Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Maga

  1. Think of it this way. If it takes 5 steps and a combined drying time of 100+ days there's no point making the bow before you have metal. That, and things like drying racks would need lumber... So no composite recurve without metal tools. I see no reason to find silly workarounds to design a crafting process that avoids all metal age tech.


  2. Good grief. The OP is a fantastic suggestion. All the talk of genetics and fancy science, while interesting does not negate the fact that over months and years, anyone's body can adapt to a slightly higher or lower average temperature. I live in Canada, when it's 10 degrees centigrade I go outside in a t-shirt. If I moved to Hawaii for 3 years then came back to Canada I would NOT be going outside in a t-shirt in 10 degrees. A limit to how much a player can acclimatize is certainly needed if this was added but this suggestion is great. I would also like to see a similar mechanic in place for elevation. Players who spend lots of time at the tops of mountains should have an additional resilience to the cold (since air pressure is not a thing in TFC we can just use a boost to cold tolerance above the limit in adaptation to the z coordinate) 


    Yes, behavior is ultimately the biggest factor but I think this mechanic would compliment behavior very well.


  3. It appears there may have been a bit of miscommunication. The burlap is for grain, there are no plans for root/tuber veggies.


    Oh... I see.


    Well then, that's... ok I guess. Better than the current system but I still believe what I had outlined above would be a better solution. More code no doubt, but better for the end users.


  4. I loved the latest addition of smoking and the barrel mechanics that deal with preservation are great too. I'm glad that burlap is in the works for root and tuber type veggies.


    I look at the wheat that has been sitting in sealed buckets in my garage, it's been there for 3 years. It's absolutely fine. Then I log into a server and the grain I harvested 2 weeks ago has been sitting in a loaded chunk and it's half gone. My personal opinion is that in addition to burlap sacks, a multiblock granary is desperately needed but my ideas regarding the specifics of that are fairly fleshed out probably deserve a massive post elsewhere, if not a new thread entirely.


    These two new things (burlap and granaries) combined with a handful of different classes of food with carrying decay rates more or less identical to what alice has suggested would turn the food decay system from a work in progress to a fully rounded out and enjoyable finished project.


  5. Have you ever had seaweed even? That stuff is salty. If anything it should negate thirst...speaking of which, why not? Imo it would be really neat if seaweed, salted meats and other certain foods gave a tiny decrease to your thirst bar, and then things like peaches etc would add a tiny bit. Nothing to big, only noticeable if you were eating it plain for whole day.


  6. Holy necro HueKnight....


    But it's a pretty good thread. I like the ideas presented here (But not metal bows. Luckily that part was never finished anyway)


    </3 You're breakin' my heart darling.


    Hehe, glad you like the rest of it. I actually never finished/added the metal bow section because while working on it I got the same feel, although they do exist metal bows don't feel right alongside the rest of the game. A composite recursive (and maybe an extra large long bow) would probably be the only logical remaining bow types, requiring metal age technology but no metal in the bow itself. Multiple steps, drying times, layering, fun stuff...


  7. Allowing players to attach a lead to TWO fence posts (with a limit of say, 15-20 blocks) would be a really cool little feature. Now before you crush this notion simply because it's not NEEDED, please remember that much of the fun of things are the little bits that don't make or break the game but simply add a touch of enjoyment and possibility. I for one, would immediately start building a Spanish galleon with authentic rope-rigging, and I would love it.


  8. Personally I fantasize about multi-block granaries. The mud bricks that currently have no recipe or use, combined with the recently added trapdoors would make an ideal combination along with a certain set of specific mechanics I've been tossing around in my head for a week or so now. Haven't decided if I want to necro the old granary thread with a massive post or start a new one all together.


  9. Rhodance cuts people off at 14 I believe, for people who aren't 15-17 there is a bit of leniency based on maturity. My only impression of you comes from the 4 sentences you've posted on this thread but they seem like some pretty decent sentences. Bottom line is that you miss 100% of the white-lists you don't apply for. ;)


  10. Every established player on the server has the same excess. Perhaps it is your play style that is not the norm. I'm curious to see what the results of a "too many sticks" poll would be.


    EDIT: Of all the uses you listed the only ones that consistently use any significant amount of sticks are torches and ladders. Everything else put together would be less than these two combined. 

    64 levers and 64 item frames should last almost forever, rails use basically nothing, tools you make rarely once you get past stone, paintings are not used by the hundreds, fishing rods last almost forever, fire pits take next to nothing, flint and steel replaces fire starters and even then 2 sticks is nothing, unless you need a thousand signs I don't see why 128 shouldn't last a long time, bows are negligible, arrows are incredible stick-cheap to craft... honestly I don't see how you run out.


    Unless you build exclusively with stone and your idea of a big tree farm is woefully small... I can't get on board with this. 


  11. I was thinking while looking at my 3-double chests of sticks (and counting) that it would be great if they had more than 2 uses. I love the changes made to thatch and was wondering if 8 sticks surrounding a jute fiber could make a replacement roofing block that's firm enough to walk on. The hundreds of sticks and piles of jute required for this isn't something that players would get a their hands on until later on so the early game magic block balance is not an issue. In fact, the earliest you could get one would be several months into a new game when the wild jute reaches maturity. Another option for attractive roofing is something I think people would like.


    (remove the jute entirely and have the blocks be non-solid too if needed, I still think it would be nice and people would love a way to use all their sticks)


  12. It's sad that in fast-food-infused north america we look at the healthy, ecologically friendly and highly efficient practice of eating insects as gross. IMO there's nothing wrong with your suggestion but in the end the devs are the ones who write the code and it's up to them to decide what is and what is not "gross". Even if B and D have no issue with it they might just feel that the food system is well-rounded as is and they would like to work on other aspects of the game. This would make a really cool add-on though.


  13. Compressed sticks don't make sense to me. I would rather see them used as bundles of sticks (yes, I know there is a word for that) as an alternative fuel in charcoal pits. Another possible use of those bundles would be in roofing, something sturdy that you could walk on since thatch is now permeable. (No balance issues here as it takes metal age tools and several months to gather enough sticks to do anything useful, at which point you already have logs and planks and bricks etc.


    As Draco_X said, the grill is exactly what you're looking for. Be warned it only cooks foods in stacks of up to 80oz. To craft it place 2 double wrought iron ingots in the working slots of an anvil. Select the grill plan and hammer away. As far as I knew cooking in the forge got removed in b79 so I don't understand how you could be doing it unless you haven't updated.


  14. Can confirm. This bug has been plaguing the HugBox server for 3 days now.


    You said SMP. Are you playing on Rhodance's white-listed server? If not we have a more widespread issue than we thought.


    (In my experience with this bug it only occurs when liquid is involved and it also extends to sealing large vessels. A server-mate indicated it was an issue with dates and getting times.)


  15. I wholeheartedly support the flint and steel being able to go on a rack as well as in a chest. Like a knife it is actually pretty small, so believability isn't an issue.

    Fire-starters are so cheap I don't really care about them, but for consistency's sake, sure why not. 

    The rope is a no-go for me. I prefer having them stack in a chest. Although as a builder/decorator having rope hanging in the barn as a mostly decoration piece IS appealing. I love having multiple ways of storing and displaying things.


    Perhaps what we really need is a shelf. Similar to bibliocraft that can store and display 4 items (that normally would go in a chest). I think that block would fit with TFC's theme quite well and would get quite a bit of use both as a decorational and functional block.


    If you really can't handle the flint in a chest, use an item frame. They work but I still vote in favor of more storage/display options.


  16. Year 4 and still haven't killed enough spiders for a bed.

    Haven't had to, we have a ram. But I dread to think of how many nights it would take to kill off that many spiders without losing my gear to constant death.


    Thank heavens for Wooliam Woolace. He is a good sheep.


  17. Looks very handy. I might try it out but I remain convinced that TFC is lacking a tool-belt or some equivalent item. I'd rather have a solution that takes work to obtain in game than a download-this-mod-and-make-it-easy solution.


  18. A related question: with literally no prospecting skill, am I going to realistically have to be within a couple squares of an ore piece for the prospector's pick to get a hit?  I started this game with the earlier build that was resetting prospector skill and thus I didnt have credit for the mining I did when gathering the materials to head out to sea. 

    The way that the prospecting skills works does not mean you need to get any closer to the ore to get a reading. The ONLY thing that a higher prospecting level does is give you fewer false negatives. For example, you might be standing in the middle of a copper mine, with ore all over the walls and using your propick several times you might still get a "You find nothing of interest" message. A higher level of prospecting means you get that message less, so instead of needing to use your propick on an area 5-10 times to be sure you know what's there, a master would only need to use it once or twice.
