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Posts posted by achartran

  1. Minecraft user name: achartran

    Your Age: 20

    Your Time Zone: EST (east coast US)

    Location Country and State: NH, US

    Tell us a bit about yourself: Name's Anthony, I'm a college student in Maryland, studying computer science. I've been a PC gamer for many years. I played a lot of Minecraft a few years ago and am just getting back into it. I used to love Terrafirmacraft and even used to be a regular on these forums. Outside of Minecraft, I play mostly cRPG and Strategy games, plus League of Legends.

    How can you help us: I'm not really sure, to be honest. I generally like founding towns and building them up, also maybe a bit of metal smithing.


  2. 1 achartran

    2 New England, EST

    3 Skype

    4 15 rich ore, producing 525 mu

    5 Played a lot a while back, but have taken a 2 year break from Minecraft  and TFC

    6 I don't do any streaming/recording

    7 Name's Anthony, I'm a college student in Maryland, studying computer science. I've been a PC gamer for many years. I played a lot of Minecraft a few years ago and am just getting back into it. I used to love Terrafirmacraft, and even used to be a regular on these forums, this server seemed like the ideal way to give it another go. Outside of Minecraft, I play mostly cRPG and Strategy games, plus League of Legends.


  3. The Holmesian event? whats that?

    It was a multithread derail that I caused a while back, possibly over a year or more by now, in which I assumed the identity of Sherlock Holmes and proceeded to derail every thread I could find for a couple hours. It was great fun.


    It may be possible to find if you were to look back far enough, but its probably not worth it.



    Found the thread where it started:


    and here's my favorite description of the event


    Yes, but hopefully not the way I did, In a full on, balls to the walls, multi-thread derail rampage.


  4. the holmesian event was a rapetrain multi topic uberderail, you judge if that was good or not


     I'll choose to take that as a compliment, it was an insane amount of fun.


  5. ah the days when derails would happen frequently and violently all over the forums

    those were good days

    good days...

    Yeah, any day when you have a crazy, immortal, popsicle-stick knife wielding, 19th century sleuth extraordinaire running around sounds like a good day to me.


  6. Well hello there everybody,

    You may have noticed a distinct lack of your favorite disembodied pixelated smily dwarf face around this forum as of late. If you noticed that, good, you win an awkward Sherlock hug. If not, shame on you, Sherlock will hit you with his magnifying glass next time he sees you. Anyways, this thread is announcing my (possible) return to bumming around this forum, causing mayhem and being a derail master (because that's totally still allowed :P). I'm saying this now because my senior year of high school is quickly coming to a close and the work load is becoming smaller and smaller, so I will actually have time to participate in the forum again.

    Now, to be honest I haven't played TFC for longer than 10 minutes in months, so I may have no idea what I'm talking about in on-topic sections. What I have been playing is almost everything else, mostly: Planetside 2, Warhammer 40k: Dawn of War II: Retribution, Starcraft II: HotS, Chivalry, War Thunder, and Dwarf Fortress. I have also recently gotten into Roguelikes like Angband (and its varients) and ADOM. My current favorite is a Medieval II: Total War mod called Third Age Total War, which takes one of my favorite games (MII:TW) and sets it in Tolkien's Middle Earth in the Third Age around the time of the War of the Ring. Like I said, everything but minecraft. :P

    If anyone wants to play any of the games above (or others) on the weekends add me on steam and/or skype (Skype: achartran Steam: achartran) and if I'm online feel free to message me. Or if you want to try to get me back into TFC/Minecraft that's cool too.

    Also, I've recently begun to get into playing tabletop Warhammer 40,000 and have been painting up an army for a couple months now (it's going reeeeallly slowly). If anyone else here is in the hobby I'm usually (when I have time) up for a game of 40k through vassal40k, but I must warn you that I'm still learning the rules and stuff. In the case that you don't play 40k or no one in this forum plays 40k, ignore this paragraph.

    So yeah, I will probably be hanging around here much more often, which should make you all really excited because you love me so much. :P

    Anyways, enough rambling. I'm back and stuff... probably.

    (If you don't know who I am and this is all very confusing to you, ask one of the other vets about The Holmsian Event!, or even better Dunk, and I'm sure they'll be happy to tell you all about how amazing and wonderful I am.)


  7. Sons of Gor'ath sounds awesome use that :D

    Well, erm, amazingly Legions of Vanu wasn't taken, so that's the name. (Mostly because I tried it just to see and I don't think I can change now.) If it is possible to change I'd be happy to consider Sons of Gor'ath, but I'd like everyone to agree on the name. (I made while talking with someone else, they preferred the Vanu names and he is the only person besides me in the outfit atm. Anyways, it may all be pointless if we can't change the name, unless we were to just scrap the old one and start over. Which won't be a too huge deal as the outfit only has two members and I haven't put anything up on the PS2 forums about it.)

    Anyways, anyone who is interested post here with your character name on the SolTech server. (You'll have to make a character there if you don't have one already.)

    (Lorbog, do you have a character on SolTech? I tried inviting you but it didn't find you name, did you change it for your SolTech character?)


  8. *pokes thread*

    Yup, it's dead, throw it in the cart with rest of 'em.

    Thread: "I'm not dead!"

    Oh, what's that? It says it isn't dead! Well, we can't take it like that, It's against regulations! Keep moving boys!


  9. Ok, I'm going to make it today, but before I do here are the four contenders for name

    Legions of Vanu [LoV]

    Sons of Vanu [soV]

    Legions of Gor'ath [LoG]

    Sons of Gor'ath [soG]

    (Gor'ath doesn't seem to suit an outfit name all too well, more like a country or city name. It worked well on it's own in Terra, but this seems... different, I guess. :P)


  10. *pimpslaps krski and thewolf out of the derailed and ended thread* (also, the name has been chosen, my name won :D)

    Well actually, my name is tied with your name. So yeah, how d'ya like dem apples?


  11. In the Age System, for every six months (I decided to increase the number from three to six), an age is defined in that time interval. We've recently started the Third Age, since the Second Age was a time of turmoil and the increasing disappearance of TFC Veterans, which was a sad age. We have yet to see what happens in the beginning of the Third Age (The First Age was a time in the Elder Days [TFC Alpha] of TerraFirmaCraft).

    With that system the summer would be included in the 2nd age, and that's bollocks if you ask me. The summer and into early fall was when this place thrived.


  12. The scan is at 30% after 45 minutes... this is going to be a looooong day. :-@

    Update: 69% after about 2 hours, still no signs of anything malicious, hoping it's in the last 30%


  13. Quick update...

    I was going to create the outfit today, But I got a virus that locks down my entire user account and demands $200 and threatens Jail time, and claims to be from the FBI. It's obviously a scam, and I'm working to remove it, but it's going slowly, so the outfit is going to be postponed a bit.

    But, if you would like an invite once it's live and/or have a favourite name/name suggestion, please post!

    NOTE: I'm thinking either [LoV] Legions of Vanu or [soV] Sons of Vanu for the outfit name.

    EDIT: Got my computer back up and running virus-free. I'll probably make the outfit on Wednesday when I have some free time.


  14. Fuck... old thread I know, but I just got the same virus (or very similar)... -_-

    I'm running a security scan in Safemode now, but it's going realllly slow.

    So yeah... it's still around and it's a pain in the ass to get, so be careful and watch what links you click on. It's simple internet safety, yes, but it's really easy to forget, and it's better to be safe than have to sort out a virus that locks down your entire user account.

    If anyone has any tips on how to fully clear out this menace, I'd appreciate it very much. Otherwise I really hope I can sort this out myself reasonably quickly, I've got homework to do today. But until then I'll be facedesking non-stop while the scan is running :

    Posted Image


  15. That all sounds good to me, I've been playing Vanu too and my planetside Ign is Lorbog. I will have to change servers tough, but idk havent unlocked anything yet anyway :P

    Awesome :)

    Do you have steam? If so send me a friend request (IGN: achartran). Also, I'll start up an outfit on SolTech later today. Any ideas for names?

    (I'd prefer not to restrict it to just the TFC Forums, as there aren't a ton of us and I know a few others who are interested that aren't on these forums.)

    Here's a few names I've thought of, I'm not too attached to any of them. (I enjoy the roleplay aspect of the game, so I get pretty into the faction rivalry stuff, some of the names may reflect that. :P)

    - [soV] Sons of Vanu

    - [WoV] Warriors of Vanu

    - [VSC] Vanu's Chosen

    - [LoV] Light of Vanu

    - [FoV] Fist of Vanu

    - [FoV] Fists of Vanu

    - [VSF] Vanu's Fist

    - [VSS] Vanu's Sheild

    - [V41] Vanu 41st

    - [VSL] Vanu's Legions

    - [LoV] Legions of Vanu

    might add more later...

    EDIT: I've had a look around the PS2 forums and wiki and I want to put forward the idea of making an outfit on Mattherson instead of SolTech. I've personally put a crap ton of time into SolTech, but no money. The problem with SolTech is that it isn't that busy, Mattherson on the other hand, is the most populated US East server. I would be willing to start a new character there if people want to, but I would be happy with SolTech too. An alternative is to start the outfit on SolTech and then once character transfers has been added in move to Mattherson or another more populated server. Just a thought, but I think It's worth considering.

    EDIT to the EDIT: On second thought, let's keep it to SolTech :P


  16. I just got a new computer Monday and have been playing Planetside 2, and i was wondering if anyone would like to form a TFC forums outfit. :)

    Hells YES! I was actually entertaining the idea of posting this same thing, but you beat me too it :P

    I'm already deeply entrenched over at SolTech fighting for the mighty Vanu Sovreignty if that sounds ok to you, I've been wanting to set-up an outfit there for a while now. :)

    So yeah, Lorbog, PM me and we can talk.

    sounds good! We should be in the TERRAn republic :D and be called the Terrafirma F.O.R.U.M. division. anyone want to join our ranks? I want to see some forum veterans join the cause

    TR SCUM! Technology is the future! Bow before it! :P

    (Translation: If we go TR you can count me out, Vanu until DEATH! Or... I'll just start my own Vanu outfit >:] )


  17. Yeah... I don't really have time to be on here all the time like I was before, and it will be that way for a while. Maybe after school is out for the summer I'll be around more often. But, until then you guys will just have to deal with the silence caused by my absence. (JOKES!)

    Serious(ish) time now, the solution is to be nice to newbies, really. We won't grow without them, and that means we will come to rely more and more on the grizzled vets who no longer have the time to dedicate to this forum that we used to (like me, and JAG up there).

    So yeah... be nice damnit!


  18. where are number 1 and 2 then?

    Well... number 1 would be The Holmsian Event!, and number two would be the Great Meme Wars of the Dark Age.

    So this, The Nameless Event!, is the third in a line of major derails on the forum.

    (you could also count that lemon derail a long time ago, but that was before I got here :P)
