Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Deathbytac0

  1. Lock Boxes

    If that was directed at me, don't worry. I don't steal, I was basically saying that because the other people on the server will rape you, no need for lockboxes.
  2. Placing dirt, sand and cobblestone into stacks

    Omg... All I see is a lag bomb. I only get 20fps in a plains biome, 6 in a forest. Don't screw it up for me and other Intel 4 series express chipset family users and/or those of us with 4GB RAM and/or 2.2GHz processor. lol I suck, but I like the Idea. I just don't want to see dirt tumbling down mountains constantly or all the many ways this suggestions could make me get 0fps in a mountain biome, I live there and I get a solid 11.
  3. winches, pules and cams, water wheels and pumps (move your ores)

    Creepers won't want hugs anymore. They explode in love, take redstone away they will implode in hatred.
  4. Lock Boxes

    I see a flaw... In real life if you break a chest you will open it. Not that this mod is all about real life, I just think that if you get stolen from it's your job to hunt them down, kill them, and take everything they own. I would rather have a 10sec respawn timer and a way to hide your overhead name. Then, since TFC servers are anarchy you have a nice way to start a war. Now I know you all will want to be nice and not get on anybodies bad side. I will have an accomplice with me when I start going on these servers, don't mess wid me.
  5. Kingdoms Brainstorming

    But they are like my avatar, stuck on one emotion and have a weird shape. Whats not to love about that?
  6. Dirt Roads

    Lazy modders. Jk I respect all of you, every time I was going to mod I didn't do it. I would be an example of a lazy modder.
  7. Can't make a bloomery block...

    I will edit that and clarify. Sorry for the inconvenience.
  8. Dirt Roads

    You can make them yourself... Why don't we release mods for mods?
  9. Wiki Discussion and Proposed Changes Thread

    Thank you! Editing. I haven't gotten out of the stone age, I thought there were a few more put into an ingot when I started smelting.
  10. Installation with multimc and nostalgia

    Oh... Obviously I don't read... Well I really have no idea.
  11. The true liquid conservation law

    You just described the finite liquid mod... That mod sucks with compatibility. If you want to remake it compatible do that and give it to Bioxx. Anything else... no way.
  12. installation compatability issues EDIT

    The only thing you have to be aware of is the simple order Forge 152 Player API TFC TFC rescorces How the hell is that hard? Get clean version of 1.2.5 and there should be no problem, if t and here is reinstall delete the config folder.
  13. Bukkit Port

    I didn't understand a word of that... Come again?
  14. Installation with multimc and nostalgia

    Nobody suggests MCnostalgia? I haven't checked to see if it's updated but you should go look. Samaban's link is good. The only thing left out is a few bug fixes, I use the prerelease (because I never updated to actual 1.2.5), I have never encountered a bug. Now 1.3 and 1.3.1 on the other hand are shit.
  15. Good way to get stone bricks/blocks?

    I use imageshack. I hate it but I found a way to use it that isn't annoying. All of the media hosting, or whatever they are, sites suck.
  16. Good way to get stone bricks/blocks?

    or when I'm just collecting raw stone a simple, rather efficient way (without digging up too much) would just be to take out the bottom and top of a 3x3 area and then break apart the shelf in order to harvest the raw stone. (I've also started using smart move, which greatly assisting in this method, but by no means is it rendered useless without it. Your pictures don't work... do you need help with that?
  17. Dirt Roads

    This is simple really, add another dirt block. I can't think of how to trigger it to a new data value but the new block would have a longer time to change to grass, if picked up it would give you the normal dirt in the area or the dirt type you put down if you didn't want the biome dirt. Rake is very simple, just have it change the selected grass block to the new dirt block with the grass's dirt color. I want to code some lol and I think this is pretty neat.
  18. Smithing Overhaul- from my idea of Chimney Chokes

    Has this gone too far from my original idea of chimney chokes?
  19. Chimney chokes needed its own thread and I got to thinking of all the stuff that can be improved, over time, in the whole smithing tree. First off: Chimney Chokes The original idea. A chimney choke is a block or panel that cuts off the chimney allowing little heat to escape. This will result in many things such as: turning your house/forge into an oven, puffing smoke into your face (and a terrible cough later), cutting off the greatest oxygen supply, and increasing heat of the forge casing overall. Increases in ambient and case temperatures will really boost the heat. To increase the effectiveness of this some things some other things must change. The Overhaul: So you are probably thinking: "Why make it easier?" "We have bellows!" Well, I never said it was easier and yes I know of bellows, and they can become a big help right now. Why do we have a temperature gauge? Why is it not an actual temperature? I really think that because you can get a fire hotter than the surface of the sun in a pot, covered but even outside, now the temperature may be that high but we don't know because its a gauge! We need a number, a few numbers to be exact. We can have the case(stone around the forge/bloomery) temperature and the ambient tempurature. Now more on topic of the chimney chokes. If you close the chimney off and your forge is in the house, its going to suffocate. This is where bellows come in. On smp, have somebody spam the bellows, bellows as we know increase temperature...with a chimney. So once again your forge is enclosed in your house, choke on, bellows spammed. I mentioned earlier case temperature, the bellows will slightly cool the case. After a while sufficient oxygen will have been given for a while and it's not really doing much any more, it's cooling the case and decreasing your heat now. There is definitely a sweet spot here to get the forge or bloomery really, really hot, so you have to be precise. How to do it: I don't mean code, sorry Bioxx, I am limited on my knowledge of coding(I do code however). I'm talking about how to open and close the choke. You could do it manually or have the almighty simple wooden camshaft to turn it with a lever. A camshaft, all I'm asking, can bring some more cool stuff later. What it can do in the end: All I see here is my idea and a huge gateway for so many old age inventions and a lot of new metals. If you choose to do this get on those metals, I would like to see normal iron too, you can get rid of some of the vanilla recipes you don't want. If we want those items we will spawn them or live with it. I don't really know what you can think up, so on the side all of you can suggest if you like my idea. Some smithing stuff I like: Smithing can still have more (To EternalUndeath: I almost typed moar. XD) changes and additions. One I like is volcanic smithing, still needs work in my opinion but good idea. You have probably all seen it but here: http://terrafirmacra...g-and-smithing/ Suggestions to this idea: Gateway suggestions: More metals-by me (any suggestions on what metals)Thank you all for reading, hope you like! Also I welcome suggestions, and suggest things this can lead to if you want.Oh, I have confused people on some things that I mean literally or not literally, just ask(will be posted here), but here is some things I see can be mistook. Section 1: Puffing smoke in your face-truecough later-maybeSection 2:Section 3: Section 4: Section 5: Section 6:
  20. volcanic forgeing and smithing

    I can see two reasons for that... You don't want people carrying it around because it's overpowered and you don't want to get spilled on.
  21. Forge won't work

    Look at the picture it burnt out. I put a trapdoor on my chimney and it works fine, thanks!
  22. Improved Stone Knapping Interface

  23. Strongest Rock Type?

    Lol. I obviously had nothing better to do last night (except sleeping, which I refused) so the time was well worth it. I have fun with my gigantic posts.
  24. Forge won't work

    Oh, okay. That doesn't explain why my other forge why it works with a bend 7 blocks up. No matter though I'm not going to complain! Thanks!
  25. sugestion for wiki

    I understood that completely?