Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Reactive Owl

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Everything posted by Reactive Owl

  1. Animals!

    I know what it is like when people expect stuff of you when you just want to do it and be done with it... I have a couple of project requests for custom game content and I just feel bad whenever I can't find the time to work on them...
  2. [B69] Item placed in side slots in forge do not cooldown

    I think that it does...I haven't proved it yet I will test this when I get home.
  3. Animals!

    remember dunk the harder you work on something the more accomplished you feel. nothing like looking at your hard work after and saying to yourself... I did that...yeah...
  4. [B69] Item placed in side slots in forge do not cooldown

    I think it was stated as a feature long before build 58....
  5. [B69] Item placed in side slots in forge do not cooldown

    it actually only keeps it warm while the forge is lit though i think... the reason I say this is because I had some metal stored in the slots and went mining when I came back and my forge was out they were completely cooled. the anvil though I agree needs to cool down metal
  6. [B69] Item placed in side slots in forge do not cooldown

    what the wolf said it supposed to do that. imagine if your working a piece of metal you want it to stay hot but not increase in temp you take it out of the heat and set it of to the side of the forge.
  7. [64x] [WIP][B69] Albion Texture Pack v3.02...C:

    I made them better.
  8. [64x] [WIP][B69] Albion Texture Pack v3.02...C:

    Dante, just to let you know these sprites where added onto the icons.png so you know where to find it. EDIT: I really hope you don't mind me doing this but I went ahead and made them. Also I would like to add that your texture pack looks much better with the default foliage and grass colors. I like your choice for the water's color though.
  9. Reactive Owl TFC v1.1 (16pxl Build 69)

    I updated to build 69! woohoo!
  10. Reactive Owl TFC This is my 16x texture pack that makes playing TFC much easier on the eyes. It changes the in-game GUI's, changes the small ore textures into noticeable ore nugget sprites, and upgrades Bioxx's original HUD I also changed the game buttons and the Hotbar Highlight and that's it. (I didn't want to completely pull you away from the default.) this texture pack is a stand-alone pack so you just have to put it in your Texture Pack folder or if you want to use a different texture pack but with my GUI's feel free to chop it up and create your own frankenpack if you wish. planned additions: > Customized and diverse sword sprites. Screenshots Edit: updated to include new bloomery gui Download
  11. Reactive Owl TFC v1.1 (16pxl Build 69)

    oops.... Fixed!
  12. Reactive Owl TFC v1.1 (16pxl Build 69)

    Ok now I get it.
  13. Reactive Owl TFC v1.1 (16pxl Build 69)

  14. Ships!!

    you could make it so you have to cut a notch in the bottom and it would fall in that direction edit: to avoid hitting things with the tree
  15. Your chisel creations!!

    My not so humble abode... took about 3 hours
  16. Charcoal Stacks

    this is a grand Idea!!!!!!
  17. Shaping copper items

    you use the stone anvil to shape the ingots but in order to make tools and such you have to first make a copper anvil
  18. Shaping copper items

    correct! think of it this way if you want to craft a metal you have to have at least that metal anvil copper ingot = copper anvil bronze ingot = bronze anvil