Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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About Skoobysnax

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    Freshly Spawned
  1. Some of these could be classified under that, yes
  2. TFC is by far my favourite mod, and for good reason. Realism. To a certain degree, anyway. And what better way of keeping its popularity skyrocketing than adding more and more to it. First, a good addition would be slight construction tweaks, such as angled wood and stone blocks (like in that mc mod, forget the name), structure strength based on foundation strength, changing the blocks shapes to make chairs, tables, etc ( like with chisels but with wood, carpentry), and lastely, add many different styles of item holders , like shelves, display shelves, dressers, closets, etc. Another cool addition would be adding different levels of fruit, from unripe to ripe to rotten, with corresponding textures. Have them stay Unripe and thenon the trees for 3 mc days each and then rot if you don't pick them off, and have them last a bit longer in storage, and if it could be implemented, fridges and freezers. Another possible addition that has been implemented on a small scale in game already( log piles). Many people have posted on the forum that they wouldn't mind this at all, same with me. You could add rock piles( gravel), armor racks, stick piles, etc. I hope you find this an interesting read and get ideas from it, Skoob
  3. About construction changes possibility

    I think you have something there paragon. That would make total sense to make it based on a solider frame rather than gravity for some blocks.
  4. About construction changes possibility

    Yes I read it, or else I wouldn't have made the post, and your rite, I really shouldn't criticize it before its even out. I meant it more as an opinion than a criticization.
  5. About construction changes possibility

    I know that there's creative mode, *facepalm* I meant like building houses, and towns ( on servers), and having to build plank by plank would take many many minecraft days, leaving you out in the open to creeps, unless you build a 2x2x2 box with a bed in it and use that as your shelter.
  6. About construction changes possibility

    Another point, if you make building this much harder to build, I might as well go build something outside. This is minecraft, and changing this much about it takes the game right out of it. It basically is turning it into sims.
  7. I feel that the recent possible update by bioxx would be cool and a pain in the ass for many people, depending on why they wanted to try out this mod. I have a few ideas to resolve the problem. I personally like the way the building system is currently, because of the building restrictions with cobble, etc., which already is tedious. The addition of building materials to put these together would completely take " building a city" out of the equation. But, I have a couple ideas to use both ideas. Idea 1: split the game into two different versions, one catered towards being a bit easier for people who like building things quicker, and a version towards the tedious, hard game loving people. Although this may add a lot more onto the work load, but you could also bring others with the same idea of where the game should go, into help. It will defenetally worth it in the long run. Idea 2: test run it, and based on the feed back, remove it, or stick with it. It is only in beta mode, after all. I am torn towards both because the changes sound hard, but I wouldn't know if I like it or not until I tried it. Hope you find something of worth from this. Good luck, skooby Edit: unless he makes the planks, etc stackable to 64 or 32, and the chests getting nerfed, it's just another thing to try to find space for.