Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Gekkey Mathews

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Everything posted by Gekkey Mathews

  1. Oil! [not petroleum]

    I am, of course, referring to oil, as in of Olive or rendered animal fats. Organic Oils, not Mineral Oils (such as petroleum or Crude Oil).
  2. Better Cave-Ins

    A simple, elegant solution is the best solution. This is both simple and elegant.
  3. Alloys: early/middle bronze, mithril, steel

    I would second the addition of chromium and nickel, as well as arsenical bronze. And new names for Red and Blue steel (fantasy names would be neat and appropriate). but you're going to have to explain how versatile "bloody hell" is.
  4. I think you got the closest to a solution. Two blocks for stairs - one for under water, one for under air. Then have it detect surrounding blocks and change between the two accordingly. It is certainly possible to have blocks detect surroundings. How else would cobblestone fall or smooth stone drop?
  5. The TFC guide to pro-heavens.

  6. Tiny Tweaks Metathread

    I don't know if this has been suggested before, but I don't have nearly enough time to read through the last 13 pages. Ore is way too easy to mine. I found my first copper deposit and mined it all out in 2 trips over about an ingame day. That shouldn't be. A vein of ore should take someone something like a week to mine out and warrant the construction of a rail system. I would suggest making the break times or ore longer and making the inventory smaller (9 item in the bar, 9 items in your bag).
  7. My few suggestions

    hey. I used shit semi-literally. as in excrement. from an asshole.
  8. My few suggestions

    Only immature kids think going to /b/ makes you look cool. It's the asshole of the internet for a reason. Going there will just make you look covered in shit.
  9. Kingdoms Brainstorming

    I like the idea that protection just fortifies, instead of making it invulnerable. But how would you protect things when a player isn't there; when an invader has hours to just whack at it? Because there are going to be people hell-bent on breaking in just for the sake of breaking in. there should be some container overhaul. like glass cupboards and pallets of planks or sticks. But that's a topic for another thread.
  10. Kingdoms Brainstorming

    What he said. What I would suggest is a system where a mayor could set up sheriffs, and then blocks inside the town limits could be created or destroyed as long as a sheriff or mayor was online. That way you can't have vandalism or invasions when there's no one there to do anything about it (which would be completely unfair and unfun), but when they do have the potential to stop you you can do anything you want (provided you are capable). I like that. But I also think that there should be some more user input involved in locksmithing so that a clever person could make an "unbreakable" lock. not unbreakable as in actually unbreakable. I'm thinking making it like a puzzle. where someone clever could make an "impossibly" difficult puzzle. EDIT: or not. that's actually a bad idea. leave the cleverness in the trapmaking. Bioxx! We need better traps and mechanisms.
  11. Kingdoms Brainstorming

    That's the point I was trying to make. To deter someone with break time it would have to be tedious. So it would be a puzzle. The defender builds it and the thief has to solve it.
  12. Kingdoms Brainstorming

    even so, I still think 30 second is way to little to deter anyone. maybe 5 minutes. But then I think you would want to build the game to reward creativity, not tedium.
  13. My few suggestions

    I agree with chimney, and biomes somewhat. Mostly in that there need to be more and more interesting/diverse. But chimney is certainly good idea.
  14. Kingdoms Brainstorming

    I would say not; there's no way a thief is going to get caught in 30 seconds. make it something like 12 hours, then maybe.
  15. Kingdoms Brainstorming

    You shouldn't really have to add much in the way of politics. Those will occur naturally. What really needs to happen is fixing the biome generation so that each one is unique enough that you have to set up different towns; where trade becomes a necessity. Almost. You should be able to survive anywhere, but to advance you would need to have some people find better resources elsewhere. Some people find a good source of wood (make it so that in some biomes, such as mountains, trees rarely-never grow), some people to find different ores (and likewise biomes good for agriculture, such as plains, would be difficult to find any decent amount ore in). Of course you could be able to get lucky and find something with nearly everything, but if it's balanced right there should always be something that you can do easier or better by either trading for it or exploring to find your own source. Also a proper way to transport large amounts of goods, such as ships or wagons. Now on security: There really is no proper way to do it. Anything you do to make it work would be a kludge to the problem that people log off. You can't always watch your things and even if someone break in to your house, it won't wake you up. What I suggest would be a way to lock items that can be activated (doors, chests, the like), and a way (necessarily difficult) to unlock them. Then you would need a way to set traps that can apprehend or kill a reckless intruder. And this would probably have to be coupled with some system that "wakes the player up" which would be a complete mess unless you are exceedingly clever or a way to make a limited area of blocks unbreakable while you are logged off (probably in a small area around your bed (ooh! the right size would make bedrooms actually necessary)) so the thief would have to wait until you have a chance to catch him to steal anything from you. You would also need a way to track down the thief. I'm thinking a series of clue blocks (i would think similar in shape and size to the rocks) dropped at regular intervals (so a thief would have to be quick) that give clues to who it was that intruded. Like pieces of a name or colors of clothes. I just came up with all this in the past 20 minutes so these idea are nowhere near fleshed out.