Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by djames

  1. and it could tell if the rock itself has other things inside it like gemstones obviously after you "check" the stone it will no longer be random but what was told (ie you check and if it tells you there is nothing then the chance is zero basically doing the random drop chance before actually mining the stone and the "contents" of the stone would be added as a tag to that block in the chunk data as to reduce lag and read/writing of the hard drive) because if it can find traces of a ore within a 100 blocks of your location then then it should be able to tell if a block has other things inside it
  2. Gear System/Equipment

    this actually makes sense this with the backpack idea mentioned in the hardcore mode thread actually is more realistic because you cant magically change what is in your hand at will you need to go into your pockets or your bag to get something else now having your sword(or hammer/mace since they do more damage) break would be bad if you were in a fight with a skeleton maybe make certain things do more damage like sticks would be slightly stronger than your bare hands as well as a ability to throw something rather than drop it certain things would fly farther than others like if it is a block because of its shape it would tumble and fly half as far as a stick so basically the fighting/item usage system should be revamped and made more realistic as well and the 4 slots for armor should be like 8 for cloths and armor(because you were armor on top of your cloths) 1 for a backpack another for a necklace and 10 for rings and certain cloths would have a certain number of pockets the pockets would be set to certain keys for quicker(but not instant) access to items(not blocks) and certain armor would restrict access to some pockets might be a lot to incorporate but it would be amazing if it was
  3. Tools Availability

    this could work with something less like a shelf and more like hooks or rack similar to a mount and it would be more readily available than if the tools were in a chest(because if a creeper sneaks up on you while your in a GUI you are dead no matter what) like when soldiers in a movie take the weapons of the rack and just start dippin'(ie. you just grab it and go) and the weight limit is a nice idea especially since being able to carry a metric ton of gold is unrealistic and not to hard to incorporate(all you need to do is give everything a defined weight and a cap as to what can be in your inventory and possibly in your hand as well as other things like swing speed and a way to increase what you can carry realistically though) but it would be cool to place tools like they were torches
  4. Getting sticks

    maybe the leaves would "spawn" sticks similar to saplings found under trees the sticks would be found on the ground and if seasons were incorporated leaves would as well during Autumn(only for certain ones and the leaves would no longer be on the trees until spring comes along) but as a block modifier similar to snow and you could rake them up and use them for other things like compost or a primitive bed.