  11. Fruit at the Equator

    I never found any bushes on my way to 0,0 ... but my red apples around 100 blocks from 0,0 are working just fine, so i assume bushes should be fine aswell.
  12. Shearing leaves

    A right, couldnt find any info about that, gues i just assumed i could from vanilla mechanics :blush:
  13. Shearing leaves

    Version #:78.17SSP/SMP (Single/MultiPlayer): SSPSuggested Name: Buggy sheared leaves.Suggested Category: SevereDescription: There are 3 issues actually, ill start with the first witch is shearing leaves doesnt seem to drop the right leave type for a random assortment of trees. I noticed this yesterday when shearing Douglas fir leaves that dropped Oak Leaves, i dint test all trees though but Aspen for example works correctly. The last lets play video from etho also shows this, witch has been released today. Second issue is that when shearing leaves they also drop sticks and sapling, not entirely sure if that happens the first time when the leaves are still on the tree on trees that drop the wrong leaves, but in theory that would mean Douglas fir is going to drop Oak saplings .... ill test this once they have regrown. Third and last issue witch is the reason i marked this with Severe, you can shear the leaves again when placed on the ground, and they will drop sticks and saplings again at the same rate. Resulting in an unlimited supply of saplings and sticks if you have the iron to back up the durability loss of the shears. Since leaves de-spawn when updated after being place as a block, id personally suggest removing the option of shearing leaves (aka removing the leaf drops) until a better way to handle this has been designed.Have you deleted your config files and are still able to reproduce this bug?: Yes Do you have any mods other than Forge and TFC installed?: YesIf yes, which mods?: Optifine, NEI, Damage Indicators, Zans Minimap. I did a forum search dint see anything about this under shears or leaves, and since it seems like an unintended feature i thought it would be good to post this.
  14. Help Me join please :(

    The error your getting can mean several things: Minecraft services are offline and your authentication cant reach there service check this link to make sure there up and running else is playing on your account, this used to generate this same mssg, not sure if that is still the case.Your playing in offline mode, meaning your not logged into a minecraft account to begin with, witch either means your using a pirated game or you dint have connection to the minecraft services when you started the game. Looking at your reply though im guessing its the last one of those 3, € 19,95 isn't that much tbh, its a one time payment so you can even save up for it if needed. Its not like its a MMORPG that needs a monthly subscription. I have heard of pirated clients being able to connect to servers, but there are many ups and downs to it for both the user and the sever host, its better for both that you just buy the game and register a account with Mojang. Due to security risks most server hosts decide to just not go there anymore, it used to be a thing though but its also quite the hassle so to speak. Also you say here you played since 2013, but on the server forum section you say 2009 ?? Bit fishy if you ask me ...
  15. Your chisel creations!!

    Been trying out some stuff with the chisel, need to find a balance between good and overdoing it, my last roof creation created massive input lag in the chunk and it wasn't even half way done lol Removed it before making a screenshot sadly, it was quite nice if i say so myself. In my Project Man-Cave i needed a place to store all the stones in the game, with enough buffer for my mining addictions. Resulting in the following creation, sadly enough detailed mode doesn't seem to like smooth lights so its looks a bit wonky still as i turned it of so i could see the results better. Not to shabby for a first go at balanced detailing id say (finishes shot was to big to upload on the forum ill paste that in later i guess )
  16. Disappearing Everything

    I have no issues with this at all, i use loads of vessels and tool racks to store my valuables (and i currently have 3 new world with only vessels, and 1 nicely progressed world with chest and only vessels for food). Since you also made a post in a bug report with very little info, i wont go over the bare basics again, but maybe a bit more information would help. Like what version of TFC are you using and what version of Forge, are you also using another mods aside from those 2 mentioned etc etc.
  17. Items with building (structure) requirements

    Making an anvil fall true "soft" blocks sounds like a swell idea tbh, makes sense when you think about it, not only is it heavy but the constant banging on it while making tools etc would require a "solid" base id say. Also that smoke idea *drewl*, dint fully try everything yet but sound like making a combined chimney (forge, blast-furnace, bloomery) would then be a more reachable goal cause of shared properties with water flow ? Not that the smoke would reach the surface from my man cave, but once i start on my house obviously that visual e-peen becomes a thing, but 7/8 blocks sounds a bit short if you have a 2 story house not sure if FPS would be an issue with longer distances but 10/12 sounds more reasonable to me, me likes a lot.
  18. [Solved] How to install Optifine? Can it be done?

    Technically speaking Optifine mentions it themselves as it specifically states in there forum topic (at least it used to be dint actually check ever since needed to know that for modded minecrafts) that the light version is not compatible with forge or modloader for that matter .... Its also mentioned on the own website obviously, somewhere under the FAQ section i think.
  19. Etho does TerraFirmaCraft

    20 is up now as well, just finished watching it
  20. Cheese OP?

    Originated would have been a much more suited way to word it indeed, spreading across the globe seems to be a thing for us Europeans i cant deny that. But just because it correlates with something doesn't make certain things a fact, for all we know it spread cause someone came to Europe instead of Europe coming to them so to speak On a side note, why are we having this discussion about dairy anyways whats the obsession that people have with lactose intolerance in the first place ? I mean i dint read anything about gluten intolerance, witch is a thing for grains obviously (i know at least 2 people in my town that have this issue non with lactose issues though), if id really try i could proll find something on each food group in the game/mod tbh but why on earth is Lactose such an issue ??
  21. Block placement lag

    Not only that, but if you want a certain look (for example corner stairs) you will have to use detailed mode (witch seems to be the only mode causing this) on the chisel. Im quite intrested to know what the root of this so called chunk lag is, technically speaking that is, and also why this doesnt seem to apply to say stairs or smooth stone and slabs. Ima try a few things this week and see what i can figure out, it be nice to know for example were to limit is in terms of detailed blocks per chunk, just so i know what i can and can not do untill there is some sort of fix for this.
  22. Charcoal pit

    If you fill in the room in the wrong order, the last pile that completes a full structure (meaning one pile on each side of the firepit and one on top and the door proll counts as a log pile) automaticly fires up the whole charcoal pit. I had this happen to me as i was preparing a charcoal room that was 3x3x3 in size, i pre-stacked the room while it wasnt fully fire-proof as i was lacking some stone at the time. This resulted in my house burning down cause it started burning when i wasnt quite done yet. In other words, you dont actually need a firestarter or flint and steel to light the fire in the middle, just make sure it has a few logs and keep stacking the piles. Not sure it this was intended though, but it sure comes in handy from time to time if you know how and when this happens
  23. Cheese OP?

    So basiclly your saying that since you think English writen articles are biased cause there mostly dominated by lactose tolerant people isnt a conspiracy theorie ...... In other words, yes the spread of europeans had something to do with the spread, but it wasnt the only factor since the diary farming spread across the globe. The root of the genetic anomoly derives from the diary being consumed in the first place, not the europeens population being across the globe to spread there genes simply cause they were to first to start with diary farming, Africa/Southeast Asia would good a examples of that fact (although im unsure how many europeens are in the latter of the two). The only concistent thing across the whole "anomoly" are domestic cattle, much more so then europeen diary farmers. And just an FYI its phenotypes = "lactase persistent" and Hypolactasia = "lactase non-persistent" if you really want to go the genetics way of things. And thus also lactase persistent and not lactose tolerance Hmm even though id agree on the vitamin D point of the agrument, for some reason i think im going to raise an eyebrow if i see fish or soybeans raising a bar called dairy.
  24. Cheese OP?

    You mean like this ?
  25. I have been reading this topic for a few days now, as i have a construction background in RL this type of discussion attracts my attention. Even though i like the idea of having a type of cobblestone that you can build up as wall, having been on many construction sites i know this is not quite how things work. Most of the posted pictures for example needed quite a lot of scafolding to erect from the ground up, regardless of what materials are used (for example brick) you cant just build a wall and expect it to stay up without proper support (same goes for floors etc). The only way i could see working properly in-line with RL mechanics in terms of walls, is to somehow disable the fact that a block gets updated if supporting scafolding is removed. Allowing for the construction of cobble walls, the reason they fall is because it updates the block state when something is placed/removed next to it (it basicly checks on all sides if it has the required support to stay in place, from what i can tell without looking at the code). That being said the way minecraft works that is most likely not possible (and this would proll also wreck most of the gravity features in the mod), and in terms of gameplay makes brick block seems a bit wierd cause they dont fall down when placed as a wall. Witch is technically speaking already a bit odd when you think about it since brick are pure decoration in RL and the inner wall is what makes the strenght to a structure (bricks are actually supported with pins to the inner wall so they dont fall of the structure so to speak). I could talk about this for hours on end, but i feel like its getting rather off-topic the further i venture down that road. So ill conclude with this. i would much rather see proper wallpillar mechanics then a cobblestone that doesnt fall down when left unsupported. And with proper wall mechanics i mean the fact that walls can actually support floors without the need of aditional pillars/beams to keep the floor in place. Im willing to trow a few ideas out there on how to get this working in way that it doesnt brake the game, but this doesnt seem to be the place to do so. I do like the idea of a more compact cobble stone stone, even if it was only for the sake of being able to store more by compressing 4 cobblestones into 1 new one that can also be uncrafted back into regular cobble.