Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by N.Frozen

  1. I was attracted by TFCraftat the first glance and I really like its awesome realistic world. But after I moved into the Iron Age, I found I had nothing to do except mining & smithing. It was boring, why don't we do something else, for example, writing, to let us get into civilization? Here are my suggestions. Paper 3 sugar canes for paper? Don't you think it is too childish? In fact, paper making is a hard process. There are more details in the wiki, and it's not difficult to convert it into game. For example: [*]Soak the materials into water, materials can be jute, straw and so on, wood was late used and needed to be broken up. [*]Heat it or add limewater(in fact it needs soda orcaustic soda) to get pulp. [*]Screen the pulp, which needs a wooden frame(deckle). And laythe wet mat of fibre on top of a damp cloth. [*]Repeat step 3 to stack more on the damp cloth until getting a required number. [*]Gently place a wooden plank on the top of the stack and add some stone(cobblestone) to squeeze out water. [*]Air dry it and finally we get the paper. Also there are more references and it's only my advice. Pens Either quill or ink brush is a good choice and the materials are not difficult to get. But it seems that making a pen is still not easy. So it just needs a knife, a heating device(forge?) and some feathers in the game. Ink brush is used in ancient China to write on paper. Since paper making is in a Chinese traditional way I think it's interesting to use their writing tools. A ink brush consists of stalk and hairs. Stalk is a hollow cylinder usually made of bamboo but wood is either OK. And hairs are mainly from animals. Just tie some hairs together and fit it into the stalk, an ink brush is made. In the game, it is easy to use wool(maybe sorted) as hairs and wood(crafted) as a stalk. Inks Ancient inks are more complicated according to different cultures, so I just suggest ink sac as the original. But ink bottle is a good idea for writing and is made just by placing a glass bottle on the top of a block. Then fill it with ink sac or marking used now. Also dyes can be added into inks to create colored writing. BookWriting Shift-right-click to place a paper on the top of a suitable block(e.g. dirt and sand are unsuitable), with an ink bottle nearby, then hold the pen and right-click the paper to start writing. The pen should first be dipped into the ink bottle and writing will decrease the ink as well as the durability of the pen. Rough surfaces will cause twice durability decrease. It means a smooth stone is the best material to make your desk. A written paper will be renamed as a note, and right-click the note for a look. Signs should also be written with pens and inks. A lot of paper/notes can be fastened together as a notebook with some methods, for example, threads and glues. Animal glue was made in the ancient mainly use hides, so it fits the condition of TFCraft. While staples and stapler are hard to get. Finally bind the notebook in leather and sign it. After that, a book is finally finished and no more words can be changed. And a bookshelf could be a great place to place written books like a log pile, isn't it?
  2. A parchment book... More writing materials is wonderfully nice. We can derive a whole system just as food and weapon systems. And writing tools should be fitted with the materials. First we can just carve some simple markson stones, trees, etc. Then we use wool cloth as the lowest-tier to write, then parchent, then paper. Different materials should have different textures and cost different durability of the pen. And since vanilla Minecraft uses paper only, I thought just of it at the first time......
  3. Well, a pestle is a great idea, although now there's also a way to grind minerals using a quern.In fact, carbon inks are made mainly by lampblack and animal glue, and pestled to be thicker, then add some water for the use of writing. Maybe colored inks can be made in this way as well. And normal inks can be produced with black dyes. Charcoal powders or graphite powders can either be used. Well, actually you are right... Scraping hide to get hairs is better then wools. And the stick stalk is either OK.