Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Teranz

  1. When I was a teenager and starting playing Planetside, an MMOFPS, I had massive sprawling ideas for MMOFPSs with weapon crafting and player-created small nations (not unlike Eve Online, or a more modern, shootier Wurm Online). Affordable technology is starting to catch up with such ideas nowadays, so maybe I'll see something similar soon. :)

    Cool and btw i wanna get planetside 2

  2. Like the title saiz if you could design ANY game, what would it be? Would be a fast action, first person shooter,,maybe a MMORPG? Or even a horror game? It could be even a sandbox game like minecraft or GTA... You can make anything in this post so let the imagination go WILD!!

    Ok, i will start off:

    I want my game to be a first person shooter with slight RP going on in the background, with a post apocalyptic theme. This game wont be like CoD or BattleField. When the person first joins my game he/she will be asked to pick one out of three races. The races will depend on what your weapons/vechicals/characters/bases and so on will look like, it will also depend on were your bases will be.

    Post your video game ideas!


  3. A book is too ambitious for me right now :P

    I'm just laying the groundwork for my short stories, they'll get a lot more interesting when I'm actually trying to write something which tells a compelling story, as opposed to a set of appendices which explain the setting I am writing in :P

    If i ever ready a book i skip the first few pages... XD

  4. Ok so I confirmed the brutality of the players in this game. I could really use some people I can trust to ally with.

    I'll play with you... Just message me on skype when you want to play...

  5. On the main post click edit and then it should take you to a different page, just like if you were posting a new topic but with the details and writing from the main post. At the top there should be a topic title, on the left of that is the title that is being used right now, change that to what you want then click save at the bottom and done!


  6. Yeah its probably the cheapest its going to be right now considering the Summer Sale/popularity of Day Z. Get it before it becomes $60 again lol.

    I has it!

  7. I'll join you the second Arma 2 goes 80% off. :U

    It wont m8.. On steam it is 20% off... And on the official store it is 25% of... On steam right now it costs £19.99 and on the official site it costs £14.99 but that was when i last checked...

  8. Installing TFC aint that hard and the problem with having tfc in technic launcher is that it wouldnt be up to date with the latest build and prereleases. It would also take a long time to update technic laun her to the latest version and by that time their would 1 or more new versions... So my personally opinion about technic launcher is "NO"


  9. Give us a screenshot of the in game... Not that it would help but it would be cool to see that... It could be used for a machinima... Like an Apocalips themed machinima...


  10. +1 Speaking of herbs, milk is currently used as the default cure-all for status ailments. However, there's an herb called All-heal (or 'Woundwort', or any of around 15 other names) that can - as it's name suggests - remedy any number of ailments and maladies, from an upset stomach to respiratory distress.

    It could be found only in certain numbered biomes (plains 2, forest 6, etc...), and when crafted with a bucket of water, would make an Infusion of Allheal. Downing this would cure ailments the same way milk currently does, leaving you with an empty bucket and removing that frankly silly mechanic for milk. Great idea! If only i though of that first!

    That complement....

  11. Speaking of herbs, milk is currently used as the default cure-all for status ailments. However, there's an herb called All-heal (or 'Woundwort', or any of around 15 other names) that can - as it's name suggests - remedy any number of ailments and maladies, from an upset stomach to respiratory distress.

    It could be found only in certain numbered biomes (plains 2, forest 6, etc...), and when crafted with a bucket of water, would make an Infusion of Allheal. Downing this would cure ailments the same way milk currently does, leaving you with an empty bucket and removing that frankly silly mechanic for milk.


  12. I'm not necessarily personally against it :P I actually really like the idea :)

    But for once, I have decided to tender a suggestion that wouldn't take Bioxx like 3 months to implement, if he had a full team of coding monkeys :P

    Coding monkeys? Intresting... Do you recon i could buy one over the internet?

  13. So alot of you may not be familiar with this term. I wasnt untill last september when my girlfriend started a course on Horticulture.Horticulture is a close releative to Agriculture, maybe like brother and sister?

    So Agriculture is mainly about farming, growing and harvesting crops, and harvesting different fruits of trees and stuff! Were as Horticulture is about plants, flowers, herbs and so on. I'd be nice to see more flowers spawning with different colours (These would be used for decorations and easier crafting od dyes!), more mushrooms (Were some maybe poisons and other could be just fine and eatable.), herbs randomly generated around the world (Could be used in making medicine, e.g to slow down the hunger for some time, to stop poison and if bioxx ever adds stuff like diseases and flues herbs could be used to heal the player.) and also it would be nice to see small hedges and bushes spawn randomly (A bit like in the jungle but on a smaller scale).

    Hope I didnt bore you to death! Thanks for reading! Teranz


  14. I'd be so up for it, but seeing as I'm a student, money I would have to spend on arma 2 (a game I would never play un-modded) and an expansion is money I could have spent on getting the most partying possible done during my weekend, before I have to go back to working in an office at a factory.

    In summary, maybe in a couple of months when I'm back at uni :P

    Atm it is on christmas summer sale so arma 2:co is £14.99 on the main site!

  15. It's an interesting idea, but where would you wear/put the tool belt ?

    I am trying to avoid implementing any extra inventory slots, as this is meant to be a "back to basics", no frills, simple to implement suggestion.

    Well i was think on the side of the quick bar to put a small slot for the belt but if your against putting in slots then be it!