Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Delta 7x

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Everything posted by Delta 7x

  1. [0.79.15] Rhodance's "HugBox" Server [Closing May 22]

    IGN: Delta7x Age: 18 Why this server?: After looking through the server lists every other server seems to have rules that I know I'd have a hard time adjusting to (No swearing for example. It's not that I swear so much to make a sailor blush, but I do swear every now and again). I'm also not a fan of PvP or raiding, especially being rather new to Terrafirmacraft, from the replies in the thread I notice PvP is off and I don't believe there's raiding so that also peaked my interest. 2 sentence description of yourself/interests: I am a college student looking to get into the field of Computer Science. I enjoy a large variety of games such as Garry's Mod, Terraria, Left 4 Dead, Fallout and Anti-Chamber. After investing many hours into games, I decided to look at the "behind the scenes" of games and toy around with game development as a hobby and mostly to see how and why things work in games the way they do.
  2. Well, although it'd take the sense of realism of this Mod out (Which is a shame because I think Gemforging sounds pretty badass), I would LOVE to see a Mod like this come out (I know Thaumcraft kinda has this on obtainable weapons/tools which isn't too bad, but ehhh...). What was really interesting was the introduction, that had gotten me really interested in reading all of it xD... Though back on-topic, I really would like to see some sort of enchanting in the Mod, or at least a new form of Alchemy just to change up the repetitiveness out of the mod. Although, I might have misunderstood you a bit since I got a little confused when you mentioned the word "Mini-game", very noteworthy and worth looking into though!
  3. Soo, long story short, basically a more complicated millenaire? Or at least that is what it seems like. Though some of the basics of what you just mentioned are in millenaire, well, trading, questing, and them building/destroying blocks are in the mod. Though the given settlements are loaded when you get into those given chunks which I am certain is to prevent loads of lag.. Then again, it would take just that much longer to make it SMP compatible as well, as long as millenaire has been out it STILL isn't compatible with SMP. Though, it's just a thought really..
  4. Your chisel creations!!

    I think I just shit a wall, forget the brick. Now I know what I am doing today in creative! Had I known you can carve bricks like this I would have been more entertained!
  5. HUGE CAVE WITH TIN! [Beta v2 Build 45 Codename: :emanedoC]

    Haha very nice find. Been going at my save for a few days no ores yet
  6. Change breeding of chickens

    Yeahh, that is true lol. Just a random thought that popped into my head when I pictured how it'd work.
  7. Change breeding of chickens

    Actually... That sounds pretty cool! Kinda like having an actual farm on MineCraft instead of the classic fence post with the wooden/woolen barn with spawned animals. It would give chickens, pigs, and cows more of a reason to have shelter and whatnot. Now that I think about it, what about feeding them? Our characters have to eat to survive, what if the animal mobs had to eat/drink too instead of us just running around pre-occupied with other work neglecting them until we need food, or when they are done breeding or maturing.
  8. help!

    I agree with the above post, half an hour is definatly not enough time to dedicate to looking for starter metals. I can honestly say that I've put in several days (Not all at one time!) worth of looking for metals to melt on a fire pit, no avail yet. Which is why I am looking forward to the release of 47 where ore veins are more common, but smaller ^^
  9. So it IS possible.

    Hah. That'd be a pretty cool addition to the game.. Or at least in my opinion anyways!