Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by DoodTheDud

  1. Firs of all, issue and bug should go in the support section.


    The wheat problem have been reported.


    Breading I would have to check


    About the rooster, it's a known issue. The problem is that rooster are an alternative form of the chicken. As vanilla chicken lay eggs, it seems harder to make rooster not behave as chicken. I heard the solution could be to make rooster a different mob or add code to check gender before laying eggs. And you should only have 1 egg by day by chicken, so, no, it's not a super chicken.

    The support forum says "Having trouble getting the game to work? Ask here." or something to that effect. That sounds like it's for user error issues, not bugs. Are you certain? The forum descriptions make that sound off.


  2. Okay, currently the animals are like this:


    PIGS = Breed as intended.

    COWS = Breed like vanilla minecraft

    CHICKENS = Do not currently breed

    SHEEP = Do not currently breed, randomly shrink, genders not always displayed


    Furthermore, animals move VERY slowly when following someone who has wheat grains. They are clearly following, but they take a half-step every 3-4 seconds. It's impossible to move them. With how rare animals are, this is a fairly large problem. Our server host felt obligated to spawn in animals of each gender after traveling thousands of blocks in every direction and learning we could not move the animals we found back to our ranch


  3. Idk, I think a long year would make sense, it'd mean players could get on a server, experience a few day/night cycles regardless of how long they were on, but still have the needs of the server stretched out in time. Making it easier to harvest crops/fruits.

    Though, your hunger I believe moves at the same rate regardless...

    It's more or less that they can't play all the time, so the time between a single player's logins will sometimes see 2-3 years passing, since the server is up 24/7


  4. Please the closest guy to me was over 3 thousand blocks away and its not that i didnt try to look for it but the entire continent i was on is made out of mud stone

    Only 3 thousand?

    My copper-mining base camp on my multiplayer server I ran was a good 12,000 blocks away. What's your point?


  5. How do I change how quickly the year progresses for my server?

    I have a crew of people used to the old slow years who are a little unhappy with how extremely fast-paced the years seem to be on our server, so I'd like to help them out by swapping back to the old system, as from what I remember, year lengths being changed came with a way to change them around, right?


  6. So, why we have so many cities near active volcanoes nowdays? (and don't you say "because we never knew they were active until we already had built the entire city", that may have happen some times, but it's not like Murphy's law also applies to every single city built near a mountain.)

    Because we have preparations ready to evacuate the city should it ever be active, and volcanoes erupting is not insanely common. That doesn't mean it never happens.


  7. now i can speak for at least 20+ people i've met in my short dabble in the servers, and every single one of them wants to place a pile, then immediately open the gui with said log, but instead they gotta switch to a different slot first, it'd be a lot more logical if you shift click for log pile, and right click with log on logpile for GUI, and right click on non log pile for placing a log. (or am i just being stupid again? :D)

    I've always placed logs manually, I never open the GUI and dump them. O.o

  8. Let the like spam begin!

    The "non-erupting" turns me off.

    Settling near a volcano should be a bad thing. Proper scouting of area should be necessary before starting a town, and making guards against natural disasters should be a part of building any settlement.


  9. Scenario:

    You have died. (In-game, not IRL). Luckily, your ore, tools, valuables, etc. are all holed up a mile underground in some chests. However, your bed has failed to spawn you back near your house. What kind of shelter will you build (if any) for the first few nights?


    (feels like a lab report)

    I want to see how other players build structures in their games without any starting materials, because I want to improve my own, and looking at some experienced players' shelters will be enlightening to me.

    I look for elevation and dig just under a grass block. I then block most of my entryway with the dirt I dug up, and leave a little window.

    The shelter is usually 2 blocks tall, 2 blocks wide, and 1 block thick. THat way I have a spot to move to if shot at by a skeleton or targeted by a creeper.


  10. Armor racks would be badass, and would be used in both practical storage ways and for aesthetic purposes.

    However, even if racks aren't do-able, it would be nice to have some way of storing armor somewhere


  11. I would like to add that the multiplayer bug I pointed out was equally inconsistent with mobs. A skeleton was unable to pass through a door that I could not pass through but my friend could pass through. It was open only for him; the skeleton and I could not move through it.


  12. The release of the mechanic coincides with numerous complaints.

    However, it may be coincidence, and may simply be a mechanic to jump-start the further development of forests.

    Ah, sounds good. I hope this idea is at least glanced at by the devs before they make changes, but I'm excited to see what forests will be like either way :D

  13. In response to complaints? Goodness, I hope that's just a rumor. I thought the appeal of this mod was in its extraordinary, realistic difficulty and careful preservation of resources with long-term planning and short-term survival being balanced.


  14. Most trees can be grown from cuttings.

    If you ever order a tree to be delivered you usually pay thousands of dollars for the delivery of a full tree, or you receive a walking-stick via UPS which you stick into the ground.

    Doesn't that require very specific parts of the tree at a specific stage of growth?

    Oooh! That gives me an idea. Maybe you could use a specific tool on leaves of the tree or parts of the trunk to get a cutting, which takes longer to grow than saplings, while saplings grow around the tree naturally but can be transplanted with effort.


  15. More ideas:

    Cows should give more food. Significantly more food. So should pigs.

    This will offset the fact that they take a great deal longer to grow from infant to adult, and be more realistic of the amount of meat produced from one animal.

    This will also offset the need to eat more frequently, as your hunger would go down even if you were standing around doing nothing.

    Having to provide feed for animals in a trough would be awesome.

    I like the idea, but meat should require salting or smoking to prevent rotting.

    Yes, animal meat gives rather a lot of food, but it also goes bad very quickly without work.


  16. This makes no sense, at all.

    What makes you say that?

    I'm no expert on plant biology, so I could be wrong, but I am fairly damn certain you can't take a single tree, rip apart its smaller branches and leaves, and plant another 8 trees from the meterial you collected.

    Most trees grow best from naturally distributing seeds around them after pollination from other nearby trees, no?

    I don't think it's realistic to create a forest from a larger tree you cut down.

    From a gameplay perspective, it stops trees being what they are now - insanely easy to get in ludicrously high amounts with absolutely no need to take any kind of steps to prevent overharvesting.

    Trees practically throw themselves at you in TFC.

    Ideally the tree would fall to the ground and require you to chop at the fallen trunk to obtain wood, but that might be a bit much to program.

    I did not know trees were a big WIP atm however, thanks for letting me know, and I do not mean to be argumentative. I just don't understand where you're coming from when you state that part of my idea makes no sense and give no reasonings for your statement.


  17. Saplings spawning naturally is a pretty damn amazing system, but it seems odd that I can deforest an entire area with no concern because I know saplings will pop up out of nowhere.

    What I propose is the following changes:

    -make saplings no longer drop from leaves

    -make saplings spawn based on nearby trees, rather than on the biome

    -make saplings collectable by digging around the dirt holding its roots with a shovel, and transplanting it to a new location

    -make saplings only stack to 1

    I feel like this is a more logical way to do forests - trees can be endangered by careless logging, and trees don't become insanely hard to get, but they are still felt as valuable and still require care to harvest, much like other resources in the game.

    Any thoughts?
