Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by GismoT

  1. Kingdoms Brainstorming

    i kinda love how these threads evolve to private conversations,cock and bull storys and anecdotes ^^
  2. Tree Grafting

    the main reason besides asthetics is ,that you put the breed you like on better roots ( older, better resistence etc) so you can have a young (good harvest) plant with all the treats you like (size sweetness etc) and the old roots ( developed water/nutrition supply, better resistence, better adapt to drought,the ground etc) so with tfc logic applied one could take appletrees plant them somewhere they like it, and graft an orange on it or a oak on a pine tree etc
  3. Go to hell

    since we are already off topic, can anyone explain to me how version porting works ? (i am trying to get into programming, so no " why does it take so long?" question)
  4. Go to hell

    as i posted before: make a extra page on the home page under info or faq where every in the forums mentioned (so there can be still suprises) feature gets a short show and tell+ a link to the forumthread this would stop a lot of "hey i got a great idea"- posts like this one form eating forum space also a list with stuff/guidelines that will not come, so for example the "coils something something "pulley-maybe" thread would not take hours of thinking and writing, because everybody knows the chances are slim put it in notifications if there is a change, also "you have to read THIS SIIHTE"in the terms and condition this would help alot with these posts, it would also allow deleting dismissed threads or responses = less space=downscaling=money saving= more money for the devs
  5. Dragons

    SOLUTION -> put it in notifications if there is a change, also "you have to read THIS SIIHTE"in the terms and condition
  6. Dragons

    Since the End was , IN MY Opinion since some people dont read words like in my opinion, my knowledge, i will highlight them ^^ a screwup, is there a chance to salvage the awesome dragon, maybe reskin it/and or other stuff (predefined due to their biome) give them a nice lair with a treasure or a nether/end portal or a something else nice ?
  7. Arrests

    just foolin, but is there a way to block the "debug"-screen ? this would also make good maps much more valuable -> cartography could become a profession
  8. Go to hell

    now we just need a little as theme for the end ^^ kinda noteblock style ^^
  9. Arrests

    if you build it out of bedrock it doesnt matter muhahahaha
  10. Dragons

    Dude this sounds so freakin epic i have a suggestion for ya make a extra page on the home page under info or faq where every in the forums mentioned (so there can be still suprises) feature gets a short show and tell+ a link to the forumthread this would stop a lot of "hey i got a great idea"- posts like this one form eating forum space also a list with stuff/guidelines that will not come, so for example the "coils something something "pulley-maybe" thread would not take hours of thinking and writing, because everybody knows the chances are slim
  11. Old flames

    this would also lead to the necessity of mining laws/plots and a good police/?defence force
  12. Old flames

    dude YOU ARE AWESOME ^^ never thought about this way
  13. Old flames

    i thought more of a way to create a bigger need to repair settlements -> wooden framework burned very high -> plaster/bricks are damaged -> lower fire resistence/ ability to support -> house comes crashing down if there is to much weight on the walls -> snow,water,another level, to many entitiies, etc the same should do for supports -> fire ( for example bad torchplacement or coal vein fire) = collapse --> this could lead to a "great collapse" not some dude making a fire at a cliff in the hope to collapse the town on top of the cliff, if thats what you meant the way that could work would be, kinda hannibal style to cool off/heat up the rock, but there is no need for that, since any griefer could just mine the blocks away ( much faster)
  14. Arrests

    i think the solution is up to the dev team since they are the ones who actually work out the mechanics and code it so we should think about other uses for the dragging to create more aplications and to pitch it to the devs ^^ you could for example kidnap someone, or caveins / hunger could make you unconcious -> drag you out of danger
  15. Macro-server?

    i found a old bookmark on my old pc, their page is down so i think the idea "is free" if anyone wants to take it up
  16. Lumberjack's real way

    good idea
  17. Better Food

    i did not mean to offend anyone, but you sir take everything seriously do you ? For your peace of mind I have to add, its breed for this purposeAfter highlighting the shit out of it, maybe you realise, what i meant i also played a little with dunkleosteus´ joke so i hope i have resolved the biggest problem in all of the universe There was NO INTENTION to be a smartass
  18. Old flames

    spitzbergen is in norway guys ^^ @ antimatter y dont you think fire deamage to stone/bricks is not a good idea , or did i understand you wrong?
  19. Old flames

    there are 2 cities where coalmines started to burn spitzbergen (german attack in ww2) and a coal mine in the use ( silent hill is based on ) would be cool if there was firedamage to stone as well ( not as much weight capacity and so on)
  20. become a driver,pioneer or rifleman? compulsive service sucks donkey ^^

  21. Better Food

    so i jsut read your post in the "Go to hell thread" pls don´t be angry =) with me being pushy, i just thought you got my idea wrong
  22. Better Food

    There is only 1 kind of pumpkin to my knowledge that is tasty in its raw state its from japan ^^ but thanks dude for the semi compliment
  23. Better Food

    i dont celebrate halloween at all dude, not everybody is from an english speaking country i thought more of it to have link it in the" balanced diet something thread" ^^ and also to have nice effects like sugar rush, slow movement due to overeating, reduced poisen resistence due to wrong diet etc. this would also put a bigger emphasis on nutrition, you have to actually work to fill the hunger bar and not only eat an egg with a very big energy level the professions tied to food and meals would actually have a purpose, not some semi work -> less work high output this would also lead to a better economy/kingdom system, since only well suplied kingdoms/outposts/mining cities could afford an actual mining industry/army/defense not just, I WANT NEEEEW STUFF NAOW i hope i made my point in a not obtrusive way ^^
  24. How do i get better FPS without optifine?

    because bioxx said it may be dropped in the futureDocStinetheREALmusician buy a rambrick try to allocate more ram do you have the 64 or the 32 version of java ? you can also give minecraft and java a higher priority in the taskmanager (if you have windows) what graphicscrad do you have ?
  25. Better Food

    the idea was to actually use the stuff we get, how often do you eat raw pumpkin ? ^^