Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Scooterdanny

  1. Quality of Foods / GMO/ Organic etc.

    Careful with your punctuation there eternal XD that could be either amusing or very wierd.
  2. Redstone

    No duh? that's what tiered things are Draco XD But i suggest Gears, and steam power, for the higher mechanisms. Redstone is ofc Cinnabar, Pipes from steam come from lead (Galena) And gears come from wrought iron, Good, yes no?
  3. Redstone

    let me put it this way Draco, you wouldn't try to dig out a mountain with a stone shovel would you? no, because it sucks, and is tier 0, Similarily, redstone would be tier 0, and would be sufficient only for really simple contraptions, how about making the signal just decay extremely quickly, rather than break the item.
  4. NPC Edits

    But... water doesn't destroy explosive force, it carries it better than air... it could easily be MORE lethal technically. Also, 900 Posts wooo! *Throws Forks everywhere in celebration*
  5. Tiny Tweaks Metathread

    but branches aren't usually the thickness of the trunk, ya know? Branches are going to be re-examined by dunk, so just hold off on that until then.
  6. NPC Edits

    Right, but wolves don't hunt them actively, which is more or less what the op implies, besides, kitty cruelty
  7. Quality of Foods / GMO/ Organic etc.

    I understand it was a huge PR stunt lol, i'm not that Naive XD "Btw, monsanto isn't ALL bad," Good deeds are good deeds, not matter the motive.
  8. NPC Edits

    Okay, first off, Mobs are very much a work in progress, so much of this is Irrelevant considering the hostile undeads (and other baddies) are being moved away from the surface. Secondly, I think a reason for some of these is needed, before i even approach them, like Why should creepers be afraid of water? they aren't house cats... Creepers: first off ^, not dying in water? that's silly lol. and exploding if on fire... hmm, i dunno, they do have a strong exterior, i assume they have a chemical reaction like a firefly/bombedier beetle, so fire may not be a catalyst. Zombies regening... well, interesting thought, but i think other balances are much easier to implement, and accomplish the same end result (higher health of zombs) Spiders not taking fall damage, again, changing their locations, so probably not too much falling, but i imagine that chucking a spider off a tower should damn well kill it, it isn't superman. Skeletons.... Why change their behavior? they are fine being fearless, and menacing hunters. Endermen, the first two, i actually agree with, the third however, this is already in vanilla lol. Passive mobs; Have you looked at the mobs in game? They ARE different, model and function. IE Bulls, have horns, and no nipples (also, you cannot milk them) Dunk has stated that they will be much more vicious, no more tame cattle, pigs and sheep just letting you kill them, no, they kill gore you, and stomp you to pieces. Roosters, same as above, but i kind of like the idea that night/day transition causes sounds like wolves howling at night, and roosters at morning. Boars, are already coming. Wolves killing cats? No, that is horrible, and silly, this doesn't happen outside of your living room. I have no idea on the gender diff on wolves i assume it will be large. Cats being afraid of wolves? i'm not sure Ocelots are still in the game TBO, and i see no reason that they would fear wolves, but not giant boar, bulls, spiders etc.
  9. Tiny Tweaks Metathread

    That seems like cheating Zan, making day longer than night? there is a config to adjust timescale, but it is a linear flow, so day/night is the same length. Do trees have sideways logs in TFC? i have yet to see it...
  10. Quality of Foods / GMO/ Organic etc.

    But... we aren't just taking random pieces of DNA from random things, there is extensive research done before it is EVER released into the public, if you want to be so cautious on how we modify our food, surely you are as cautious with what you spend, how you use your time? My point is that the years of research, and extended trials, show no problems inherently, (yes, there is the fiasco about stupid farmers selling animal grade food, only meant for cattle, as human grade, just to make more money, but that is greed, not biotech) We are you know, 99.99% sure that GMO's are safe. Did we do this degree of testing with hormones and meat? No. kids are getting pubescence earlier, and cancer sooner. I believe a degree of caution is required, but not this much, not when we can make better crops quickly, and feed starving people, are you saying this is a bad thing? And lastly, on the Further-Further part.... You do know, that for a GMO product to get even CONSIDERED for trials, there is a great deal of research, theoretics, analyzing, and even Tenure needed to do it? I will read your post tomorrow, as it is almost 2 am here. (just remember, gen engineers, aren't monkeys playing with dna, we get a large education for it first lol) Edit: I lied, i read it anyways, and well, i coincide i may have assumed a bit there as well, but the thing is, we cannot know if a crop lost disease resistance unless we try no? Besides, by encouraging genetic diversity, we REDUCE the chance of blights wiping out our entire food supply, in fact, there was a Papaya blight a while back in Hawaii, and we would have lost almost all of our papayas due to the ring-spot virus, actually, let me link you something interesting In this case, we artificially modified the papayas to be resistant to the blight, protecting the livelihood of many thousands. If we can do this in that case, why not in others?
  11. Quality of Foods / GMO/ Organic etc.

    Eternal, i now respect you 10x more, knowing your profession. Btw, monsanto isn't ALL bad, i mean, sure , they are dicks about copyright, but other than that, they spread a bunch of high yield crops to Africa.
  12. Quality of Foods / GMO/ Organic etc.

    I still don't see what part of GMO is bad, i mean, the proteins are inactive in humans, and it is used for higher crops, disease prevention, famine reduction etc. Please give me a reason why, and i will attempt to address the discrepancy. We've been doing the same thing, just indirectly for thousands of years, i mean, apples used to be like the size of grapes.
  13. Ore Yields Question

    Nuggets/small are quite a bit smaller than the un-prefixed kind, I'm under the impression that it takes around 14-16 small pieces for an ingot, whereas the normal size is 4 to an ingot.
  14. Little note about Farming

    More berries and mushrooms? BRILLIANT, also, soy, soy is like the cash-crop of cash-crops.
  15. Woodcutting, and charcoal.

    Wait... Pudding? I KNOW WHO YOU REALLY ARE Chancellor PuddingHead! Coincidentally...
  16. Woodcutting, and charcoal.

  17. Woodcutting, and charcoal.

    Well, it helps when i have parties with CHEESE FOR EVERONE!
  18. Woodcutting, and charcoal.

    I gave teh mudkips... why no talk of that?
  19. Woodcutting, and charcoal.

    Nah, potentially, it was mostly fine, and i see you two are not a fan, hmm, well
  20. Woodcutting, and charcoal.

    Have you Fellows seen any Humanized pics? the earlier VS pic was human, and i have plenty other good ones.
  21. Woodcutting, and charcoal.

    Rawr... fine this one is better anyways
  22. Starter metals are easy to find

    Hmm, makes sense i guess thanks for the info Draco.
  23. Woodcutting, and charcoal.

    Spoilered cus of potential NSFW
  24. Woodcutting, and charcoal.

  25. Woodcutting, and charcoal.