Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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  1. Its been about a 4 month break but I'm back at it again.... Enjoy!
  2. I have decided to do a single player series with build 79! Please check it out and leave some feed back! Thanks!
  3. For people who don't have time to read and would rather listen (I made this for you): Whatup everyone, my name is Nieztro, and I'm a Youtuber from the days of old TFC (we're talking the beta days of 2012). I started making content about the mod in its most early stages, and through my content became goods friends with Dunk, even doing an SMP series with him. Then disaster struck! I suddenly had far less time on my hands, for a multitude of reasons I'd rather not go into, and my YouTube channel suffered for a long time. That being said, I'm attempting a glorious return to my favorite hobby, and the first thing I'm doing again is a TFC series I'm calling "New Beginnings". If you want to check out the series, I humbly invite you to start with Episode 1, here: I also make videos of some other games, including Hearthstone, and occasionally I'll have an urge to play a custom map. If you're interested in my channel as a whole, this link will get you there: Now for some other random backstory I feel like sharing. Back in the days of old TFC, the mod was only covered by a few people on YouTube, and it was a really cool experience to be one of those people. A lot of my current viewers are people who have been deeply invested in the mod from the start, and as a result I'm truly thankful to the TFC community for giving me a chance on YouTube. There's a lot of content out there, good and bad, and to be viewed at all is somewhat of a blessing. Today I see the influence that my videos and even random comments I made to Dunk in passing had on the mod. Seeing that has been incredible and a big hope I have for my new series is that it will have that same influence upon the mod, at least to some degree. And finally, thanks to all the people that have: 1. Read to the bottom of this post It's kind of a wall of text and I'm frankly impressed and flattered that you made it here. 2. Checked out my series or channel because of this post A big problem with YouTube nowadays is being discovered by anyone, and I'll happily welcome you lovely forum browsers to my audience. 3. Contributed to the ongoing creation of the awesomeness that is TFC You people are awesome and intelligent and the hard work you put in has entertained tons of people and will continue to do so as the mod evolves.
  4. Hi, Just wanted to share and hear your feedback about my new series. Hope some of you will find it entertaining and/or interesting. Enjoy
  5. Join Milk5hake from The Wolfz Den and special guest KaeElBee on an adventure filled with Discovery and Failure (mostly failure) Click on the picture above to view Episode 1 of the series, new episodes air every other day at 8:00am GMT+/- 5:00. Thanks for watching, feel free to leave likes or comments, and subscribe if you would like to see more!
  6. New Let's Play

    Why hello. I decided to start up a let's play for terrafirmacraft. I love watching videos of people playing and wanted to share my experiences as well! As of now, it's just me on my server, but I'm hoping to get my brother to join me at some point in the future. Let me know what you think! (I know the first few days can be very boring, but I'm hoping to ramp up quickly with blacksmithing, meals, exploration, building, etc.) Here is Episode 01: Episode 02: