Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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  1. Are you a horrible person? Do you like the idea of a staking out a farcical semblance of civil order in a brutal and unforgiving world, filled with those that would do you harm as easily as plucking a stone from the ground? Well, then do I have a server for you! Introducing Heavensgrave - Faction PvP As it Should Have Been! Heavensgrave is a new Faction-based, no rules, SMP server based on the latest version of TFC. Having just launched a new world on Jan. 11, 2017, we offer the following features: Continuous operation on a greatly lengthened day and year length - the day/night cycle has been fixed at thirty minute intervals using the TooMuchTime mod, and the year length set at 1,440 days with food decay scaled accordingly. The upshot about this is that tricks like server slowdown and food decay limitation aren't necessary - the server progresses at the fixed pace of one in-game year every thirty days. Prepare for coming seasons the same way you would in single player. Faction-based chunk claiming using the forge-based Territorial Dealings mod - Factions may claim territory in their name, as well as dispute territorial claims with bordering Factions. Keeping territory protected is not free, however - each Faction has a vault of "valuables", with each claimed chunk costing one valuable per day to be protected from griefing and claiming. Special support has been added to allow valuables to be converted from a variety of TFC items, including agricultural products, craftworks, and metals. A world-border is also implemented, to make Faction interrelations more interesting - there is only so much land, and therefore resources, to go around. The world border is currently set to 5k2blocks, centered on spawn. Balance polls and community input periods are also planned to occur roughly at the end of every server year. Donations, "citizen" status, etc. will NEVER be required to participate in this - the server changes by the will of it's people. We also operate a server announcements blog on tumblr, a website with continuously updated information, and a Mumble-based official server VoIP. All right, I know you said "no rules"...but what do you REALLY mean by that? The phrase "anarchy" tends to get thrown around a lot, with most people having conflicting definitions, so here's what I mean by it: No administrative actions (banning, /giving, etc.) will ever be taken, except for those required to keep the server running in a stable fashion.This isyourworld, and as long as you have the might to back it up, it runs byyourrules. Just remember - every great empire has it's fall. Well, I'm sold! How do? For the long and short on Heavensgrave connection info, including a modpack download and information on connecting to the official server Mumble, see the Links page on our site. We hope to see you there, you awful, despicablehuman being.
  2. [TFC 79.29.922] Nations of Terra

    Welcome to Nations Of Terra! We are an open, lite-RP, PVP-allowed server where you can live life as you see fit. From being a bandit, robbing players on the open road, or leading a wealthy settlement, feudal life is yours to determine. We use a decent-sized modpack that contains minor content additions, such as Udary and TFC Tweaks, but sticks closely to core TFC gameplay. We use the 'Factions' plugin so that players can start or join their own factions with friends or strangers. The server will be up 24/7 and will be on a reliable connection. I am an experienced Admin (ran quite a few small servers before.) We prefer a policy of 'live and let live' in that we usually prefer to stay out of players affairs. Of course, we do not tolerate cheating or 'hacking' of any sort and will intervene as necessary. The modpack can be directly downloaded (with instructions) at the bottom of this post. The world is a new world aswell. If you have any questions, feel free to ask! [Last World Reset:Never] [Next World Reset: TBD] [] Rules: 1) No harrassment or racial slurs etc. Don't be a jerk. 2) No cheating/x-ray texture packs etc. 3) No spawnkilling near the spawn zone. If you think someone is breaking the rules you can contact the server admin or any mods who are on for assistance. Admin: Lavos5181 Mods: Alexi_Stukov Feed The Beast Code: NoT Instructions for manual loading of modpack: 1) Install 'Forge' Version 2) Install 'Liteloader' for 1.7.10 (This is optional for better-looking clouds) 3) Download the 'mods' and 'config' folders from this link: 4) Replace the 'mods' and 'config' folders in your .minecraft folder with the new ones you just downloaded. See the readme file that comes with the download if you're unsure how to do this. Thanks for checking us out! Hope to see you soon!
  3. Terrafirmacraft v. 0.78.17 |38 slots|public|factions|no whitelist|[EU] IP: The purpose of the server is to bring singleplayer environment into a multiplayer server. So there's no big structure to spawn in, its all raw and the only buildings around is legit player made.We don't provide you with a stupid tutorial from game start.We are using Factions so people wont get griefed as easily. (Raiding is permitted!)No admin abuse Has PVP Server Rules: Respect players and admins (Or kick)No Hacking/ Cheating (Instant ban!)Don't exploit any bugs/ glitches (ban reason(We decide for how long))No spamming! (Instant ban)Don't be a troll "There are few commands that are allowed on the server, which makes it a hard, fun, ultimate minecraft experience. Join if you're bored, because this is by far, in my opinion, the best TerraFirmaCraft server out there!" - YakaMan2.0 The staff at A41 Survival are aiming at a very hardcore survival server. So we removed all tp commands and we do not like the concept "Pay 2 Win" so you can't donate to any OP things. If you are interested in donating or just want to give us some feedback on the server then please join our (not finished) enjin based website: Feel free to join now!
  4. Hi All, News: * Server is now reset and OPEN as of June 1st!!! * Quest content coming soon Some statistics: Over 400 Unique Users with about 40 of them being regular users. Looking to beef this number up. 8 moderators so most of the time there should be a mod online. Places to meet with the community: TT's TFC Sever Facebook Page: https://www.facebook...158873894256864 (Post pictures and discuss server/community related issues) TeamSpeak Server Address: Enjin (Apply for Whitelist here: ) TT's TFC Server Custom Recipes: Server Information: The IP is: TFC Build: 76 (usually running most current hotfix) Mods (other than TFC): Forge Player API 1.5 Player Render API 1.7 Smart Moving for 1.5.1 DanageIndicators (optional) 2.6.4 Bibliocraft 1.1.6 Custom NPCs 1.5.1 Simply Horses 1.5.1 pre 6.3 TradeBoothMod 0.3 Terrabow 0.7 Terramobs 0.2 Leather Water Sac 1.4.b76 Sorcery beta 1.0.1 (this is for healing features mostly) Click this link for a mod pack (some of these mods are no longer available to download): <link to come later> This Server is Greylisted. You need to apply in this thread to become "Whitelisted" but you can join the server immediately until this happens. Here are the steps to get on the server! 1) Connect to the server at least once. This makes sure that your mods are configured correctly and also creates a player file for the mod to access if you are OFFLINE while we whitelist you. 2) Apply for white listing here: 3) Once we approved you, you should be able to have build access. 4) We can't white list you until you've connected at least once. Role Playing on the Server: * It would be a good idea to NOT home stead as your valuables and home are not guaranteed to be safe. If you still wish to do this, by all means go for it. * Choose a trade and make an economy based on this. Like a certain aspect of TFC? Master it and be that tradesmen. Towns will be looking for vegetable farmers, Animal farmers/Hunters, Metal Smiths, Builders. * Maybe you like building? Good! We'll need help leveling earth for laying down property as well as wide/nicely maintained roads for traders to travel with their horse drawn carts. Towns will pay big money to builders willing to carve out road systems! Server Rules: 1) Anything goes! If you are attacked, attack back! Griefed? Collect a Posse and retaliate on who you think did it! 2) Economy is Player based so if you want to set up shop, you need to provide inventory to sell. 3) Currency should be able to switch between coins and server cash (for towny stuff) 4) Coin values are as follows: 1 Wooden Coin = $0.01 1 Stone Coin = $0.10 1 Bronze Coin = $1.00 1 Iron Coin = $10.00 1 Gold Coin = $100.00 1 Diamond Coin = $1000.00 1 Emerald Coin = $10000.00