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  1. Hi everyone, I've created my own Google sheet alloy calculator/helper that I wanted to share with you all. It was created for use between my group of friends whom I play Technofirmacraft with on a private server, and thought it could be useful for others. *Quick note I based my design off an older sheet made byvzertaman that he released back inSeptember2014 (forum post) This is why the layout is similar and i used his colours too because they were great identifiers. The calculations and formula's are my own and the idea has been modified to my own liking, I have in no way directly ripped this off as the calculations he did are basic SUM, PRODUCT and DIVIDE This sheet as a lot of linked cells for formula's, and updates with the changes you make What is it? It is aGoogledoc excel sheet made for a small group, but released for everyone to use. The ingot calculator will help you discover how many units of each material you need, based on the ratios of required ore/metal. The ratio’s are defaulted to what I (on a whim) declared ideal, but can be changed on your own sheet by editing the values within the range. The alloy calculator will help you work out how much of each ore piece you need to get to the ratio and amount of units you desire. This page can be altered using the “Game”drop-downbox(default to TFC) which is automatically alter the values per ore for the respective game/mod selected. (currently only “vanilla” TFC and Technofirmacraft) How do I use it? Access the sheet here: 1: Go to file, and select “make a copy.” This will make a copy of the sheet on your ownGoogledrive for you to use, this version is read only so that everyone can take the same versionI'veuploaded, and nothing can be changed. 2: Access the sheet from your ownGoogledrive (wherever it saved to, usually default root folder) Ingot Calculator You can only edit the green boxes on this page 1: Select the kind of metal you want to make, and how many ingots you want 2: Alter the ratio’s to your liking, depending on the resources you have available. I.e. If you want to make Rose Gold, but you want to use more gold than copper, alter the ratio’s on the right for Rose Gold to values within the required ranges (shown above them) and ensure they equal 100% 3: The values below the metal selection will update and tell you the total units created, and the required number of units per metal for the alloy you are creating. Alloy Calculator You can only edit the game drop down window, and the quantities column in this sheet 1: Alter the numbers in the quantities column to choose how much of each material you want to use in your alloy. 2: The calculator will put together all the statistics you need, to show you the total units per metal, total units overall, each metal’s ratio and how many ingots/remaining units left over 3: The “Alloys” grid on the right will give you real time updates to show you when you are within or not within the ranges you need for an alloy. The “In Vessel” rows will go green when your ratio matches the required levels. When all metals are within the required ranges, and they all turn green, the red/pink bar to the left of the alloy will also become green. This indicates to you that your alloy is correct, and this is the product you will receive. 4: The reset button at the top requires you to be signed into Google to use, this runs a basic script to reset all values in the “Quantity” column back to 0 Using these helpers, you can calculate what you need before you do it in game, meaning less wastage of materials, less wasted time and more time on the forge. You can go from looking up the units you need for a certain amount of ingots, to working out what exactly you need to melt to get your result. Version History V1.0 – Basic alloy calculator to show ratio’s on the left, inspired by vzertaman Added visual helper for alloy ratio’s on the right Scripted Reset button to clear quantities quickly Added “How to use” on the sheet for quick overview V1.1 – Added ingot calculator sheet for early steps for new players, on request of a friend whohadn'ttouched metal forming and wanted an extra step of help Added “How to use” on the sheet for quick overview V1.2 (24/01/16)– Added “Mod ore values” sheet, input ore values for TFC and Technofirmacraft Added “Game:” option on alloy calculator Re-functionedalloy calculator so units update with game selected Re-functionedore list so the titles also update values with game selected Bug History: None so far, first major release no bugs known Rights to use: This sheet can be used by anyone, anywhere in any space time dimension You may use this in videos and/or streams You may redistribute this to others All I ask is you don’t take credit for making it, as I haven’t taken credit for the original design Disclaimer: I am by no means in any way trained in using an excel sheet to this degree, this is the largest and most complicated sheet I have made in excel and there may be ways to improve the formulae and functionality, I created this to the best of my ability and it functions well when tested by me and 4 others. If you do have suggestions to improve the sheet, I am more than willing to look into it. The sheet may not be perfect, ore values may change or be incorrect, but during testing no incorrect values were found. I am open to suggestions regarding changes, improvements and any other thoughts you have. Please leave these notes in this thread for me so I can see them, I will respond and update this post as I go, any new versions of the sheet will require you to make a new copy to receive the up to date features.
  2. Hello there folks, I created a tiny little alloy calculator for myself and I wanted to share it with you. I know there are other ones out there, but hey at least we can choose right? It's made in excel and it's my no means perfect, but it has all you'll need and it's offline and doesn't require you to have tablet or smartphone which I consider to be an advantage It contains a separate calculator for each alloy and they are separated to three sheets. Each calculator is divided to two parts, first one is used to calculate the percantages from given ore unit amounts (you'll input how much ores you want and it'll tell you the percentages of it), the second one requires you to set a fixed percentages and than calculates you the needed units from one ore input (keep in mind that the Units 1 and Units 2 columns are separate, and does not interact with each other) Using the calculator is simple you just have to remember these rules: Grey and white fields are just informational, green fields are calculated from your input and yellow ones are the ones you're supposed to tinker with. Based on information you put in those yellow fields the calculator will then calculate you the rest in the green. For exaple, you set two yellow fields in percentage column to 50 a 30. The calculator will then automaticly calculate the third value so you can't use more than 100%. Than you'll input the amount of alloy units you want to crate to the botom of Units2 column and bam, you have exact numbers. Sure, there are better ones out there, I am well aware of that but I didn't quite like them, that's why I made this one Download here: Calculator
  3. Brass/Bronze

    I was trying to mix copper and tin to make bronze when I got brass instead. When I checked the wiki the ingredients were the same, how do I get bronze instead?
  4. When I went to access theubie's alloy calculator(, I was unable to access the page. I noticed that quite a few other people weren't able to access the page either. Thus, I decided to make my own alloy calculator. Think it turned out pretty well, took me around Two hours to make. Thought I would share the calculator for others to see! Link to Calculator: Note: In order to be able to edit the values you will need to make a copy of the spreadsheet to your own drive. To do so click on file, then make a copy. Through my testing I haven't found any issues with it, but that doesn't mean you won't. If you find any flaws/issues please post below. ~vz
  5. Metallurgy Pioneers

    I'm not sure I'd necessarily want this in TFC, but the idea does interest me and wanted your thoughts on the matter. Years ago some old dudes found some rocks which were a bit orangey, and if they heated them really hot this stuff oozed out and went hard. Thousands of years later another old dude found that mixing this orangey rock stuff with some other grey stuff made another type of orangey stuff which was a bit better, once they bothered to experiment with various ratios.My point is that we know what copper ore is the first time we see it in game, and we know that 90% copper and 10% tin makes bronze, but how does our character know? It would be curious playing Minecraft and digging up some unnamed ore, casting it into a mold and seeing how long it lasts as a tool. Maybe we'd find another ore , and try 70% of unnamed ore 1 and 30% of unnamed ore 2 just for lolz. It might be really soft or brittle, or it might work well. Similarly to how food combinations and taste is randomised on each word seed, these ores would require testing and experimentation before we work out if they're good or not. Colours and names of ores could be randomised for anonymity.This sounds like a terrifying amount of stuff to code, and it also sounds frustrating for the players who just want to make stuff and get on with their lives, so I'm not saying I want this in TFC, but what do you guys think of it?