Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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About arthas32

  • Rank
    Freshly Spawned

Profile Information

  • Gender Male
  • Location Romania
  1. 5 word story

    a bald man's head
  2. RPG- Good, Evil, and the line between...

    Ok, developing a tabletop RPG is awesome. As a fan of RPing and tabletop I find this nice, even tough I never got to playing a tabletop game ( Not much audience for that here in Romania ). I think that a making different characters of different alignments goes better with : I think it would be nice if you had as few cliche " Evil Overlord "-s, " Good Hero "-s and the like as possible and try to take the them as a base and twist their personality and goals one way or the other until you think they are interesting enough. It could do for some good, original NPCs. Anyways, just finishing the game is quite a feat. Do you work on it alone ?
  3. Types of Games

    Game idea : Token Machine One person writes what he/she inserts in a token machine. The person below writes what the person above gets, then inserts something him/herself.
  4. 5 word story

    but Derp was a zombie
  5. 11 of those. I'm always here, registered, you just don't know about me. As Squid said, maybe being less harsh on others viewpoints ( besides stupid ideas, you need to be harsh on those. ) ?
  6. [BUG LIST] Post your bugs below

    B72 : - While chiseling in detailed mode, one small cube next to the one you just chiseled sometimes disappears.It happened on one block more than others, but after leaving it be for some time it got back to working normally, with the occasional extra cube destroyed. Having the chisel locked to the block and chiseling from certain angles made it more often. I was also working next to other chiseled blocks, in case it matters. - After being used in one mode, the chisel sometimes freezes in that mode and doesn't allow you to change it. Exiting and reentering the the game fixes it.
  7. Barren caves

    I don't think there is a problem at all. Ore is kind of scarce, besides cassiterite, bismuthine and sphalerite, which may or may not be found so easily ( I never really got to making a prospector's pick in the later versions )
  8. Block Heads [0.79]

    Very nice texture pack. I'll use it as default from now on.