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Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
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Everything posted by hindmost

  1. Economy Ideas

    I proposed seals in the kingdoms thread, but there was, eh, a cave in of cobbleposts. So, what can seal do, basicly? It allows its bearer to mark some papers or stamp money. Seal could have next "textfields": slogan, official text. The creator's name is added authomatically. Both slogan and official part are plain java.lang.Strings. So, game doesn't bear responsibility - writer does. If he is tricker and deceiver, he will be declared as enemy, or just robbed to replenish losses. As instance, one could stamp [paper]money with the next fields: "J, the guildmaster of `The Anvil` guarantee, that bearer of this could equally exchange this for the pig iron ingot", "Let the good trade unite us!" "Seal of J" They should have a plenty of iron ingot after they put it in circulation, btw. As, bonus, a group could unite their seals in one: "We, the guildboard of `The Anvil`: K, J and L, guarantee...", "Qui prodest?" "Seal of the guildboard of `The Anvil`: J, K and L" I also want to propose "barter table": after you and your opponent rightclick, the gui appears. The gui has two parts - what you and your opponent wants to sell. There also two buttons - LOCK and TRADE. TRADE could only be pressed on LOCKed state and will act ONLY on locked state to prevent "grab goods and run" tactics. Simple words, when you and your opponent are satisfied with goods you both press LOCK. After you both have verified, that state is valid - if it is not, you just say in him chat what you think or move some items and reLOCK - you both press TRADE. If one presses TRADE and the other one moves item - the state is reset. So, literally - you could only TRADE what you have LOCKed.
  2. Kingdoms Brainstorming

    "Hmm, this sound... like arrows hitting my WROUGHT IRON chestplate. Somebody trying to shoot me? Dispencer at 5 times per tick? Aah, ignore that, do loot!"
  3. Kingdoms Brainstorming

    King, kingdoms... I agree with the man from Civcraft - we have no rights to enforce relations between gamers to be like we want. We don't ever have the right to enforce them to be. Imagine the trade republic. Imagine the guilds, controlled by guildmasters or guildboards. They will raise the tax collector on the spears. if a guild want something, it must do it by its own force - or spare funds by contract with other guild - say, masons. Imagine the democratic society - every citizen could make a proposal on teh meeting and others will vote for it. Imagine the socializm - the society with INVERSED TAXES - if one says "I'd like to mine" he will aquire pickaxe; if one asks for food, he will be supplied. This society need people to be internally strong with themselves - the austerity will be in favor here. Imagine the eudamony - if one needs something, he will go, ask if one need it - if costly resource - and take. This requires not only the inner strength, but good supply of resources. I propose: 1) Sealed agreement/contract/pact/order - the effect depends on personality of seal-holder. Just like IRL it could work or could be poked into the ass of bearer. I mean, NO IN-GAME INFLUENCE, only on the personality of the player, Player should roleplay - not the game itself. 2) %Metalname% enforced stone - requires >= (>?) tier metal to break... slowly. What? You have no metal? It is bad to be you. Let do it by IC 2 reinforced stone recipe. 3) Hireable guards - they are placeholders for players. Regenerating placeholders. They should not only be hired, they should be also armed. By you. Can your funds deal with that? No? IRL none would stand for you. 4) Named posts - maybe, with a rome-style standarts; supply depots (the spears tend to be run out); the food depot; designated repair teams who will restore damaged walls (rf-stone must already be in depot); designated routes. Lets imagine guards order "let no one in except those: %s or bearer of the letter signed by guild `The Anvil`". If someone will deal with guards in wrought iron, he is worthy to enter your stronghold. 5.1) Kill the courier, 5.2) take his letter, 5.3) enter the sity, 5.4) hide in the sewers. 5.5) ??? 5.6) ROLEPLAY!!!11one 6) One could also have personal guards in BLACK STEEL - just in case of. 7) This makes wars between cities possible (but, as IRL, costly) - the attackers build a mortar and bombardize the target city. I propose making an cannonball entity, wich is made from metal and filled with explosives. 8) The "dirt/cobble pillar" strategy tends to be pain in the ass... but of course, the dirt pillar itself must be unable to make - lets say, the dirt will fall of the side if there are > 2 meter of air on this side - the pyramid is more expensive and guards should keep secure the territory at outer side of the wall. "Go away!", "Go away, or we will shoot!", "Prepare to die!" 9) Just run the damn guards on top of the wall! They will deal with attackers. If they not - you will not, too. 10) Guard uses bow/spear unless close, randomly strafing left-right on flat surface, and charges when close, hitting in jump. 11) If shit happened, guard could have instructions to alarm none-2-3-15%-10-all other guards.
  4. Kingdoms Brainstorming

    So, the griefing, thieft and assasination should be - because it adds spice to teh gameplay, and it should be limited - because nobody want to wake up in complete ruins every damn day. I like idea of reinforcement - not for crazy 1 hour of wall-penetration, but lets say, 5-10 min for a man with a black/higher pickaxe and not-ever-try for others. I also like an idea of hired guards patrooling the walls and trying to deal hardly with a suspicious person, attacking that walls. Are you tough enouth to withstand 10+ guards in steel making you a hedgedog with their long bows? I also vote for idea of locks. They were the real way to stop intruders (by jamming, lol). The limitation should be based on time. If a master of some house is inside - he should repel marauders by himself, which is fair enouth. If he went out, the house starts a 20-30 minute timer. After it counts to zero - game does locking of all the unbroken content (doors, chests, blocks) in the house. The mercenaries is the good solution, I think - a pack of heavy armored guys defending key points of the house - as living (and regenerating!) traps with simple AI. They could get orders and nust be paid well. The word about sniffing the explosives: they could be carried in in form of precursors and built to bomb just inside the building. And that the hell "explosive sniffing system" could be in <1600 years? The explosives could, npo doubt, but no sniffing. Attackers could use bombs/explosives to break obstackles - break wall underneath, as instance, and it will break being turned to cobble. The wise attacker could divert attention of guards (if they aren't trained well - twere hired on the street) by throwing a piece of rock or, if he knows that master of house is a greedy bastard, throw a small gem and pull the guards by one. All that operation must be done for a 20-30 munites - or house locks and guards become (almost?) immortal.
  5. Tiny Tweaks Metathread

    Also, it will be good if less-valued pickaxes will be able to mine only certain categories of ore (maybe, Tier +2) - and the +2 ore will be lost periodically due to crumbling from strikes. Maybe, same method is good for a trees - let's imagine, that your not-so-durable stone axe will break after 2-3 maples cut down.
  6. Tiny Tweaks Metathread

    * Increase skeletons reaction time and lower the accuracy. Those damn snipers are making successful shots in my head, flying past my 1x1 open window with a decent speed (when they accidentally fall from my roof). * Does the skeleton only have 1-2 bones, or mmm, it is a damn walking bone pile? * I know - you will not like it, but: lets somehow make undead very resistant to piercing damage (as in the DF, they have no organs to penetrate). * The skeleton should have a chance to not interfere with arrow or just musdirect it - it has a damn holes between bones, doesn't it? It also should have a chance do not receive damage from incoming spear - it will stuck between ribs. * It should very rarely DO NOT drop a bow - unless its completely broken. * The bow dropped should be in a bad state - rarely over 50%. Time knows no mercy. * OK, where are arrows? Maybe, drop at least 4-5? * Weakness to crushing damage. Blades worse than (wrought?) iron should inflict less damage. Otherwise, count as mace. * And, tu-dum, ARMORED SKELETONS *trollface*, which have decreased their weakness to mighty blow. Now about zombies. * On very rarely occasions, an armed pack leading with captain, dressed in some iron/steel - or centurion - in bronse cuirass - should spawn. Those who say "metal in early game! no!" - you'd better run. Although, if somehow you get them... hm, killed you will receive a good reward. Trust me, dealing with it is like making the hedgedog fear using your naked ass. * Same weaknesses, as I propose for skeletons - zombie has no vital organs to pierce, will suffer to damage from cut (unless bone is cut or broken). And those creepy things. * Arrows should do almost no damage. When a spiked creeper blows up, it should throw the arrows out, just in your face * Slashing is the key to kill, crushing is the way to fail. Spiders. * Just as creeper (slightly different resistances) - the exoskeleton protects it from piersing, crushing do less damage (assuming no open wound), slashing will do the trick - spider has an inner "hydropneumatic" system to move its legs and cutting it makes it moving slower. That system should make even SSP moar interesting and hardcore. P.S.: Then I started, I thought it will be a short post about skeletons reaction.
  7. volcanic forgeing and smithing

    ... and also you can have the lava pumped in (mechanism was described at the end of page 4 of this topic) which looks moar badass and, you know, tubes build of chiselled stone (maybe, glass?), providing that lava into your SKY FORGE or MAGMA CANNON should look awesome.
  8. volcanic forgeing and smithing

    You should be surprised when you read it - http://dwarffortress...31:Magma_piston The lifting mechanism could be implemented more truth-like right after bioxx add pressure to liquids. The cobble block falling into lava or a moving-in piston head should cause it to move (not just disappear) - in DF it glitchly teleports up, but I foresee a more agile method. This method assumes that lava is finite liquid. Also my mind requests the lava's ability to be able to have 1 to N (8? 10? 16?) stable in-block levels - or liquid block pushed out of the lake will never spread and should travel its surface or stay on it infinitely, which looks a bit strange. (In Eloraam's Red Power it does stay if pushed in lake by pump - and if lake is big, it lags like hell, because place is chosen randomly) At instance, (in very-pseudocode) liquid.beingPushed() { if this block is isolated from stream // the block is alone if this block has air on one side [directed by impulse, down, spreading on plane, up] teleport in it otherwise if falling item is cobble swap liquid block and cobble otherwise stop block from sinking or piston from expanding otherwise traverse the stream, locating first nearby air block spread in them }Of any course, the lava block, sticking out the magma should also try to spread in nearby air. If one lava "slab" will be pushed into an other, they will add (should counts as 1 - lava-level air, if >1 air block found - no spread at all). If bioxx will also add pistons - I speak of those made from magma-proof materials, of course - one could also make a true lava pump working by the next schema: 0. Initial - output is pressure-isolated. LLLVSSS LLLLSSS SS->LLL SSSSSSS 1. Lava is a slowpoke. If this phase will be no longer than 1-2-3 tick, it shouldn't even notice a little vaccum here. One can also make a more complex system, with pressure-protection. LLLVSSS LLLLSSS SS> LLL SSSSSSS 2. Now input becomes isolated. Ready to punch! LLL|SSS LLLVSSS SS>LLLL SSSSSSS 3. +1 lava block in reservoir. And the next step will be the 0 again. LLL|SSS LLLVSSS SS->LLL SSSSSSS The WEAPON TRIBUTE from Boatmurdered also will be able to made and incur !!FUN!! I also presume, what pressure wave traversing the stream should affect the speed of floating objects - acting as a sharp acceleration of them (mb, setting speed to the 1m/tick?). This could be used like a pneumatic pipe - but with liquid. Just imagine the item-autholifting system in your shaft!* * we do not responsible for loss of you precious items in case of despawn on 5 min delay The boats (in water) will gather the acceleration from natural stream of water, caused by in-air teleporting of traversed block. P.S.: travelling inside the stream, block at first will try to hold height level of incured impulse - gravity is a potential field.