Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Scooterdanny

  1. Kriging a Geostatistics tool

    Same thing lol Srg, look at my sig, Stability is subjective.
  2. Make fruit trees drop wood.

    I think it would be nice if we could right click the leaves, like with tomatoes, to get the fruit.
  3. Indestructible Stone

    I i think i might just be invisible to everyone except for you Noodles, lol
  4. [Offline] Terra - [RPPvP] [Factions] [Democratic Rules]

    "my skins are actually from a custom texture pack of mine I never released." I was referring to that.^
  5. Decaying Food Continued

    This has been explained many times now, recently infact, that Necro = irrelevant bump, Revive = relevant content that is useful.
  6. Problem installing 49i

    No, no, no Holy, you put the zip of tfc in the Mods folder, the mod changed how it was installed recently.
  7. Agricultural help

    I believe it works like that, at least, my agricultural expert in my server says so.
  8. crashing after 5-10 mins

    I was asking what letter, i would recommend installing 49i, you could have been on a previous iteration.
  9. Agricultural help

    Plants die in winter, so i would recommend planting during the spring, or early the next year.
  10. You are assuming, of course, that it relies on that, it could easily not use finite liquids.
  11. [Offline] Terra - [RPPvP] [Factions] [Democratic Rules]

    Aww, not even one? Well, nevermind, just got myself a nice Steampunk skin.
  12. crashing after 5-10 mins

    What version of B49 are you running?
  13. [Offline] Terra - [RPPvP] [Factions] [Democratic Rules]

    On that note, anyone have a link to a repository of RP skins? I would like to only see those, instead of zombie skins, and what not. Also, horrible whimsical idea; Dead people re-spawn as zombies for a life! (just kidding lol)
  14. Indestructible Stone

    Yeah, the health thread imposed a death penalty, similar to some MMO's, that after being say "Reborn" you have a disposition to damage/negative de-buff, that encourages one to stay alive, rather than just jump off a cliff to gain hunger back. (i think the actual suggestion, was to spawn with low hunger, or something along those lines)
  15. Glass Blowing

    Haha, i try. Countless? i count 33, YOU DIDN'T TRY HARD ENOUGH XD
  16. This is tactical melee combat ! Age of Chivalry

    No GC, i believe this is entirely different, i thought the same thing when i first saw it.
  17. Indestructible Stone

    Do the words tedium mean anything to you? i mean yeah, sitting in a hole waiting 7 hours IRL to die IS SO MUCH FUN! I would rather the health system suggested a while back be implemented, or add dying from starvation/thirst.
  18. Decaying Food Continued

    yeah, everything has already been suggested, the spoilage factor, the devs would LIKE to do, but they aren't sure exactly how to go about it, just wait, and it will come. (as well as a preservation mechanic)
  19. The Craft.

    You cannot really argue the efficacy of the punishment, without a comparison, if we took out the punishment, then there would probably be more people drinking, more violence etc.
  20. This is tactical melee combat ! Age of Chivalry

  21. Tiny Tweaks Metathread

    Make it so buckets don't destroy sourceblocks of water, instead turning the equivilant amount of water into the finite kind.
  22. Found a HUGE CAVE with Sphalerite and Galena. 49g

    Looks like Block Head's 32X.
  23. This is tactical melee combat ! Age of Chivalry

    Wow... Looks amazing, if we could get his combat system into minecraft, that would be awesome. Also, check out Clang http://www.kickstart...260688528/clang
  24. Ah, yes it was Chu Ko Nu, repeating crossbows from asia. (i first heard about them from AOE too XD) http://videos.howstu...ko-nu-video.htm They were accessible, cheap, easy to build, and easy to use.
  25. Make fruit trees drop wood.

    Why would you ever cut down a fruit tree... that's just a bad idea IMO, if you reallly want the wood, make a creeper explode near it, that effs with the damage values, and makes wood logs.