Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Saberwulfy

  1. "2 years experience in hosting MC servers" I hope he has not died, waiting since 12 July...
  2. This server have abandoned towny cities everywhere, there dont have staff members for anything! When they clean abandoned city protection for new players build and create cities i come back!
  3. [0.79.15] Rhodance's "HugBox" Server [Closing May 22]

    IGN: Saberwulfy
  4. Portuguese speakers are welcome in Acardia Town
  5. [*]In-game name: Saberwulfy [*]Age: 27 [*]Where do you come from: Brazil [*]Native Language (must be able to speak english): Brazilian Portuguese (Moderated english knowledge) [*]Read all server rules?: Yes [*]Where did you hear about our Server(s)?: I'm watching this forum since the beginning
  6. Oil! [not petroleum]

    Good idea! Lamps with internal space for oil! Extracted of various forms, this can become useful for old recipes
  7. Tents.

    I think to make a tent you should: -put a stick in the ground in front and behind - Put 3 sticks connecting the two - Use tissue in the middle stick - The tent would appear closed - Put the 4-pin ends to secure - The tent would be a menu to open it - The tent appear open There would be a chance loose pins based on the strength of the wind causing it closed and then fly. The tent was a portable home with minimal internal size with the option of sleeping, there would be no protection against mobs however protect from climatic effects. Could there be tents made of simple materials like leaves and different sizes, their blocks would be like glass, so that mobs will detect you, but opaque for breakable and 1 hit. Complicated system, like firepit!
  8. Microblocks!

    You only create microblocks with the look when it breaks become what he already was, I think it would only be repetitive work, you can ask for members to create textures for each item and vote, easing some of the work. This can be done slowly, since it has been the technique of creating blocks.
  9. Microblocks!

    Transform the maximum number of itens in microblocks, a log pile of microblocks is more fun! If u slowly create a block for each shapeless recipe the game will have a better aesthetic appearance. What do u think?
  10. Microblocks!

    It would be nice if you could put the axe in the wall where you previously framed for it, or put a bucket on a table made with microblocks! That would be another revolution in this game
  11. So it IS possible.

    If they can implement the animation of a tree falling, we may have a mill!