Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Atharsea

  1. TerraFirma+ : Botany & Food

    It looks like you are planning to use ground bell peppers for the pepper powder? Natural insecticides use plants withcapsaicin, and although bell peppers are part of the genus capsicumthey have no capsaicin (which makes the plants spicy/hot). It would make more sense to add plants likechiliesand/orcayennepeppers and grind dried versions of those for pepper powder.
  2. A-Z Foods

  3. Bug Report

    While I also haven't tried deleting my config file I had the same problem in a single player world with food suddenly having no weight on an exploring trip (a piece of venison & a carrot). I haven't had it occur since that one play session.
  4. Ideas about food preservation.

    Bread can be made in any fire, crackers would need to be cooked on a metal pan, and probably on a forge as well. Correct, my thinking is that crackers/hardtack would decrease the rate of decay as opposed to bread, which has a higher water content and decays much quicker. Granary's would be great for grain storage at a home base, I see hardtack as being a good food for long periods away from home, especially during the winter when wild food is scarce.
  5. Ideas about food preservation.

    One of the methods of preserving that I haven't seen mentioned yet is the ability to make crackers/hardtack as a way to preserve grains for a longer period of time. To balance the preservation they might take longer to eat, and require a more advanced cooking method.
  6. Gold Panning does not work. :(

    It should work with sand too - It's worked fine for me with either sand or gravel.
  7. Spices and seasoning: improving meals

    I enjoy exploring to collect all the different plants, so I'm biased towards adding spices. I'd rather see an optional "spice slot" that can throw the balance towards a better tasting meal than using the meal interface twice. The addition of herbs could be paired with the ability to create medicines, since many herbs also have those properties. Plants like ginger and mint could be used to make teas to warm up. Perhaps one way to integrate spices in a revamp of the meal system would be to offer more ways to create different types of meals - for example a soup/stew might be made in a cauldron of water over a fire. The soup might require an herb/spice, and take 3-6 types of food in 2 categories. Bowls could be filled from the cauldron. The soup would start out hot, have the ability to warm the player and multiple meals could be ladled from the same pot. Being able to quickly scoop a meal up and feed multiple people would be balanced by the stew being unable to fill all nutrients in a single dish.
  8. Gold Panning does not work. :(

    You have to right click to fill the gold pan with sand/gravel and then use that under water. Are you able to get the pan filled?
  9. Gold Panning does not work. :(

    Are you filling the gold pan from sand/gravel that is not underwater? You used to be able to fill a gold pan with sand/gravel that was underwater, now you have to find it above water or shovel it out. Once you have a filled gold pan you use it (Right click default) with the flowing water. If your arm with the pan isn't moving (like it does when you use other tools) you aren't clicking in the right spot. It can be a little finicky to click in the right spot on the flowing water.
  10. Fire setting

    Certain modes could require a higher tier of metal to use. Instead of being able to access all the modes on any metal hoe you might need to make one from a tier two metal to see the available nutrients (I figured that was the most likely mode to hold back, since by the time you are working with better alloys you probably have figured out when plants are ready to harvest). The detail mode of the chisel could also require better metals. Tools that don't have multiple modes could return some/all of the materials when a chiseled block is removed.
  11. I like having more options, particularly specialized options, for how to store/display items. Logpiles and tool racks are great, and I wish there were a lot more options. Vessels make sense for a small amount of grain, but wouldn't be practical for a larger yield. Grain is tiny, imagine pouring several bags of rice into a cardboard box and then trying to retrieve it all. Sacks of grain stored on a shelf, larger ceramic urns or some sort of granary would be more logical than a chest.
  12. I would love to be able to keep records (particularly to document recipes tried) and I would like to be able to create a map in-game. TFC has overhauled the weapon and food systems, it would be nice to see more features be refined/renabled with a more believable construction sequence. A mortar & pestle could be used to grind minerals to produce inks when added to a bottle of water, and could also be used to grind an ounce or two of grain at a time pre pickaxe.
  13. Easy to Implement Ideas

    I would really like something to do with that inevitable single rock that doesn't have a matching type to be knapped with, and can't be put down. There isn't a great way to store rock collections, especially before you have chests (which don't feel like a good place to store them), and I hate the idea of just letting something despawn. I think you can make arrows out of them, but that isn't usefull until you can mange to get enough string, and is less likely to be doable while traveling. I'd like a rockpile to store them in, the ability to knap it with a different type of rock on your hotbar and/or the ability to throw it at mobs like a snowball to discourage them while you retreat.
  14. Press

    I guess it would depend on what is being pressed, and how it's being used. A barrel of oil for mass storage (or long-burning fires?), Vessels of oil when it is used in small quantities or for preserving some foods. Juice might need to be in a jug to drink, but a barrel if it is being fermented (like wine might be, if grapes are added at some point).
  15. Press

    You could make tofu from soy beans. Tofu has been around for quite awhile, but I'm not sure what the benefit would be to process it instead of just eating the soybeans raw. I do like the possibilities offered by a press, but I am also fond of having to make specialized tools for different steps (churn, loom, etc.)
  16. Bedroll

    While it is easy to collect straw while traveling, it wouldn't actually be practical to travel with if it is part of a crafted item you carry with you. A combination of leather (groundcover) and cloth (blankets) that could be rolled seems more logical. I like fuel for the fire controlling how long you sleep, because that would allow you to get up early if you want to.
  17. Apiculture ...* And more soon *...

    I really like the idea of having bees, for several reasons: Honey has a long shelf life and could be used for healing/energyWax would provide more lighting options (candelabras for ceiling lighting?). Wax could also be used for casting complex metal items that couldn't be made on an anvil, such as bronze vessels.Gameplay thoughts: I think that instead of increasing the speed of crop growth (which pollination couldn't do), having a nearby hive, wild or otherwise would provide an artificial boost to to the agricultural skill when harvesting crops within a certain radius, possibly giving the player more seeds and/or food. A smaller radius for wild hives would provide a reason to cultivate bees.I like the idea of player made hives requiring maintenance or replacement to continue to be useful.
  18. Help with Starting Out

    Unless I have time, I don't usually worry about actually chopping down trees the first day (sometimes because there were none nearby), I focus on food, sticks, water and grass. I like clay shelter idea though!
  19. I like the stubbly grass TFC has, but some 1.5 or 2 high grass would be a nice addition for prairies. I'd love more plants, especially herbs and a mix of things that can be planted or searched for. It would also be interesting to have plants that are harmful in some way, like poison sumac or berries (like snowberries, which aren't technically edible by humans). If you are trying to improve the looks using a resource pack that changes the appearance of the vanilla flowers might help.
  20. TerraFirma+ : Storage & Furniture

    I really like the idea of stone piles. I end up with so many assorted, unstackable stones when adventuring, and I hate throwing anything away. Because knapping takes two stones of the same type I always end up with a single stone. Also, if I was really surviving somewhere and I found a rock that might be handy later I would collect it, take it back to my campsite and add it to a pile. I picture the stone pile placeable like a log pile, with a similar inventory, but shaped like a low berry bush (can't be stacked on top of each other)
  21. [Solved] Wiki pages

    Redirect pages are common on wikis. In this case there's not enough Granite specific information for it to need a single page, and there is no reason to duplicate information that is common to multiple types of stone. Diorite and Granite, it terms of game mechanics, are the same, only their coloration is different (at least as far as I'm aware)
  22. TFC Launcher

    I use multiMC to play TFC too - it's easy to install the mods and I don't have to worry about backing up vanilla worlds + its easy to switch back and forth.
  23. Question about food preservation and beyond

    What about drying fruit? Drying has been a form of preservation for centuries, and would work particularly well for apples, plums and some of the berries, as well as vegetables like garlic and corn. There could be an easier, earlier game method in the open air that results in some loss from wild animals, and a more advanced solar or flame dryer later in the game.