Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by achartran

  1. Sticks & Stones

    With the amount of times carving and woodworking has been talked about, and the fact every agrees it is rather necessary, there has never been a very strong reaction either way by the devs. They seem to have their own plans that they aren't ready to share with us yet. We just need to wait, and if that mean using some temporary mechanics in the interim, so be it. This mod is beta and not complete, and it seems like it will be a while before that isn't the case anymore. Which is a good thing, but it also means we can't have everything perfect yet, just imagine everything that needs to happen until this mod is in a "full" (not finished) state, its a wonderful and scary thought. But the truth is that these things (mechanics and major systems) take time with Bioxx doing it alone (Dunk does animals and AI, but iirc he said Bioxx doesn't let him code other stuff...). Given that Bioxx is an amazing coder and developer, things taking a long time is fine by me, it just means it will be that much better when it happens.
  2. Dynamic Ecosystems

    Well, you've don it Sda, you've managed to build up so much suspense and excitement in me over this idea I am completely and totally distracted from getting my college application done. Not your fault, I just can't wait to see where you take this, it could end up amazing.
  3. Here's some new stuff to add to this thread that came up in the original, please go there to reply, unless you want to bump this to keep it on the first page. Just something to consider if the staff thinks RP would be a good idea. TL;DR: I want to know if the staff is interested in this being official, and if so should there be a new sub-forum/section (whatever the right term is) dedicated to RP. Also, if people could go through (shouldn't take long) and rate each idea on a 1-5 scale (5=I really want this! 4=I want this. 3=I don't care, but may participate 2=I won't participate, but not opposed to existence 1=I don't want this at all) I will organize them according to highest average rating. (A poll doesn't really work for this purpose ) To refresh you memories, the ideas as of now are... (examples and explanations are in the OP)( I will create new posts to ask for ratings on any new ideas that come after this.) - Fantasy - Sci-Fi - Historical Eras - Misc. Fictional Characters and Universes - Minecraft Adventures - Minecraft Adventures Other Mods - TFC Adventures - D&D - TFC Forums Originals TL;DR: Please rate the ideas for RP threads in terms of which ones you want, based on the scale I provided. The original topic is here, please discuss relevant things there, and not here: http://terrafirmacra...-threads-maybe/
  4. Huge Mountains

    That crater map (actually called Crater Lake) isn't from the VoxelBox team, I actually found that on PlanetMinecraft a while ago (before it was posted here), posted by a user called Sir_Beret. He had other submissions as well that were of decent quality, so I don't think it was a case of him copying the VoxelBox's work. In any case, I'll look around for it, I could use my daily fix of awesome minecraft terrain right about now anyways.
  5. soooooo

    I do think that while it hasn't seemed to be effective on AntVenom's forums, we should try to get the same thing accomplished with other big Minecraft Youtubers, if only a single one actually does a video it will be huge. (Direwolf20 has done it before, but that was back when TFC was still in Alpha, maybe we could ask if he could take another look?) Also, maybe not "us" as in the members of the forum, but more, Bioxx or Dunk sending actual formal requests to these Youtubers through private channels so that it is considered seriously. As Dunk said, it is important that TFC grows, to help support both himself, Bioxx, and give them an incentive to keep going with this awesome mod they have created. We shouldn't take this one less than positive experience and give up. (Also, Kimb, are you still working on the TFC short? Or are you waiting on me to finish the storyboard? I've just been swamped with stuff lately so I haven't gotten to it yet (been stressing out about applying for college along with my usual work ). I just want to know if I should keep working on it, or if you want just a scene by scene description. Also, if I do keep working, what level of detail do you need?)
  6. Huge Mountains

    Just read it, while I like most of what he said, there was no signs of any upcoming changes to make mountains better. Actually, is anyone even sure if mountains as would be ideal (peaked with possible snow caps, with ridges and multiple peaks, some kind of foot hills, glaciers and mountain springs that generate better looking rivers and waterfalls, and just all around how they are in the real world just... made of blocks. Essentially what ThinkTank just quoted.) could be randomly generated in minecraft without a ridiculous amount of effort? Because, while actual mountains and mountain ranges would be so amazing I could not have a single want ever again, I don't want to ask for something that is impossible or requires too much effort. I don't generally like asking for things in the first place, so I don't want to be asking for something insane... (also, ThinkTank, do you know where that picture you just quoted came from? I'd love to find that custom map if it exists! )
  7. Huge Mountains

    Where is he talking about terrain generation?!!? I need to see this, terrain gen is one of my favorite things. (As i have stated before, I love a good mountain or any sort of interesting, believable terrain. Minecraft's sad excuse for mountains don't count, they can look kinda cool sometimes, but mostly (as in 99.999999% of the time) they suck.)
  8. Combat Overhaul final (3/3)

    I don't think anyone here is going to force it on him (I was joking in parts of my above post, just to be clear ). I just think that as something many people feel is important to TFC, we should let Bioxx know that this is something we believe is important. Another fact to consider is that TFC has limited compatibility so many of the mods that improve combat in some way are not available for various reasons (adds something that conflicts with TFC, requires items not obtainable without cheating in TFC, etc.). I also don't think Bioxx should be forced into anything, and I am firmly supportive of Bioxx doing what he wants, after all it's his mod (as you said). I just think that in certain cases (this is the only one I've seen so far, combat overhaul is almost universally supported among people here.) he should be made well aware that the choice he has made does not sit well with the players and after that, well, honestly we can't do anything after that but hope he changes his mind. In the end I will still play TFC if it has better combat or not, I would just prefer if exploring a cave didn't require me to buy a new mouse because my left click doesn't work anymore. So yeah, I don't want to come across like I'm forcing this suggestion, as I am usually a strong advocate of taking what Bioxx said (said by him directly or through Dunk) and leaving it at that. But this situation is different, and Bioxx needs to be aware of that and hopefully at least he will reconsider his choice, even if he sticks with his original decision in the end. (I guess I'm just trying to justify my complete change of opinion on this matter, I still don't quite understand it myself... )
  9. Dynamic Ecosystems

    I look forward to seeing where you go with this. I must say, I am rather intrigued...
  10. soooooo

    I saw that post, Impossible to figure out what they meant though, so I looked at their recent posts. It looked like something they had said a few times before, but each time just as impossible to determine the meaning behind it. That forum needs a quote function... Thanks, I spent a good half hour on it so I'm glad it came out well. I just wish it had gone out to a better audience. :/
  11. A Few Roleplaying threads, Maybe?

    This is a Long post, so I put it in a spoiler, please read it if you didn't already in the OP. What I'm hoping for is to get staff approval of this so that I don't create a bunch of threads that get lost after 2 days because they weren't stickied. For these to be successful they need to be endorsed by the staff and stickied so that they server their purpose. So Dunk, please respond if you see this. (basically, I (or someone else if you want) would write up the rules for the ones people want then they could be posted by either myself or a staff member to be stickied here in the off topic section) I think an ideal number of threads to start with could be 3 of the top picks. More could always be added. (Another option is to instead of stickie these in the off topic section, make a new Roleplay section (that is in the same category as the off topic section, just like the "Show Off" or "General" category has multiple sections, the Off Topic category would contain Off Topic and Roleplay) that contains the "official" threads stickied but allows users to post their own if the want, and if they become popular, get stickied. Or have two sub-sections in the Roleplay section, one for the official threads and popular user made threads that have been moved from the user threads sub-section of the Roleplay section.) This is kinda confusing... I'll try to condense it and show it through text. This is what home page of the forum would look like with an RP section General - Announcements - Bug Reports - Download Mod - Discussion - Support - Suggestions Show Off - Guides - Texture Packs - Let's Play ( and Live Stream) - Seeds -- Seed Request Off Topic - Off Topic - Roleplay -- Official and Popular (Endorsed Threads, Hot Threads, etc. whatever you want to call it. This section can only have threads posted/moved here by staff, but posts by members on established topics are enabled obviously.) -- User Threads (Threads posted by users, popular ones (maybe not to be determined just by a thread having the "hot" tag or not) are moved to the Official and Popular sub-section) Geral - Discussão Just something to consider if the staff thinks RP would be a good idea. ------------------------------------ Also, if people could go through (shouldn't take long) and rate each idea on a 1-5 scale (5=I really want this! 4=I want this. 3=I don't care, but may participate 2=I won't participate, but not opposed to existence 1=I don't want this at all) I will organize them according to highest average rating. (A poll doesn't really work for this purpose ) To refresh you memories, the ideas as of now are... (examples and explanations are in the OP)( I will create new posts to ask for ratings on any new ideas that come after this.) - Fantasy - Sci-Fi - Historical Eras - Misc. Fictional Characters and Universes - Minecraft Adventures - Minecraft Adventures Other Mods - TFC Adventures - D&D - TFC Forums Originals
  12. Scorched ground

    You know what! You suck Kill3r, at this point you are multi-posting (more than 2 consecutive posts) just to piss people (me?) off. I won't give you the satisfaction of melting. Just know that you won't survive long if you keep this behavior up. *decidedly not melted*
  13. Combat Overhaul final (3/3)

    I think I agree with you guys about arguing this point only, I usually don't support pushing something that has already been shot down, but I think an exception is in order for this. So, GIVE ME BETTER COMBAT BIOXX!!!!! (JK, ofc I can't make you do that, but it would be very nice if you did. Or at least a greater variety of weapons. ) Anyways, I retract my previous post, and officially support your cause, ECC and everyone else of this opinion, for better or for worse. Even if Bioxx hates me for it. (I won't get that pushy, I understand if you don't change your mind and I have said before a few times why I support many of you decisions despite the fact I'm not completely happy with what that decision is) Also, I don't know why I'm talking like Bioxx will actually see, and respond to this, but it felt like the only way to write it. (Disclaimer: I don't have the will, or the time tbh, to actively support this opinion. Just know that I support it, and if compelled will actively support it. Also, I may change my mind at some point too. )
  14. Configuration So Everyone Is Happy

    I'm going to keep this short. (yeah, that didn't happen XD)I personally don't care if Bioxx puts configs in or not, I don't use them all that much. I just don't believe that people around here should keep pushing a point even AFTER they have an answer. There are some cases, such as the combat overhaul not happening, in which people should push back against Bioxx and state what we would like. But things like this, where public opinion seems neutral at best, just aren't worth it to keep bringing up, again, and again, and again. I don't like you. At all. Blunt? Yes. True? Yes. You are being pushy and you are disregarding many of this forums customs, rules, and standard conventions. For someone who just got here you act like you throw around a lot of weight. You don't though, most of us here don't beyond Dunk (even Dunk though), Bioxx is known for not really changing his mind once it he has decided something won't be happening. You really aren't going to change that. And by the way, I'm fairly sure he said that there may be configs after beta, which seems to be what you are pushing so hard for. So you got what you want, right? Did you see the part where I said, I haven't seen a positive post from you yet? I'm not going to look through your immense count of 15 posts to check and see if each one is as negative as the ones I have seen. My point is, you haven't made a good impression on me and possibly some other vets, that isn't going to change if I see you are capable of giving a compliment to a texture pack artist. It's great that you are capable of that, but it also seems like you like to argue with people about nothing a lot, something I personally don't like. Now, about what ECC said. He doesn't mean that just because more I have more posts, I have put the time in to establish myself here and form connections with other posters and I'm generally just a part of the community. Yes, I participate in a lot of derails and some don't like that, but they are fun, as many other vets will agree. Point is, you need to earn respect around here, not by post count, but by making a good impression and generally not acting like you are. Menoch is nicer than I am, plain and simple. I'm actually a pretty nice guy irl, and most of the time on the internet too; I just become this "douche" when I see someone I think is being an idiot, and you ARE being an idiot. I, and many others, don't really want to have to deal with idiots all the time on this forum, where we mostly enjoy ourselves, and if a mean approach needs to be taken sometimes, so be it. Like I have already said (and you pointed out to me that I said that again for some reason), I don't agree with all of Bioxx's decisions. However, it's his fucking mod, he can make so that it crashes after 3 seconds of start up. I firmly believe that If you really aren't happy about something, go do it yourself and stop trying to get others who don't want to to do it for you. In my case, I don't know java or any other skills that I need to make a minecraft mod, so I rely on TFC, the closest mod out there to what I have always wanted in a mod. It's not perfect, not nearly, it doesn't fit a lot of my tastes and things I like in. If I were to create my own mod it would include Siege weapons along with so many different kinds of other weapons you would never be able to have them all in a legit survival world, it would include terrain generation the EXACT way I want it (Realistic mountains, real canyons, better rivers, more realistic flat lands, better cliffs, better lakes, better everything pretty much :P/>), it would include a ton of new realistic biomes (South East Asian islands, more realistic vanilla biomes, tropical rainforest, volcanic areas (includes slow erupting volcanoes that also get bigger slowly) Volcanic Islands (will start under water and slowly become and island) and a lot more) so I don't have to rely on ExtraBiomes XL and the recently discontinued Biomes O'Plenty, both mods I love, but have things I don't like or in EB XL's case not enough variety. There are other things as well, but this would be an even longer ass post if I put them in. My point is, I would make my mod exactly how I wanted it, and I wouldn't give a shit if some random person I knew nothing about just started insisting on something I didn't want to put in. For Bioxx TFC is that dream mod that his is vision and a mod he actually likes, I completely support him in making that mod, because if I had the skills I would do the exact same thing. Going back to the original suggestion, Bioxx and Dunk have a strong stance, that I agree with, that TFC should not be able to be made easier or be compromised in any way. They don't want someone playing a mod that is supposed to be a challenge turning off everything that makes it hard, if they do that they might as well go play a tech mod that focuses on making things so you don't have to do as much work in the long run. In TFC it doesn't matter if you have full red steel or a stone axe and a javelin, you still have to make charcoal the same grueling way. I love that about this mod, it keeps the challenge there, it doesn't become a game where you end up spending all your time watching machines do stuff after you set up a completely automated system that provides you with everything you could ever need, or if your on a server running a town of 80+ people just because you have already done almost everything in tekkit (happened to me, didn't play tekkit for a whole month, despite being on a tekkit server, I ran the largest town instead.). If these configs you want allow users to, say... disable the stone age and make it so metal is just as easy to find as in vanilla, that would take out a major part of this mod and would in fact ruin TFC. At that point you might as well use the metallurgy 2 mod instead or some other mod that adds ores, you wouldn't get the awesome metallurgy system of TFC, but you would have so much ore you could never actually use a lot of it due to the amount of work you would have to put in to process it all. TFC isn't a mod that lends itself to being, in effect, modular, even in someones single player world where "it isn't hurting anybody" as many people say, but the devs want people to have the best experience with TFC possible and they don't want people going around saying "Oh TFC is so easy it's not even fun, don't play it dude." when the reason it was easy for them was because they turned off anything that may have added a challenge. I support small config options such as year length and day length simply for the reason it allows players who don't have a month irl to spend on a single world to experience all that TFC has to offer. But to change ore spawn rate and things of that nature that make things easier are in no way a good thing as far as I'm concerned. Also, yes, I misunderstood halfmaster, I realized that once he clarified the 2nd time (he seemed to say the same thing the first time he clarified). I was a bit harsh there yes, but that was because of how I interpreted his post. So sorry about that halfmaster, it was just a misunderstanding, nothing personal. I hope I didn't offend you. Now, if you don't mind I actually should be finishing my college application right now, so I'm going back to that. Feel free to respond back to this and call me butthurt again or say that I'm being a douche I'm fine with that. But if you do continue on with this I'm going to keep it up too, call me petty, but this internet, it was made for arguing and calling each other names (well at least in your case, I don't like name calling, at least the way you have done it. It has no effect and just makes you look like a kid who had his juice box taken by another kid). I regret that I can't provide you with a link to where Bioxx said what he did, because I don't know where it is. But there is a search bar in the upper right hand corner that you could use to provide it for yourself, like most people would. You'll find you won't get other people do something for you around here when you could easily do it yourself. (this got loooooong and as a result may not make sense sometimes, so don't be surprised if you find a half finished thought somewhere :P/>) Finally, I don't think I've seen a triple post around here before, seriously, never. How am I supposed to melt for a triple post? Do I melt twice? Or should I melt split into two blobs, reform as two smaller versions of me, then they melt again and rejoin to form the original blob and reform to a full size me? I seriously don't know. Anyways, may Sherlock Holmes forever curse your soul and infect your brain with nightmares of armies of his clones attacking you with popsicle stick knives and if you don't use the edit button in the future he will find you and lock you in his basement for exactly 1,543 minutes and 37 seconds. *melts, and tries to figure out what to do next.* Although cognitive function is severely reduced when the brain is in liquid state. I should've thought about that before melting.
  15. A Few Roleplaying threads, Maybe?

    Seriously, already?! Ah well, guess I should expect it by now. But if you don't mind, I would like people to discuss this concept and come up with ideas.
  16. What do You Desire for Christmas?

    An external disk drive? (Edit: JAG and I seem to be trading likes today... mostly JAG is liking my posts though )
  17. Cave collapse

    You can only get a cave collapse by breaking CEILING blocks, not walls. At least I think...
  18. I think I'm going to introduce a few new alter egos over the coming weeks and months, so keep your eyes peeled.

    1. LordOfWolves


      A bad thing!!! You mustn't exaggerate now, because Sherlock was crazy enough. I agree if you introduce only 1 other alter ego, but more...too many to mantain them and you will lose your funny part making this. *Wolf runs away for no reason*

    2. achartran


      This all depends on the success or failure of the RP suggestion, I don't want to make the staff mad at me. Don't worry wolf, I have a way of making sure I only ever have two at a time that actually will make sense. Also, I have no idea right now who these people will be.

    3. LordOfWolves


      Are you thinking that I was angry with you? No, just kidding. Also when I rarely become angry, I write it in the post. :)

    4. Show next comments  27 more
  19. Sickness

    This has been extensively talked about before, please use the search function next time you have an idea you are thinking about posting. We don't like dealing with so many repeat suggestions as we do, so if you could kindly do this next time as many of us vets tend not to be very nice when someone ignores the rules. So please, be kind, search next time. Also I believe this is in order: WELCOME TO THE TFC FORUMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. Scorched ground

    While it is noble of you to attempt such a revival, there is no way you are going to salvage this thread from the broken, twisted mess it has become, it's just too far gone.
  21. A Few Roleplaying threads, Maybe?

    Exactly. Although we should keep in mind, this shouldn't replace derails, those are spontaneous and extremely fun, these likely wouldn't be the same, but more of a place to continue established things to a further degree. As well as get some actual organized role play going (characters, events, etc.), that always has the potential for fun.
  22. I'm a musician

    Let me say first, I am NOT a metal fan, nowhere close, I just don't like it that much. It is one of the 5 major genres I don't listen to all that much along with (I hate some of these and am indifferent towards others. Metal, I am indifferent towards): Country, Pop, Hip-Hop, and Rap. That being said, what you have done is very good. It is technically sound as far as I can tell and sounds like metal is supposed to. I'm a fellow musician as well and I know the feeling of "I don't like what I just made at all", it's part of what makes you strive to make something better, but can also really get in the way sometimes. So yeah, great job! It's not the kind of music I personally listen to, but it is good none the less. +1 to you I have to ask a few questions now. 1.) Did you play all the parts yourself? 2.) What kind of instruments do you play? As well as what brand, specs, etc. 3.) What recording software do you use? (I personally use Pro Tools 10 as my main DAW, but Garageband for just messing around as it is a lot easier to use but doesn't have as much functionality as Pro Tools.) 4.) Do you ever use loops in your songs? (I've made whole songs using loops, so this isn't a bad thing IMO.) Just a few minor criticisms and thoughts now... - It could be a bit longer, although don't artificially extend it by just repeating the same thing, add some new parts. - It could use a bass part or another instrument, right now it lacks a little bit of depth that could be solved by adding a simple track of a different instrument underneath the guitar to round out the sound and get it to be more "in your face" as metal often is. - that's really it, as I have already said, nice job and keep up the good work!
  23. A Few Roleplaying threads, Maybe?

    I am well aware of this, but this would provide us with a dedicated place for this where we don't have to worry about getting in trouble for taking things too far on a derail. I'm not saying we should change things regarding derails, just add a new place for even more insanity and hilarity. For example, a Sherlock Holmes RP thread could be A-MAZ-ING and could become another Holmsian Event! that doesn't get me close to being banned. Or we could have an entire thread dedicated to noodles stabbing people with spoons while they make sugar noodles jokes. Imagine the possibilities JAG, just imagine them and this will be you...
  24. Combat Overhaul final (3/3)

    Wasn't combat overhaul along these lines horribly and brutally murdered by Bioxx? Just saying, although I don't agree with Bioxx on this point there isn't a whole lot of sense behind continuing this discussion.
  25. Scorched ground

    I'm gonna let you guys take over the torture and killing stuff, I'm no good at that. Anyways, have fun.