Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by dutchraptor

  1. Easy to Implement Ideas

    I agree wholeheartedly with mdtexeira. People will always shoot down new ideas as "too complex" or "too tedious" (I laugh at this one, especially when you consider the difficulty in finding graphite) As long as the new system is balanced and provides functionality for both hardcore and casual gamers then it is certainly worth consideration. What I like about the new dietary system is that you are required to think about your food intake. I think it's favorable to include mechanics which rely on real life skill (learning, memory, reaction times) more than in-game skills. A closer relationship is built between the player and game because you will directly notice your improvement at completing certain challenges. Equally important is that you will have affinities for certain tasks just like in real life.
  2. Tree stumps

    An important point to bring up is that a lot of the time, nice looking areas are sparse and you have to cut a few trees to cut a good place going. Would we want to remove that and make it harder to find the best spot? I think it would be cool, and if the time is found it's a worthwhile addition.
  3. Fire setting

    Hence why I suggested that fire-setting could be used to obtain ores without the need for an appropriate pickaxe. The advantage is you can mine ores without a pickaxe, the disadvantage is that it takes a long time.
  4. Pheasents Not Breeding

    Wow I must have some insane luck so, out of 6 games, and multiple servers I've been on (ones with unalterated spawn points) I've never been further than 8000 blocks from the equator, averaging out at around 6000 or 5000. I was wondering why all my houses had like 35+ degrees temperature constant.
  5. TFC is missing a goal

    Indeed some would want it, others wouldn't. Perhaps a solution could be that disasters could be toggled, but that's possibly pushing the complexity of the mod a bit too far. Or another possibility is that certain biomes, coupled with different stability values would produce different disasters. It could be possible to find zones without much disasters but they would be missing certain ores. Really the point of my post was to try think up an experience which would not require the user to resort to self imposed limits, nor would they play purely to advance through tiers. In the mean time though I'd say the idea of fleshing out other aspects of the game will be fine. But we all will eventually get bored of these aspects too.
  6. New early game tool: broad axe

    I really love this idea, I think it's fantastic. I was actually quite surprised myself once i noticed that there was no wedge in the game. It's quite strange when you think about it. You are capable of hacking down an entire tree into separate logs with a stone axe, but incapable of splitting them into a useful building material. A broadaxe, or a wedge and hammer combination would be a great addition to the game as far as I'm concerned
  7. Pheasents Not Breeding

    I'm not sure why people keep saying that chicken only spawn near equator or in jungles. I currently have a save that is absolutely infested with chickens and I'm in plains at like 6000 blocks from 0 0. Literally every play through I've had so far, there have been chickens. Graphite on the other hand.....
  8. Easy to Implement Ideas

    I like a lot of your idea tomcat. I actually think the variable stone idea is awesome, and the ideas on livestock too. Though reading over your first post you seem awfully negatively inclined towards thatch It's actually a very powerful building material, in terms of insulation and wind resistance. A good thatched roof can easily last 20+ years and is an ideal alternative to slate or wood. Just thought I'd let you know that I agree with the others that your ideas deserve their own thread. Particularly throwing rocks, I think it could work nicely to keep mobs at bay (not to hurt them, but to make that after a few rocks they back off and wait from a distance.
  9. TFC is missing a goal

    I think that any goal that revolves around a tangible in game reward will cease to satisfy people at some point. And the problem with self imposed goals is that they can feel artificial and unrealistic (they can take you out of the magic circle) I believe the truest goals this game could offer, is as the slogan suggests, survival based goals. We need extreme disasters, earthquakes, lava floods, storms, tornadoes, hail, volcanic eruptions, zombie hordes, skeleton raids, spider nests. poison clouds, month long eclipse. All of these type of goals would provide a great sense of accomplishment when completed, and you could virtually experience them multiple times over and over. The riskier possible goals could include, crop and livestock extinction or disease, water based disease, sanity (I know it won't be included), wood rot etc. Goals that could potentially be considered purely a nuisance. I think the binding of isaac (despite being an entirely different game) displays an excellent difficulty curve throughout the game. Knowledge and reaction time will allow you to get through the game as much as items will. At no point in the game do you feel that it's no longer a challenge. That is what I believe the dissatisfaction of most player stems from in survival based games. The initial phase is hard to survive, afterwards it becomes easy but just tedious. Intense learning is only required to survive the first few weeks. What great procedurally generated games usually share (eg pixel dungeon) is that you feel a roughly equal mount of learning at almost any point in the game, every space and decision must be thought out. As the game is going for believability it is not possible to just make more mobs, and increase the difficulty over time. The disasters I outlined could potentially emulate the difficulty and challenge of rogue like games, while still maintaining a believable atmosphere.
  10. Should chiselling eat so many chisels?

    No problem. No you can't rotate the plan. It always carves facing the same way. It's quite frustrating, there's over 9 or 10 different blueprints in this build. It took ages and I'm in creative here. Good luck, post some pics in the chisel creation thread if all goes well.
  11. Pheasents Not Breeding

    At least you've got some nice pets now.
  12. Sorta depends on the situation of the two ores. Usually if the copper reading comes up as large or very large, just triangulate and grid search the rock until you find it. All you really need to find are the point where the prospectors pick has a reduced reading for copper. If it's small, or medium it can be very hard to find. especially when it's beside a jet or coal source (the most conflicting ones for me). In the end to find most of the ores you will have to do grid based mining anyways (I like using 2x1 tunnels two blocks apart in all directions) so finding the surface copper will almost be guaranteed.
  13. What do you want in a lets play?

    I actually really like damjancd's idea of a harsher survival. In my latest game I spawned in a biome that has marble (for graphite), basalt (for gold and copper and iron) and granite (for silver) and even gabbro in a mountain further from my house. It took me only a week or two to get a full set of black bronze armour. It would be awesome to see a tfc survival series with extremely limited trees, crops and animals.
  14. More Wildlife, And A More Realistic Hunting Aspect

    Well I don't think it should be hard to catch a deer with a javelin, I do think it should require patience and a lot of walking. The fact that deer usually spawn in fairly large groups would make it quite exploitable compared to other more territorial animals (if they were aggresive). It would provide a nice balance if you would have to spend the better half of a day following deer to get one.
  15. Archery Overhaul

    I can back up what mdtexeira says. Horseback archery is entirely possible whilst still controlling the horse. A well trained horse can be controlled using just your legs and voice. I frequently ride a horse (granted he's only 14 hands) saddleless, and is very capable even without reins despite no training in the area. Besides how cool and fleshed out this archery idea is. I believe a horse riding skill would be superb as well. There are clear advantages to being capable on a horse if you are living in a plains area.
  16. Should chiselling eat so many chisels?

    A word of warning, unrelated to the chisel itself. I made a slated roof using basalt stone with the 8 steps like you described. It's got about 80 blocks in it and looks absolutely stunning. The only problem is that once I finished around 70% of the build it started lagging and even crashing minecraft sometimes. I've got 8gb ram + i5 3570k so I expected a bit more. The limit for me seems to be around 50 visible craved blocks in one area. Once I go over that minecraft starts scting up. Here's an image of the roof. It's a shame that it doesn't work because it took ages. I was going to add an even bigger section to it and finish with a thatched cottage connected to it. Unfortuantely it's just too comlpex.
  17. Problem getting blue steel

    Ahh well that explains it. It's not really cheating since it should have worked.
  18. Problem getting blue steel

    Hmm weird, it didn't happen to me. You dropped in a bismuth bronze ingot right? My order was bismuth bronze > sterling silver > steel > black steel
  19. What do you want in a lets play?

    Have goals and focus on aestehtics. Don't show every bit of work but when you do edit the video at least explain what happened or show little snippets etc. I like watching people play who have a goal in mind, because they are focused and not just rambling on and surviving. Even if the task is something like, make three chisels of each type of bronze. It has no purpose but sounds interesting none the less. Aethetics also play a large role, no one wants to watch you live in the dirt, do off camera work to ensure that people have something nice to look at unless it's the focus of the episode. Make each episode a story. Beginning, middle and end. It's boring when a video ends half way through mining some coal or making a chestplate. Try to add some kind of cliffhanger, or something to look out for. Lastp point. If I enjoy your style, you've got yourself a subscriber
  20. Discussion regarding Bioxx and Dunk...

    Don't no if you ever worked on public projects, but I think threads like this are great. I can't speak for the team but when I was into modding I thought praise like this was awesome. That's the beauty of threads like this, they don't have to go anywhere
  21. How can we promote TFC better?

    I agree, now is especially the time with the likes of Ethoslab and Arkas starting to do LP's of TFC. His initial video got like 1/2 million views. I almost find it a pity that I discovered this so late. Most of the people I play with have already deserted minecraft by this point in time. It might be cool to get some other LP'ers to check out the mod aswell.
  22. More Wildlife, And A More Realistic Hunting Aspect

    To go back to the original point, if the mod is going for realism then the deer shouldn't be jittery. Grazing deer are actaully very easy to repeatedly get close to in real life, it's easy to track them and you will find that they only run 100-200 metres usually to get away from a threat. Though I do agree that you would probably need a javelin. As suggested earlier aurochs and aggresive cows (In fact all animals should be defensive, and attack in packs, especially mothers and males) would be a great addition. I think it would add a nice dept to the game, you would really have to fight to survive the winter higher up north. I'm not familiar with bioxx's or dunk's current progress though, I'd say they have a fair idea if it's all being re-written.