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Posts posted by Theruinsage

  1. Anyone else notice how there are major differences on some borders of chunks in the new update? I would give you the seed of the worst world i have seen, but i don't know it.


  2. Seems that my first post wasn't detailed enough to be noticed, so ill give it a go being more precise:

    IGN: Neraphim

    Age: 21

    Id like to play on this server because i enjoy terrafirmacraft, and with the new giant biomes tracking across country looking for all the ores by yourself is a huge undertaking, and something i simply do not have the time for presently. I also enjoy playing minecraft with others, which is the main reason why im applying to this server (you seem to want a tightly knittet community, which seems awesome). I am most interested in the mining/survival/trading aspect, so i suspect i'll set up some sort of shop with different kinds of ores and rocks.

    I have a microphone and im willing to get whichever program i need.


  3. I was quite thrilled that the mod was updated to 1.3.2, mainly because i want the huge biomes

    but i can't get it to make the damn map for huge biomes

    Is this a bug, not implemented yet or simply my pc being mean to me?


  4. So I tried to download and install the mod today. Here are the steps that i've taken: Maybe someone can tell me If I am missing something.

    Download fresh MC folder.

    Test run MC to load all the folders

    Delete Meta INF

    Install Forge

    Install Player API

    Test run MC to load those 2 mods.

    Install the TFC into the mods folder.

    Launch game...

    Nothing at all happens. It just loads like it's a vanilla MC. No crashes or anything.

    try installing this with multi mc. It's a simple program that you just download and run in the folder where you want it installed. It will allow you to simply install multible mods, add memory to your minecraft and much more.

    if you are still having problems, id be happy to help you install it with multi mc


  5. I agree with estaban, there is a post that everyone should read that tells you to USE THE SEARCH BAR! The original posters took the time to, and we take the time to look at it, the posters could have the decency to check if it was done before, so as not to waste time/necro uneededly. /rantover

    Having used the search bar, i haven't found any topic on this. The method of using bare rock to get ore might have a specific name, but as i don't know it, i really have no way to search for it. It's easy to just scream "its been said before, read the rules and use the search bar" but unless you happen to phrase yourself in the same way as the previous guy who suggested something akin to your idea, you really have next to no chance of finding it.


  6. Already working on RP-TFC compatibility. BC shouldn't be that hard.

    It's mostly that they don's use the same id's for iron, gold, diamons and lapus lazuli.


  7. How you want to play your game is of no concern of mine. If you want to use buildcraft with TFCraft, two mods that really are on opposite ends of the spectrum, so be it. That said, what is it that you're asking for exactly? It sounds to me like a mod that allows 2 mods to work together like the IC2-BC2 crossover mod or Better Than Buildcraft mod that allows better than wolves and buildcraft compatability. My point is what you're asking for doesn't seem like something the devs should be worried about. Like everyone has been more than clear about, tfcraft at its core is all about you doing the work. Buildcraft is all about the machines doing the work. To expect either development team to cater to the other when their gameplay designs don't align seems far from likely.

    If you want TFC and BC compatability, I think that's on you. Don't assume you're the only one that wants this (though do assume it's not common). For this idea, I recommend you consider making a "Buildcraft-TFCraft Crossover mod" yourself and release it for those who want it to enjoy (always get permission before distribution!). Native support in TFCraft seems unlikely to me.

    What i want is the satisfaction of building a fully operating factory in terrafirmacraft, which would require endless effort, as i often run out of motivation for standard builds, and mining just to get a better pickaxe seems pointless. I see alot of posts here saying that i don't get that the point of terrafirmacraft is to make it harder, or a more believable survival situation

    I get that, i really do.

    But most of buildcraft is centered around iron, gold and diamonds, which are all endgame'ish in terrafirmacraft. And i somehow want to combine my experience from terrafirmacraft with my experiences from buildcraft, and as the only thing holding the two apart are iron/ gold ingots and diamons plus lapuz lazuli. The only reason why i want automated fireplaces and stuff, is that it take forever to make torches (i appreciate looking for ore for hours on end, but clicking 64 times with a 2 sec interval to make two stacks of torches bugs me).

    Also, glass is pretty important in buildcraft, and takes a lot of time and effort to make in terrafirmacraft.


  8. In the real world it's possible to refine gold and other metals from bare rock. Gold is so precious that people are grinding up granite for it. A system could be implemented, so that rock could yield a very small amount of ore if processed (which would be an expensive affair). This would make strip mining a more viable option, when digging for the rarer types of metal.


  9. Id like to see this mod be compatible with buildcraft. The automated diggers would be an excellent way to prospect an area before digging, and would only be available at the iron age anyways. If automated worktables could be tweaked to also make stuff like clay molds and then burn them in an automated fireplace (which would need to be either a separate recipe or a unique building like the forge and bloomery). This could take some of the more annoying work out of the equation when you are at the point where you can make the more advanced alloys anyways. Could be it's just me, but i could see something like this working quite well.

    And maybe quarries could be tweaked to work more like actual quarries, as in strip mining, not just dig a huge hole in the ground.


  10. Id prefer if mountains became bigger, at the cost of the standard lvl height of terrafirmacraft. Most ores are found in mountains, and for those of us who wants to build huge ass mountain fortresses, that's really the way to go. Something like the extreme hills biomes of standard minecraft, but bigger.


  11. I think the OP said he's used it, so that might be why no one's suggested it (and I don't even now what it is :), though by now i can guess)

    And I think we might have gotten a bit off topic, and we've yet to actually hear back from the OP to even know the status of the issue.

    I guess i kinda ended up abandoning the issue, as i got it to work by myself. When i got it to work, i kinda locked myself in a room for a few days... (this mod is awesome)

    I couldn't get the nostalgia version to work with the standard use of multimc, so i changed the jar file from multimc with the modded jar i got to work outside of multimc. This solution worked quite well, except that somehow trees gave me game-breaking lag.. luckily, optifine fixed that.


  12. The ignore/ban statement, was not because he was asking for help (regardless of his tone), but was because he had made multiple posts/accounts to do so.

    Yes the download instructions are not completely up-to-date. 1.3 has just come out, so even those will even a little knowledge about mods, would know that mods have to updates themselves after MC has updated, which takes time.

    In regards towards the lack of helpfulness, he was receiving advice in his first post. And for the condescending part, if you've been around for more then 3 days, you'd see how many asinine questions get asked on a regular basis, so sometimes it's hard to remain completely civil with people that won't even take a minute to think about their questions and look around before whining. His was not an asinine question, but his attitude was far from that of someone seeking help and asking others to take their own time to assist him with his troubles.

    I know you also had similar issues as he did, and helping to point out where things might be changes to avoid further issues is not a bad thing, but stirring up trouble and name calling is not the proper way to get things addressed.

    Yes i know my tone was not exactly helpful, i apologize for that. At that time i had spent most of a day trying to get this to work, and everywhere i had looked for help was either extremely outdated or downright not helpful. I then see this guys post (and also his previous one), and all i see is people being pricks. Not a great first impression of this community, although i am sure i have just somehow caught people when they had a bad day or something.

    But i would like to raise another issue, if you have a lot of people asking the same basis questions, then maybe you should ask yourself what you have done wrong, seeing as so many people have problems with it. It shouldn't take long to update the website when a new update comes out to say "not compatible with 1.3.1, only 1.2.5". All credits to hydra, this mod is awesome, but these things needs to be done.


  13. The only thing you have to be aware of is the simple order

    Forge 152

    Player API


    TFC rescorces

    How the hell is that hard? Get clean version of 1.2.5 and there should be no problem, if t and here is reinstall delete the config folder.

    It's hard because it doesn't say anywhere that you need 1.2.5, how to get that, nor which version of PlayerAPI you need. It might seem logical to you, but for people who are modding for the first time, having conflicting instructions on this and the actual website, it becomes confusing.

    This entire community is rather unhelpful actually, the guy is asking for help and the first thing you people tell him his gonna get ignored or banned? And you just go "how the hell is this hard?"

    Quite frankly, so far all i have seen is you guys being condescending assholes.


  14. So basically i downloaded:


    MC 1.2.5 - Player API client 1.5



    And put them into the minecraft.jar folder in "edit mods" with multimc.

    I had used minecraft nostalgia to get a 1.2.5 version of the jar folder and deleted the meta-inf, so everything should be the correct versions put in at the correct order, yet i get this when trying to start minecraft:

    Loading jars...

    Loading URL: file:/C:/Users/Daniel/Downloads/instances/dsfh/.minecraft/bin/minecraft.jar

    Loading URL: file:/C:/Users/Daniel/Downloads/instances/dsfh/.minecraft/bin/lwjgl.jar

    Loading URL: file:/C:/Users/Daniel/Downloads/instances/dsfh/.minecraft/bin/lwjgl_util.jar

    Loading URL: file:/C:/Users/Daniel/Downloads/instances/dsfh/.minecraft/bin/jinput.jar

    Loading natives...

    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.VerifyError: (class: net/minecraft/client/Minecraft, method: k signature: ()V) Incompatible argument to function

    at java.lang.Class.getDeclaredFields0(Native Method)

    at java.lang.Class.privateGetDeclaredFields(Unknown Source)

    at java.lang.Class.getDeclaredFields(Unknown Source)

    at MultiMCLauncher.main(

    Instance exited with code: 1

    Crash detected!

    So any input on what might be missing/wrong?
