Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by insolenthalo

  1. the breeding seems to take a few tries but it definitely works. ive fed the animals and had the breeding fail, but then the next time succeed. I dont know if cows only have 1 baby and pigs have something like 5-6 but it seems that way. I didnt count. Chickens have a few also.
  2. You weren't and were right. It was the pigs taking damage that made you lag, but as of a day ago its not the pigs, its the chickens.
  3. you're having lag and you claim it was the pigs yet no one else in the town had an issue. So you killed lots of our pigs? Just because you're a citizen doesn't mean that's not a problem.
  4. It would be a serious benefit if this bug were addressed in the next update.
  5. Bugged Sequoias

    This is a consistent problem and based on experience from the numerous crashes to the Roanoke server, it is not the trunk it self that causes the crash, but the disintegration of the leaf blocks. As you may know the trunk only goes so high and the rest of the tree is all leaves. TONS of them. Based on this most recent crash by andrea_2, even removing 2 leaf blocks causing the rest of the top to break off will crash the game. Was there a nerfing of Sequioa? Did they used to have trunk all the way up? This is forge
  6. wait wait let me guess. I cant reach the server. This means that although earlier they new people were told not to cut down sequioa, one of them did anyway?
  7. The OLD Roanoke Thread

    one of the newer people tny23 ? died and said he lost everything instantly..
  8. The OLD Roanoke Thread

    I was having serious problems getting onto the server last time there was a crash, I removed completley everything and re added it, that let me in. I assume you've done that? also try Multi MC instead, maybe that will work better for you
  9. The OLD Roanoke Thread

    1:19 am EST server pooped itself. i was sailing a punt home from spawn area
  10. The OLD Roanoke Thread

    So i hate the gold coin, and found alternatives. the stacks look better than the big coin but heres the ones I found, all 16x16 but the normal coin is 8x8. and attached is the png file for use in /gui/customnpcs with one of the stacks used
  11. The OLD Roanoke Thread

    Oolacile is seeking citizens. I've built a massive farming complex for city use and our lands are ready to rake in the gold. Farm lands can be expanded and a town can be built along the sea. There is a dock for foreign export and a growing number of livestock from our plentiful wheat supply.
  12. The OLD Roanoke Thread

    I live in the east. =)
  13. The OLD Roanoke Thread

  14. The OLD Roanoke Thread

    Lanterns not working, 1.1.5 , and it says in game that it is 1.1.3?
  15. Why not remove shitty vanilla mobs? And magic.

    Hey watch the mouth buddy, you're supposed to be all about being civilized. Silver Dragon... you're acting more like a white dragon. Edit: Id really prefer something like groups of enemies. I saw an earlier post about dragons in the giant lava caves underground. If you're so offended by evil dragons, then what about just some other giant nasty creature being down there?
  16. Why not remove shitty vanilla mobs? And magic.

    I always really wanted some horrific bastard to come tunneling out of the dark at me , or to attack after lying in wait behind a wall, like an Umber Hulk. Terror in the deep.
  17. Why not remove shitty vanilla mobs? And magic.

    I was watching Dragonslayer (circa 1981) and wishing there was a lance in TFC, and a dragon so powerful that several players in decent armor working together would be necessary to kill it. I really tried to get Mo'creatures working on my server... but it wasn't to be.
  18. Loving the mod...but, where is the metal?

    I am having the same issue. I played about 8 hours total on the 46b, scoured mountain surfaces, then searched for surface caves and found only shallow water pools all over under the ground. Then dug a mine shaft stairs down about 40 blocks, then dug a LONG horizontal shaft, and dug side shafts off of that in every direction. Then dug straight down until I hit the giant lava/ cave system that seems to be the only caves in the world at all. Searched that for a long time, found 10 blocks of salt peter. Then I tried 46c and played for 2 hours, dug a shaft straight down into the massive caves/lava that are near endless, searched that for a long time. Nothing found. All that time I was using a prospectors pick all over the place. Zero Ore.